What are some scenes that perfectly capture the essence of being an American?
What are some scenes that perfectly capture the essence of being an American?
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The scene in Natural Born Killers when they shoot innocent people for nothing.
>Raise a daughter propertly
>She ends with Chris Rock
he's too old for that shit.
>80s movie portrayal of a black man
>hard working man in a respectable job (police officer) that does whatever he can to provide for his family
>2010 movie portrayal of a black man
>is a drug hustler/rapper/does illegal things to acquire money
>is divorced or fled girlfriend/wife when they found out they were pregnant
Because today's movies try to be more authentic.
the next-level technology their police have
Don't forget that America is worse than the Middle East.
Jesus Christ, I sure as hell wouldn't want my young children coming into the bathroom while I'm taking a bath, especially when there isn't even any suds on the water to cover up my junk
It's because it's a product of its time, just like a 2010 movie is. The Democrats have systemically fucked over the African American community and essentially kept that as unemployed, drugged up slaves. Black where much better off, the further you go back in time since the 50's. The peaked in the 80's.
All thanks to Obama's improved race relations shit!
And that's how you know you're fucked in the head.
A normal man wouldn't give two fucks about it because he's not attracted to his daughter.
You obviously already have plans to fuck yours when you get around to finding a woman to carry your seed.
>1979 portrayal of a young black man
Why wouldn't you fuck your own daughter? It's basically free pussy.
Are you okay, user? That was an only specific outburst just now. Maybe you aught to talk to a professional about whatever machinations are dominating your thoughts
>I think exposing myself to children is fine but I'll act like you're the one with the problem
Normal men don't. And your funny "am i fitting in yet mom" shit is stale. No fun allowed.
What is this expression trying to convey?
I'm not being funny, I'm being completely serious. I would fuck my own daughter if I had one.
>blah blah blah its the demcocrats that are the real racist!
Shut the fuck up. Niggers have always nigged. It's just gotten to the point where they now feel free to do whatever they want and the media can't cover it up.
But idiots like you 50 years from now will watch t.v. shows, movies, commercials, etc. from now and think all blacks were upper middle class geniuses that new their fathers and were discriminating against by evil white people for no reason
Yeah that's what you're doing, Shartard.
And you know that's fucked up right?
Knowing and accepting makes it ok because you aint a hypocrite.
I wouldn't fuck my own daughter but I'd fuck someone elses.
You're showing me up something fierce, im literally shaking
>I wouldn't fuck my own daughter but I'd fuck someone elses.
What the fuck is the difference? Fucking your own daughter is like jerking off with your own hand.
he has a wash cloth over his lap. black famillams use wash cloths, they just don't stick the bar of soap in the crack of their asses and leave it for the next person
One is fucking something you should love purely, while the other is fucking someone elses kid because they didn't raise them properly.
Roger Murtaugh was a uncle tom trying to live like a white man
not a good role model to the black community
she's angry at him for imposing the patriarchal social convention of monogamy to shame her into not having sex with 10/10 alphas instead of him, the worm
>fucking something you should love purely,
Yeah, I love with it with my cock. There's no other reason to have kids other than fuck them, it's basically just your own flesh wrapped your own cock, a fuck toy, nothing more.
>implying I've ever watched this movie
I don't take baths but I assumed you don't use a bar of soap or wash cloths when your in a tub of soapy water. My bad, nig nog
Why would I want the same old tired shit day in day out when I could go find someone elses tired old shit and have some fun?
no, you wouldn't
dad, get off the internet
Yes, I would.
Really sad that niggers cant handle being civilized.
The african american community has always been fucked.
>new their fathers and were discriminating against by evil white people for no reason
The beginning of Straight Story.
Actually, probably the entire movie, but the beginning already seems to sum up America rather well.
You do realize English isn't everyone's first language, right? Try actually forming a substantive argument next time instead of address a couple of minor grammatical errors, you salty spook
Not him, but what fucking argument?
Relax user. It's Sup Forums, people are cunts here, get used to it and stop having such thin skin.
now they change/remove genders
>play a good upstanding American with a job who works hard to provide for others besides himself
>this is somehow a bad thing
I was born a poor black child.
>RREEEEEE stop looking at my penis
Funny that you bring it up as an American thing. I remember watching entertainment tonight when the first arry potta film was coming out, and during an interview with radcliffe he's asked what he did when he found out he got the role, and he said he was in the bath talking with his mum when the phone rang and she went to answer it and came back in shouting that he'd gotten it. Both me and my mom looked at each other and wondered why an 11 year old was having a casual Convo with his mom while he was bathing, and we just chalked it up to being a British thing
That's more of a European thing.
The only thing that scene was missing for authenticity was the shooter having a beard and wearing a turban.
>the Democrats are the real racists!
wow another delusional 12 year old brainwashed by Sup Forums, read a book you retard
>Paternalism isn't viewing something as beneath you
>Liberals aren't being parents to black people
>It's because it's a product of its time, just like a 2010 movie is
What did he mean by this?
Democrats are racist but only against white people. They want equality for everyone but whites, Jobs for everyone but whites, etc.
They'll happily tear down all borders and let the 3rd world in to steal everypnes livelyhood and then get on national tv and talk about how wonderful and equal things are.
What do blacks even want?
Be civilized, live in a nice neighborhood, have a job and support your family = Uncle Tom
Be a thug, commit crimes, be on welfare = stereotype
There's really no middle-ground.
>he wanted to live a civilized life, in a civilized neighborhood surrounded by civilized people
the fucking madman, how does he dare?!
the saddest thing is that I like girls with short hair and no tattoos
ironically I can only find it in blacked.com
The intro to Idiocracy
Why does blacked get all of the good looking girls?
Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?
CTR Shill.
I don't know, man. Maybe is some kind of purity shit or something.
A tattoo is the best example to brand a woman saying that she is used goods.
they pay absurd amounts of money
is that a piece of bacon sellotaped to the wall?
violence and lolz
Easy. All the good looking white girls rush to get blacked. They don't pay them a dime.
boy am I glad I never went past the first season of Dexter
It's truly shit. No idea why it is so well-received.
>people can literally spin anything to suit their own argument
Ow My Balls! dangerously reminds me of youtube.
I've never seen Ride smiling before
who dis
>6 hours ago
>this is still up
this scene always makes me wish to be an american homosexual in the eighties
what's stopping you?
drumpf's immigration ban and a time machine
He would need a time machine, and he can't borrow mine.
>wouldnt fuck his own daughter
>would fuck someone elses
It wasn't exactly a good time for gays, you know
u wot
I'm surprised that nobody ever posts about this movie when talking about Americans
Why are there both age progression and age regression options when the next step lets you choose negative numer of years?
Fuck I wanna eat a hamburger now
Whats this tv show?
You're the Worst, Sup Forumskino
hopefully you would die from aids, faggot