What the fuck was that ending?
What the fuck was that ending?
I'm incredibly disappointed they sold out and are making a 2nd season
I was all a dream
Yeah, but, it didn't really make any sense to me.
And how the fuck are they going to pull a second season out of THAT?
another season about finding mr popes parents
And also, what's with his heart attacks?
It's like it was implied he died at the very end. But apparently not.
It's gods way of saying I love you.
That's pretty gay
God bless these digits
>It's like it was implied he died at the very end.
He had one of those attacks which where shown before.
I mean it could stand alone but there is no reason a second season would be bad.
"You're in the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker"
I don't understand it either. He became full of joy and had heart attack because of it? Makes no sense.
came to*
Kill yourself.
He had a vision of his parents leaving you dummy.
He literally got a heartbreak.
Anyway, this is the best tv series in a long time.
why didn't they follow up on this storyline again? To seem deep?
To set up for his untimely death in season 2.
who killed the kangaroo?
You're kidding right? It was the feminists that wrote bastard on their chests
the feminists were at his vacation home, not Vatican
You had the Cardinal Secretary of State mention to his disabled ward that they had done something unspeakable
I kinda agree with you but we have to take kino where we can get it senpai. Things are scarce these days for a supreme ciné-intellectual such as myself, and I'll take Sorrentino's sloppy seconds over whatever "original" abomination gets shat out by inauthentic hacks like Refn or PTA.
I thought the feminists at his vacation home were a vision and he had actual ones at the Vatican while he was gone
i don't remember this reviewbrah halloween special
Pure kino