24 hours ago literally everyone on Sup Forums hated the jack white album and agreed it was an embarrassing piece of shit. now most of y'all are saying "it's pretty good" or "haha i always liked it xD" because fantano gave it a good score. fuck you. you played yourself. Sup Forums is exposed. you are all puppets of the fantano master. i'm leaving.
Sup Forums just exposed itself
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Fagtano is to Sup Forums, what RLM is to Sup Forums
I was just shitposting, I haven't listened to it yet
anyone got a link
I refuse to listen to non-White-Stripes Jack White.
BTW what are proving that isn't already a well known fact?
its become blatantly obvious most people on Sup Forums don't actually listen to music. im surrounded by try hards and posers.
What are you guys listening to rn?
Listen to this Japanese art pop song from the 80s:
>taking this shitty board this serious
Is that what that blue album cover people keep spamming is?
>op just realised that there's people with no real opinions shitposting on this meme board
so what faggot
Well duh. Sup Forums is the worst board outside of the obvious picks.
I refuse to listen to anything Jack White's involved in, because it's shit
is this your first day here?
>group of people hate an album and voice their opinion while the minority that like it keep quiet
>fagtano comes along and gives it a good grade which gives the people who liked it confidence to express their own opinions
third option is that a very small percentage of people on here listen to music and the rest is just idiots shooting off their loud mouths
i never listened to it but it looks gay
now THAT'S what i call a solid opinion
and you just exposed yourself as a newfag. please unironically kill yourself. wrap a plastic bag around your head and suffocate yourself, you worthless gutter sludge.
I have never liked anything Jack White has ever been involved with.
damn, people on this board don't have a unified opinon on an album? i've never seen that happen before
Everyone said it was an embarrassing piece of shit because that's what Pitchfork said.
It's the opposite of what Yeezus was. Somebody post that gif
go wipe your ass you dumb fat nigger
You losers need someone to tell you what to like. LOL you listen to something and decide for yourself, you can't review music this guy is hack
like the peterson prophet for Sup Forums clean your room LOL
This is the best album of the year, if your untrained ears can't appreciate some experimental rock records that's on you and your terrible taste. Soyboy.
should i listen to this album? thought icky thump was a banger when i was eleven
This is the best experimental rock record of the year mkay faggots? Whether we discovered it from fantano's review or not doesn't matter m'kay? We got good taste and you are all a bunch of hypocrites if you are saying that this album sucks. Fuck off now normies, m'kay?
Phenomenal record, all time favourite. How is it possible plebs hate it? Go watch fantano's review to realise how much your taste sucks.
This. Must be OP's first day on Sup Forums.
You must be new here.
Put it on Sup Forumscore
Nah there’s like maybe 1-2 good songs in this album. Melon is being a fucking contrarian. I guarantee it won’t make his year end list.
>Sup Forums is bad
Wow shocking
name one example of an album Fantano has given a 9 to not making his year-end list
That’s the thing, he never did this before because he didn’t care about views until he sold out lately especially during The Fader shit when he realized he should just pander to Liberals and newfags and get free views.
okay cool so you can predict the future
it's literally like 4 or 5 teenagers spamming
just ignore them. if you're unable to do that, maybe it is best you leave after all.
>implying everyone here isn’t a stupid teenager who will believe anything a “critic” will tell them just because of their status, rather than credibility
>you played yourself. Sup Forums is exposed. you are all puppets of the fantano master. i'm leaving.
First day here? It's always been like this. The big secret about Sup Forums is that the posters here are actually the ones with the bad taste.
Sup Forums is hateful autistic scum
hard to dismantle the master's mansion without using his tools
le epic soyboy meme hheheheheh FUCK OFF
>t. Soyboy
Preddictbile faggot
>literally every one on Sup Forums hated the jack white album
a few threads is not the same as everyone in Sup Forums y'know
I have 0 interest in listenting to a Jack White album.
Neither a shit p4k score, nor a high Melon score will convince me to check it out.
True but I find it's still worth coming for recs in some genres. There are people with knowledge. Just way more dumb teenagers.
Feeling a strong 9 on this one.
How long have you been around here that you didn't already know this?
>soyposters listen to mainstream slop that only appeals to soulless NPC's
not surprising.
>OP just realized that this board was filled with underage Fantano-drones that will never develop any sort of critical thinking, let alone stick to it.
How new are you OP?
You must be even dumber than the Fantano-drones, which is an achievement, I must say.
I think most people here listen to music, but a lot of them are underagd normies who just listen to whatever rap or generic indie shows up on their Spotify playlists. It's not that nobody here listens to music, it's that few people listen to music critically.
don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, faggot
this happens literally every time fantano gives a super positive or negative score to anything
People would also change their mind if they knew Kurt Cobain coined soy boy
>the guy who honestly gave Bottomless Pit, (The Money Store-lite) a 9/10 is still taken seriously
what the fuck? why don't more people know about this? the journals are publicly available
hes the king of Sup Forums, they follow his every word and most of his fanbase go on here. welcome to Sup Forums
and what in your opinion makes (The Money Store-lite) undeserving of that?
not him but
why does he look like he’s in court about to be convicted of child molestation in this pic lmao
Trash is horrible, the other two are classics