Is Sup Forums still upset about this movie?

Is Sup Forums still upset about this movie?

I'm upset that more people don't recognise how great a movie it is.

I found the ending pretty gud

Watched it for the first time yesterday, loved it, what a soul crushing end.

Why do people get upset over it?

Why would I be? It's magnificent, and the ending left me feeling like I got fucked by a train. Now let's have a right ol' laugh as contrarian, edgy cunts (who probably get abused by their parents) tell me I'm "reddit" and "I have to go back".

>tfw I realized Dale, Andrea and Carol are all in the Mist
>only Carol survives

They don't like the ending. Plus it's anti-Christian.

you can get upset over it and still like it can't you? I think one of the best bits is showing that one woman who ran out survived and was on the military truck.

Also there's something fulfilling about the National guard getting their shit together and actually beating back an extradimensional incursion, it's like shooting down a UFO

I mean I think you're pretty reddit but it's more the vernacular of your typing style than any sentiment expressed therein, to be honest with you.

whats to be upset about

it's pretty scurry man

Oh that's funny, you fucking cockhead, because I've been here since 2008 and only ever visited that shithole once. ONCE. Does that fluster your jimbobs? Does that tickle your titties? You'd better fucking deal with it, son, deal with it REAL quick.

It's Darabont, he gives roles to the same shitty actors over and over again.

Shitty movie with god awful acting that is redeemed in fans eyes by a shitty shock/twist ending.

I think it's kinda laughable how they were literally right on top of the convoy. Put an hour or two gap in there.

I think you'd be more comfortable in reddit.

No. I'll repeat that again to make sure you get it.


>Put an hour or two gap in there.

Are you for real? Do you not get that the whole point of the scene is to show the fear and paranoia caused by INSERT TITLE HERE with it's nightmarish creatures hidden in it? he made snap decision, it was wrong and ultimately fucked him over but did you see what those things were doing to people?

hindsight is 20/20, Mac.

Is kinda realistic too, in context - those are not actual "invaders", are just VERY exotic animals.

>Plus it's anti-Christian

anti fanatism and anti christianism is not the smae thing, the biker who left the shop told her something like "I believe in god, but he is not this hateful guy you make him sound like"

>When the annoying bitch got slapped
Holy shit it felt good to see

>when the bald dude shoot her

This made me so happy
Shame that it was short happiness