Why can't we be best friends?
I see a lot of hate between Mexicans and Americans on Sup Forums
Why can't we be best friends?
I see a lot of hate between Mexicans and Americans on Sup Forums
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Chicanos are either "ok" or "incapable of acting human".
Mexicans themselves are pretty based.
Your country is lovely and has beautiful architecture. Shame about the drug trade, poverty and greed though.
most of the mexican posters seem to like us and hate chicanos
Because your government sends criminals up here, gives them instructional guides how to do so, take benefits that belong to the working man instead of mexicans who pop out babies like rabbits but really i could go on all day.
because they removed are based leader Diaz which cause a domino effect of shit leaders
I love Mexicans, easily better than the other races. Everything about Spanish culture is beautiful.
Much respect for anyone who works their ass off. Niggers just abuse welfare and cry.
The Porfirian meme. Get over it, Jalisco.
Because white americans are racists, like Donald Trump, they will always see us as inferior human beings, and that is why we don't get along
Castizos are bros. Mestizos are a toss up. Indio scum are out of control and need to be suppressed by both Mexico and the US before they cause any more damage.
If Mexico stopped using the US as a dumping ground for all their most useless and criminal indio and mestizo problems we'd get along pretty well.
Prove whitey wrong and join the first world.
Then we can both build a wall around Guatemala.
>Why can't we be best friends?
>I see a lot of hate between Mexicans and Americans on Sup Forums
Because Sup Forums is an echo chamber for disenfranchised, neet, racist white trash and self hating non white cucks
None of the opinions posted here accurately represent the views of the average American, or Mexican.
>He thinks I'm pueblo nigger
I believe Mexico golden age was started when we were under french control and ended with Diaz with a slight bump with Cardenas
>Why can't we be best friends?
you're all brown parasites. that's why.
>A lot of hate between Mexicans and Americans
I hate all Hispanic's equally, especially the fucking Cubans ruining PR.
Because Mexican Americans vote Democrat. Democrats implement liberal polices. I thought Mexicans were supposed to be conservative. At Least 45% of Texas mexicans are. It was like this long before Trump came along. This is the reason that Trump is so popular.
We don't have a problem with the mexicans in mexico, we just don't like the ones in our country. please take them back.
this is what reddit actually believes
Based Diaz, a war hero. Unlike the masonic amerindian Juarez.
Found the shit-tier indio.
Nice try Jamal.
>mexicans are conservative meme
The largest party in their congress is socialist.
I actually like Mexicans, for the most part. Most of the ones I've worked with are good people. So long as the ones who immigrate here do so legally and fuck off with the La Raza bullshit, we're cool.
Let's remove kebab and Cultural Marxism together.
Because your shitty people come here and agitate for more terrorism on US shores (open borders for muslims because don't want to be hipocrites) simply because gibsmedat and muh anti-white jihad.
Mexican immigrants vote exactly like niggers for their first 3 generations in the US. Race-mixed kids are about 20 times more violent than whites for several generations, this is higher than blacks which are already 11 times more likely to murder than whites.
But mostly it is our anti-white welfare state government that causes migration to be any problem at all. If we were free from the curse of Bolshevism we would be in no danger because we would have no insane obligation to pay billions annually caring for another nation's people.
Illegal immigrants taking up jobs and not paying taxes is a problem that you don't feel but lower class americans do Pablo. Not to mention the horrible drug and crime rate. Nobody has anything against a person of mexican descent, but the current "culture" you're bringing with you we can do without.
>the nigger of one country who has no welfare and lower wages moves to a country with a stronger currency,and welfare leeches that country.
who what have thought
cause 90 percent of those Mexicans know illegals,were illegals so they sympathize,and have empathy.
I'm part the 10 percent that thinks illegal immigration is wrong
>it a non violent crime
you broke the law fag fuck off
they are the niggers who cross to america btw
Mexicans and Americans have always been cool bro. It's just this election year that has strained our relationship. After it's done we will all go back to being bros. Mexicans have god tier women, food and music.
We don't hate legal immigrants. They're hardworking, honest, and thoroughly pleasant to have dealings with.
What we can't stand are the illegal fuck-bananas that get a shit job that someone decent could have, then vanish two weeks later when documents are needed.
We can be friends if you pay for the wall.
>I see a lot of hate between Mexicans and Americans on Sup Forums
...and in real life
>Why can't we be best friends?
Tried. You and your 99 illegal friendos for every one of me at my high school wouldn't let me join their gang.
Best thing I ever did was leave California and move to a white state.
Why do all Latinos hate other groups of Latinos? Why do the Puerto Ricans hate Mexicans? Why does everyone hate Cuba? Why hate Tex-Mex?
How do we fix the "mexico" ?
American living in Mexico with Mexican residency card and a great house on the cool beaches South of Ensenada. Mexico kicks ass and they will never build a wall.
Illegals, and most firsts generation Mexicans born in America are the ones most people hate. Illegals complain so fucking much it puts transsexual, non-binary gender fluid, other kin tumblr feminists to shame. Plus they are literal parasites to the economy.
First gens are usually ungrateful whiny pieces of shit who hold allegiance for Mexico, and act like America is some Africa tier shit hole. They talk about Mexico like its some sort of paradise, and constantly criticize American culture.
Legal immigrants are pretty based, and are the hardest workers on the planet. After the first gen, Mexicans either assimilate to American culture and are fine by me, or take up black culture and are just as bad as them.
americans are tsundere
they love us
I'm okay with Mexico and Mexicans in general, but you fuckers need to tell your trash to stay out.
Because you keep barging into our house without asking demanding free shit and voting for our degenerate party. If it wasn't for that, fuck yeah we could be friends, but until that stops it's just not in the cards bud.
Our gov't seems to think you guys need guns more than we do.
I don't get why people on Sup Forums hate me or my family. I'm a first generation son of an immigrant - born here in the US after they became legal permanent residents. While they follow the idea that we're a raza I could care less. America has my loyalty. I'm a gun owner, NRA member, registered republican and I voted for trump. I'm currently trying to get my degree in business. What gives?
that's like saying
>you should tell your niggers to stop killing each other
you know very well that we can't control our respective niggers
The same reason why the croats hate the serbs, the ruskies hate the ukrainians, the nips hate the gooks, the worst koreans hate the best koreans ect.
Because you're not sending your best. You're bring drugs, rapists, crime....
Are you Caucasian?
Puritans on Sup Forums think that the only white Hispanics are Cubans.
arizonafag here. A lot of mexicans I work with at my job are based. It's just the ones who show up to protest trump rallies with mexican flags and shit that need to go back.
Can't just have an open border and give benefits meant for American citizens to every Tomas, Ricardo, and Harold that swims across the Rio Grand.
Close the border, tell the CIA and ATF to stop subsidising cartels and gun running, repeal NAFTA, and massively invest in Mexico. They'll be on their feet in 20 years.
Found the spic. The only good non-whites are the Asians(Japan,China,Ok Korea and Best Korea). You have to go back
>tell the CIA,ATF,FBI,ATF to not take increase budgets brought by the WAR on DRUGS
No we wont friend the country is run by the nepotism.Mexico is like USA during prohibition,with the mob.
No. Definitely not. My parents are Mexican. I guess I'm Mexican too. Here's my skin color.
I like the Mexican people. I like Americans of Mexican descent. I like legal Mexican immigrants. I think there is a problem with illegal immigration. I think there is a huge problem with the Mexican drug industry, especially pumping tons of cheap heroin into midwestern cities. I feel bad that many illegal immigrants die on the journey across the border. I THINK WE SHOULD BUILD THE WALL AND BUILD IT HIGH
You sound alright to me. I'm glad there are people like you here.
It just seems like you're the exception and not the rule though.
Looks white.
>mexican is a race
Let me rephrase: Are you mostly European in ancestry or look caucasian?
I do appreciate you contributing to American society btw. Can't say the same for the Mexicans in my area.
Even niggers have white palms. Proves nothing.
This, post top of hands and arms
Your country is a laughing stock, having your undesirables cross into our country makes us a laughing stock by proxy. Stop.
Because you're invading. Fix your own country.
But we want them to kill each other.
Its the whites. Let's kill them and take over.
purge the chicanos and we can talk
Supposedly my family has some Spanish blood three generations ago but IDK. My grandpa on my mom's side is a straight Indio.
Honestly I think most Sup Forumsacks actually like mexibros.
We just want you to stay in your country and if you must leave to do so legally
They work hard. Never been in an upper level class with a hispanic though. even though i live in nj. Mexican intellectuals are tough to come across.
my id reads with a russian accent
Lo. Ok Paco. Whatever you say
>non violent crime
Lol, nice try Paco.
Invading someone's country illegally is considered a hostile move to a real government.
Keep playing mental gymnastics to convince yourself illegal immigration is acceptable. Meanwhile, we're going to build a wall and let real people who want to follow the rules in, and kick people like you out.
You're brown.
You just need sun.
The only way you could improve relations would be to split yourselves into "White" Mexicans and non-White Mexicans. Then join with White Americans in hating all non Whites. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If all of you "White" Mexicans got together, kicked everyone else out of a given area, and then petitioned to join the USA - it could work.
but that is impossible. As it stands, I hate Mexico. You are easier to corrupt than basically anyone, and you cower before the cartels (whereas the USA would have killed them a hundred times over by now).
Mate your arm looks as white as mine and I'm not Hispanic by any meaning of the word.
It's by far lighter then most Mexicans.
Maybe think about it, look at some pictures of what Spanish people look like and decide if you're white.
>be against illegals,yet still get acted with hostility
I showing their point of view you faggot
you don't speak spanish you're not spanish.
But I do speak Spanish
that's retarded m8
We must build wall and return your criminals (everyone here illegally). After, we can be friends.
I don't mind Mexico and particularly like the pre-ahrahamic culture of it. It was violent, but at least it was unique.
Modern CHICANO or latino culture just seems obnoxious to me. Reggaeton, gangsters, very vulgar.
I don't think I'd mind upper-middle class non-chicano Mexicans
Genetically there's no problem with people being amerindian. They were here on the continent the longest, it's like having a problem with whites being in Switzerland
Pic related is the CHI shit we put up with north of the border
You guys are ok, but keep your people on your side of the border.
China is absolute garbage man. They hate us too, and try to cut corners; Poisoning us as a result of very cheaply made products.