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so wanting funding for scientific research is bad now?
Selling everything out for it is. He should just stick to science videos.
and what is he selling out exactly?
The science funding money... as previously stated
what the fuck is wrong with his neck?
i asked what is he selling out not for what
I don't think you understand the phrase "selling out".
>Fedora who looks like a fucking unwashed degenerate only gives a fuck about what's in it for him
Selling out democracy, you dumb fuck.
it means to go against your own principals, morality etc. for money or other benefits, he isnt going against anything he ever said and hes not even getting anything more out of it he already has a stable income even if uk did leave
sure buddy, da evil gubment is keeping you down, es is communism al over again right? btw what kind of democracy are you gaining by leaving btw? imigration and regulations are still a thing if you want trading with eu
So the fact that he's not contradicting himself and has a job excludes him from selling out on Brexit? give me a break. He was shilling for remain solely because of the money, and everyone knows it.
He needs the money to buy more magnets from the children's gift shop in the London Science Museum.
Er, for science.
>btw what kind of democracy are you gaining by leaving btw?
The democracy of stopping you from entering the country?
having an opinion is not selling out, cahnging it just for money is. and ofcourse the arguments are for money, the whole fucking point of brexit is eu budget
The majority fo his output was reasoned and backed with logic and data, he has gone full retard over brexit though, suddenly feels trump fact, its embarrassing that he cannot see it/refuses to see it,
>The democracy of stopping you from entering the country?
again, even if i wanted to go there i could because trading with the eu is still a thing even if you leave it
If you think the whole point of Brexit is the EU budget then you're even more dishonest that TF.
its the biggest point, the next one is immigration
Sovereignty is the primary issue you massive cuck.
Please come back to talk when someone can point to your fucking nation on a map.
Democracy, immigration, money. To only focus on one is to be dishonest. Seriously dude
im pretty sure you only need to accept common borders if you want access to the single market
Believe it or not he's an atheist, so of course he's pro establishment.
He's just another useful idiot. At least his viewers have called him out on it.
>Sovereignty is the primary issue you massive cuck.
sovereignity from regulations laws youll still have to do because yet again, youll trade with eu which still has those regulations
Every nation that trades with the EU has to have its laws and polices dictated to it by the EU?
Are you smoking crack?
regulations wont disappear
that wont go away either
> money
i guess well see about that when the pund starts to bounce back
even all the "red pilled" fags here are a bunch of dumbass cuckold losers who will only make everything worse
all of you are cucks
every last one of you
you're so far gone socially that you know the only way you can get your genes spread is to come full circle and accept cuckoldry in one way or another
thats why 90% of you are christfags who obsess over marrying the first chick with or without some arbitrary red flag or quality
you all go on and on about marrying chicks for no fucking reason at all, like its just something you have to do consider doing to even possibly get laid
humanity will die on this rock, because "im red pilled and im gonna save the white race by marrying the first stupid christian/asian slut i see and have kids instead of actually doing anything about all the legislation passed, which will result in me having my children taken from me and be raised by some stupid whore on my dime beyond my control"
OP is a massive faggot, there is no info and i'm still trying to understand what the fuck is going on.
First, who/what the fuck is thunderfoot?
What is he selling to get the money to give to th research?
yes they do, why the fuck do you think theyre even there? why would anyone in the eu buy anything from anyone else if it doesnt even go with the eu regulations
>he's an atheist, so of course he's pro establishment
You're right, we need more red pilled christians who know the answer is to ban degeneracy like pornography and video games and make men a totally deprived slave to the state and women.
Kill yourself you autistic dumbass
Get a grip you fucking autist
>disagreeing with tf means you are a christian
Holy shit dude,
That's next tier shit posting.
The products and shit that they sell to the EU still have to conform with those laws.
You know that big "CE" stamp you see on certain products. That mean if conforms with EU market rules.
Wait a minute, that flag...
I don't see any european commissioner making laws over here
>no link
fuck off
>watching that atheist cuck
Just no
Is it necessary that our agricultural policy be set by the EU given that we wish to trade with it?
Is it necessary that our industrial policy be set by the EU given that we wish to trade with it?
Is it necessary that our fishing policy be set by the EU given that we wish to trade with it?
is it necessary that the European Courts have legal supremacy over British courts if we wish to trade with the EU?
Is it necessary that we cannot control our migration policy if we wish to trade with the EU?
Busting the biggest nut
fighting legislation is like trying to sue the government, or call the cops to arrest a policeman.
you can't do it. racial survival is the number one priority. if your race isn't alive, there's simply no point.
constantinople used to be one of the learning centers of the world. it only took one invasion frm the arabs to rape all the women, now, no matter WHAT you do, constantinople will never recover, because they're 90 iq half arabs. all of them.
>to trade with a nation we need to have their people inside our borders
I'll gladly accept an embassy, I doubt you are in the diplomatic service, although yeah, they do have toilets...
That is because they are free to make whatever the fuck they want to but anything they make that they want to sell to the EU has to conform with EU regulations. However what you would typically find is that a business will make a product that conforms to all the markets it wants to sell to if it can as you don't want to be making multiple versions for each different market.
Well, of course if i want to sell, say, bananas to EU i need to comply with their quality standards and all that jazz.
That doesn't mean they should literally make the laws of my country and regulate all of its trade, which is what the EU was doing to the UK.
The difference between accepting laws or having to conform to those same laws is largely irrelevant.
It doesn't help that people have conflated what these laws actually are. If you simply talk about market regulations like the quality of bananas no one gave a shit, yet that is all these laws are. Just quality and standards of crap sold in the EU.
You literally cannot have free trade without accepting shared industrial standards which at least means accepting each others laws or agreeing to a common law.
Yeah, and that's fine, that's what the EU was supposed to be.
Economic union =/= political union. We have stuff like that here with alianza del pacifico and parlamento andino, but it's only limited to mutual coordination in infraestructure, commerce, tourism etc. without getting carried away and getting into the blackhole of a political union
>top 5 bants in this thread
No, but he should have just come out and been honest. He likes the EU because it gives him science funding. That's it. But instead he's cucked hardcore for it
user you always fucking deliver.
There is a Gandhi.
The people living in the UK won't have a CE stamps on them.
That's a good thing.
That is by an large all it is or was for the UK. To get closer into political union you would have to join the Euro which the UK did not.
Unlikely and How is it good? You can even find CE on shit sold in the US because it is cheaper to just make shit that conforms to EU rules as well as US rules and sell 1 product to both instead of 2 different products to each.
Fucks wrong with you?
It is a good thing that people living in the UK won't have CE stamped on them.
I live in Kansas.
We sell products to California which match California laws.
California doesn't make law for Kansas.
Kansas doesn't have to make their laws match California in order to trade with them.