Explain to me like I'm 6

Explain to me like I'm 6

How exactly is the EU beneficial?

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We get to do what we want to do, and don't have to do what other people tell us to do.

It gibs monies for UK for infrastructure and shit and some good services too.

If you don't like thinking an EU bureaucrat will do it for you

the result of when a mommy and daddy love each other very, very much

It isn't, but the penalties for leaving it while it still exists are bad

It's not, it was when they tried to make it USA2, but it turned out as USSR2

Pretty much this

Governments do not GIVE money, you twit.

It isn't.

Free movement of people means you can travel across the EU with ease, we have guaranteed trade access to anyone within the EU, arguably Europe as a block is stronger under the EU than being independent nations, if we remain in the EU we do have a small amount of control over how it develops (e.g. voting on nations joining) outside it we do not...that may be seen as a bit of a hit to our ability to control the global situation.

That's what I can see. Oh and I voted Leave, and I still support Leave.

>Explain to me like I am 6
>me like I am 6
>I am 6


It isn't.


In its current form. it's not.

Originally, it simplified trade and acted as a block negotiating tool. But around 1984/85 the socialist countries suddenly realized that all this capitlaism was going to wipe away all of their "historical achievements" so they turned it into the USSR-lite.

The Euro currency isn't. It's a figleaf to conceal socialist government's need to borrow money to stay afloat. They sign up and can suddenly borrow at low rates ~5% instead of, for example in the case of France, ~347%.

It's a disaster of debt and central control without accountability, just waiting to explode.

Now add millions of young, illiterate muslim men.

The biggest upside is the free movement of people and the free movement of goods, making exporting and working in other countries within the EU very easy.

It's why foreign companies are looking at other countries that aren't the UK at the moment, the criteria to export from the UK to Europe are going to become a lot more expensive and time-consuming than they are right now, whereas exporting from Europe to Europe will remain easy.

Also, the EU gives massive subsidies to farmers within Europe under the CAP, which is one of the biggest things that'll hit the UK. They received anywhere between 2 and 3 billion pound a year in subsidies which they won't be getting now.

>It's a figleaf to conceal socialist government's need to borrow money to stay afloat

This doesn't make sense, any western government has to borrow money to stay afloat. America would've crashed and burned a LONG time ago without the money injections China (and other countries) gives it, and that's far from a socialist government.

>Free movement of people means you can travel across the EU with ease

Which has been filling the UK with low-grade labour from the East of Europe. Suppressing wages and contributing to the structural labour glut.

>The biggest upside is the free movement of people and the free movement of goods, making exporting and working in other countries within the EU very easy.

And why exactly do you need a union for this?

For the free movement of people, you don't. You can be a member of Schengen without being a part of Europe.

For the free movement of goods, because Europe says so, basically.

It's a package deal, getting access to the subsidies, trade standards and trade agreements Europe offers involves joining them.

It's the same with the states, is there a reason to have a federal government over just state-level governments?

>How exactly is the EU beneficial?
It isn't. If you have time, watch this:


I'd love to explain why I voted to leave the EU. But it would take more than a post on Sup Forums.
UK has the fastest growing economy in Europe and the strongest military.
Why should we prop up a failure (EU)? Watch the vid I posted if you have time and inclination.
It explains a lot.


It makes it easier to find a plumber

It isn't

It sticks on your head like a giant brain controlling parasite and if you try and rip it out you run the risk of getting some serious brain damage.
So people convince themselves that the EU is a good thing, because the only alternative is serious brain damage.

states aren't nations

I'd say it serves as a scapegoat for incompetent politicians. And it's a good source of comedy material.

It's not.

You are more alone than you imagine, this should not be a source of fear, but a freedom.

When you prove to yourself that you can get things on your own, then you experience a sense of liberation. You are no longer waiting for people to do this or that for you (a frustrating and infuriating experience). You have confidence that you can manage any adverse situation on your own.

Think of it this way: dependency is a habit that is so easy to acquire. We live in a culture that offers you all kinds of crutches—experts to turn to, drugs to cure any psychological unease, mild pleasures to help pass or kill time, jobs to keep you just above water. It is hard to resist. But once you give in, it is like a prison you enter that you cannot ever leave. You continually look outward for help and this severely limits your options and maneuverability. When the time comes, as it inevitably does, when you must make an important decision, you have nothing inside of yourself to depend on.

Because leaving will hurt mommies feelings.

>Explain to me like I'm 6
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