You guys weren't even memeing. This was so bad it was laughably bad. The fact this board houses anyone who thinks different truly marks the end of times. The cinematic intelligence couldn't be more dead and gone.
You guys weren't even memeing. This was so bad it was laughably bad...
Is Seb a massive cuck? Do you think that when he is playing piano he fantasizes about how hard Mia is being fucked by her husband?
>The fact this board houses anyone who thinks different truly marks the end of times.
which is why about 50% of the board liked it, I fail to see your point
>Ryan Gosling
>having trouble finding a gf
it wasn't science fiction, user.
>You guys weren't even memeing
Sorry to say my friend but you have BECOME the meme
You know, we are talking about the movie, not about the actors irl
Sorry you're dead inside OP.
>that lamp post
>muh singing in the rain
You'd find that movies would offer a lot more if you didn't analyze them all through a meme lens.
He said at the beginning he's not even interested in getting a gf. I swear most people on this board watch movies with their fingers in their asses and miss 90% of what actually happens.
Pretty sure that enforces his point, the board is riddled with redditor stonefags or just normalfags who like fag shit.
it's also filled with edgy teenagers who will hate a movie because of jews or whatever other meme is popular at that moment
>emily stone
There's just as much people blindly praising it because muh Goose acting like Goose and muh Stone acting like Stone. But I've seen plenty of criticism on the script and of the musical itself.
In the film he jumps up on it like Gene Kelly does.
This. I cried, no shame it was beautiful. The alternate universe epilogue sequence fucking kills me every time, anyone who doesn't feel something at that is either a kissless virgin or dead inside.
Yeah, he is such a cuckold lol...
Well, jokes aside, that message "love is nothing. Everything is the successful career" is a bit disturbing. Is that how Hollywood works? Do you have to have a shitty love life to be successful?
You're a sucker. The entire film was horrendous.
Patrician chick flick, couldn't have been much better
>tfw it's the only film ive ever enjoyed in a cinema
>other than that ive always went home feeling dissapointed
Where are my pleb-levels at?
>chick flick
>literally made by a male author
>2016 + 1/12
>not watching movies while gently massaging his prostate
I loved it, but Chazelle being a guy doesn't make it not a chick flick. Plus he's a lil theater loving gayboi which ios why this was his 6-year passion project.
This movie was for chicks and queers.
There is room for "gray area", kiddo.
People can think it's a perfectly enjoyable homage to classic Hollywood musicals that will be forgotten in about 2 years.
It isn't a choice between furious masturbation and "it's the worst film ever to be made".
It sags like hell in the middle and the directing leaves a lot to be desired considering what Chazelle accomplished with Whiplash, I'll admit tot hat much. But the music was still great, some of the more whimsical sequences were well done without feeling overly cheesy. Not to mention Autismo Man and FrogStone's chemistry is p undeniable considering they're repeat offenders in that area. I think you just share a case of being dead inside like OP.