>Daughter gunned down by mom in Texas was due to marry today - and her mother STABBED both her daughters before shooting them and trying to kill her husband
>Daughter gunned down by mom in Texas was due to marry today - and her mother STABBED both her daughters before shooting them and trying to kill her husband
shills out in full force today....
based white lady
Karma is a bitch
She did the Right thing. Id rather my daughter date a black man than a spic. At least blacks are somewhat human
Fucking racist bitch.
I hope she gets raped and killed in prison, she's a notable example of subhuman "people"
Fuckin' A.
fucking americans with their honor killings
when will they start to act like civilized folk
Calling someone a shill on Sup Forums is like a liberal calling someone a racist in real life, neither of you have any idea what it really means.
If you don't like the thread don't comment.
damn, sad
hope the guy is able to find another nice white girl
We call them honor killings in America.
She's dead, you 'tard.
well bitchboy, she's dead so thankfully she won't have to endure prison for her heroism.
Burn the burrito cya amigo
Then I hope she rots in hell.
No mercy for subhuman racists.
>and trying to kill her husband
her own husband or her daughter's husband?
Sounds like something a shill would say.
anyway she didnt kill the husband so she failed.
I dont think his race was a factor here. She was a psycho bitch and she finally snapped.
Lol at the Amerifats getting baited, there is no mention of racial motivation, and the mom has history of being mentally ill not unlike the fags above me. Lol ameriburgers got to prep El Toro given that your women are getting beaded more often then they are getting blacked.
There's no hell.
>mfw my countrymen are superstitious and still believe in kike fairytales
This happened near where I live. Was pretty bananas.
instead of being mad at racists, why not just try to be better?
serious question.
be civilized.
If ive touched one shitskins heart with my message, then this post was worth it.
If her daughters were marrying Mexicans she did them a favor.
you're the only subhuman here, Mexcretement
racists are smart, they're looking out for the genetic interest of their subspecies
Pancake face daughter kek
your mother is a 2 cent whore. or putana or whatever you spics call that
should have killed the beaner too
chenga tu madre
Probably. I mean my daughter dating a spic would have put me over the edge
Hell exists, whether your fedora tipping ass wants to admit it or not.
I'm already civilized, and it looks like the Mexican who got shot is civilized, the woman he married seemed civilized.
Funny how you're telling me to improve to justify the actions of a murderous racist.
>yes user if Mexicans were not human trash as the supposed facts stormies peddle and confirm, the racists wouldn't bother them
Top kek
She did the right thing. I will pray for her.
Should have been happy that thing could get a bf/husband. I mean look at it.
she restrained her urges all her life to not get the BLC
when her daughter had the BLC, she had to kill her whole family as an act of denial
I'm so glad she stopped her daughter from marrying who she wanted.
Freedom prevails.
What a chimp out, holy shit.
She killed her entire line because she couldn't raise her kids. I wouldn't expect anything less from a failure like this though.
>looks like the Mexican who got shot is civilized,
Wanna know how I know u didn't read the article?
Get the fuck out of here.. You have that way backwards you dumb burger.
Stop this meme stupid fatfuck
Was that her daughter's name?
Yep, as expected. Soon there will be a pic of her wearing MAGA hat. According to the plan. It's a smooth move, I like it.
>daughter date a latino.
shoot her
>second daughter is still a virgin
shooter her too.
What's your retarded logic behind this?
US of A has no gun problem. It has a mental illness problem and an education problem.
The only working deterrent.
She needs a better husband and better kids.
Dementia is a clusterfuck
But since you're the biggest shill of all, shut your trap.
White honor killings, good to see western society finally accepting the good parts of islam.
Racists are the subhumans.
Even trees "know" they got better chances at survival by communicating and working together in the same patch of land, racists are less evolved than a tree.
that's actually pretty rare for a woman to do this
women are known to not care about race or tribe
i'm sure there's another reason
WTF we are now assuming racism like SJWs? No where in the article does it say she shot anyone because she was racist.
If she was truly racist, she would have shot up the neighborhood, since every friend and acquaintance the family had was a spic.
good one.
The guy looked alright. He looked assimilated. I'm taking the spic side on this. The mom looked like a psycho pageant mom.
Let me guess, he hurt your feelings in some way?
Lol get off the Internet justin
You need to be 18 to post on this site
There was nothing about race in the article, chill out Juan.
how about neither, crazy 4 u i know
Chill out, man. You're on Sup Forums. The kiddos here will literally say anything to make you mad.
>Even trees "know" they got better chances at survival by communicating and working together in the same patch of land, racists are less evolved than a tree.
"mexican intellectuals"
Gee I wonder if she was a Trump supporter?
>Even trees "know" they got better chances at survival by communicating and working together in the same patch of land
So desperate to come up with some nonsense to try and reason that you're race isnt dumber than average.
Kill yourself juan
Mexicans are pretty racist from what I've seen.
t. Pablo Picasso
Typical Trump supporter
>Let me guess, he hurt your feelings in some way?
What? I know you didn't read the article because no Mexicans were shot. Though that would have been the better outcome...
Ya, bitches be trippin.
They are trying to slide this.
Except they are shills. shill.
the woman was really hot
she probably was a 10/10 with make up in her 20s
>you're race
The irony is rich.
newfag gtfo
what a dumb spic
>giant honking nose
>beady little eyes
Texas women are fucking sleazy
>trees "know" they got better chances at survival by communicating and working together in the same patch of land
Holy shit, are you a fucking druid?
.22LR rimfire next to a .357 wha???
[citation needed]
Look at me guys, im edgy as fuck, let me suck your dicks no homo tho.
Wouldn't it make more sense to kill the Latino so the daughter would be forced to marry somebody else, increasing this womans chance of having white grandbabies?
Klling the daughter because you aren't getting white grandchildren is just being spiteful.
The guy doesnt look very spic-y desu. Kids probably would've been white.
Me too, we should meet up and see where things go.
Or end up inbreeding to keep the genetics "pure"
She clearly tried very hard to make herself look young, often a sign of mental illness.
Waiting for the movie, hope it'll be as good as Shutter Island.
that woman had much different motives than Sup Forums tier motives
The daughter was probably a tacoburner.
She would just find another taco to marry.
>this is considered white in America
I'm going to the gym, meet me there and we can get all sweaty together.
>yes user if Mexicans were not human trash as the supposed facts stormies peddle and confirm, the racists wouldn't bother them
You fucking chinks have no say in human affairs since you lack soul, go cook a dog.
Good thing honor killings aren't barbaric
It's not .22LR way too big