10 people stabbed, several in critical condition

>10 people stabbed, several in critical condition
>Dozens of acts of attempted murder in public while cameras are filming them
>Conspiracies to COMMIT said acts on websites and social media
>Group responsible for the violence literally on FBI terrorist watch list
>Gloating on both sides about how much they fucked other people up and wanted them to die

How the FUCK is no one even arrested after all this? Is it just OKAY to try to kill people if its inside the chaos of a mob?

Other urls found in this thread:


are you fucking stupid? the white racists were the ones doing the violence.

Because they work for the left towards globalization.

>LARPers getting hurt at their Sacremento Park Quest


Retaliation isn't starting violence, you subhuman scum.

The antifa started it.

>antifa attack nationalists with almost twice the numbers
>nationalists forced to defend themselves with knives
i don't know what they expected desu

Don't remind me. Phone the precints and fbi or something. Demand more investigations. Contact justice department and your congresspeople

You are woefully uninformed. It was a peaceful protest interrupted by an "anti-fascist" group with weapons and attacked people. Several of which weren't even protesters.

1. They were nationalists
2. They were attacked by the antifas (even the media admits this) and defended themself.
3. Antifa got rek'd.

They're just extremely lucky none of those nationalists had any guns.

>Antifa bring 200 friends
>Nazis bring 20
>Nazis March
>Antifa attack
>6 Antifa get stabbed
>1 Nazi gets hurt
>Police protect Antifa
>March is legally over after 2 hours
>Antifa claim victory somehow

Whole story

>a fucking chocolate bar

Nice b8

Antifa wouldn't operate in a place where their victims might have a CCW. Further proof that guns are evil and need to be banned goyim!

Antifa literally bought a bunch of 2x4's from a hardware store, one of them can be clearly seen absolutely twatting an already injured guy in the head knocking him out cold.

Bunch of faggot cowards.



>Fuck da poleece
>police, HALP

uh huh


Song version


Be aware of the pattern of permitted violence. The trade center, Orlando, San Bernardino, Boston, and this latest case of Sacramento are all examples of Feds standing down and allowing the attack to happen.


Woo, he leakin.

Is this a true story? 200 vs 20? Someone should make a movie out of this? This would make for a great story.


They weren't Nazis, just white people who want to live around other white people and who want their country to have borders

Because they wear special patches that say they're the good guys.

I don't even understand how you could possibly him for being a neo-nazi.


Well shit, I think I went to school with the stabbed guy on the ground in OP's pic

>*get stabbed*

lol what a bunch of weenies.

>Antifa attacks TW
>Get fucking SLAUGHTERED like the pigs they are
>Half of the wounded are going to be wearing colostomy bags for the rest of their lives

I'm so glad those disgusting fucking atheists ate shit and are now screaming in impotent rage in their hospital beds. Start shit, get your bellies cut open you faggot homos.

If we're thinking of the same video, that was a TWP guy smashing an Antifa up side the head.

>Hat? Check

>Face Mask? Check

>Emergency rainbow umbrella? Check

twp needs more members
500 twp vs 2.500 antifa would be a blood bath and the start of the race war.
deliver my message to special fbi agent matthew heimbach.

In the wise words of leftist scum everywhere: talk shit get hit

Yeah, you can tell by this flier that the antifa fellows were definitely not there to instigate a violent melee.

Sacramento here. I need to hang out with these dudes.

I'm pretty sure that's the video he's talking about. The guy is wearing a TWP shirt, now it's justified!

Too bad they were not prepared to deal with the real violence that was unleashed on them. Faggots.

Dude is center in the pic on Cracking skulls on the Border Patrol. kek


Aids Skrillex? Jesus that disease is really taking its toll on him now.

I really wish WN types would knock it off with the skinhead antics. It's pure cringe and precisely why no one likes them. They need to be like Euro fascists. Clean cut, actual hair, no tattoos, business attire, etc. These people are just goons.

Antifa are the biggest group of useful idiots ever.

especially those in America, which are just LARPing as Antifa.

That antifa faggot gets hit in the head with a stick, thinks he is running to safety, proceeds to get stabbed by some fat girl.

My sides

>They need to be like Euro fascists. Clean cut, actual hair, no tattoos, business attire, etc. These people are just goons.

I wouldn't call identitarians fascist. They're just old school conservatives. Man, even Eisenhower or Konrad Adenauer would be considered fascists by modern standards.

Were you asleep all day yesterday?

one more (You) for you, fisherman

Well, of course. This is why you never see them outside NYC or California or Portland. They stay where gun control is, and where they know the cops will protect them.

It's the same deal in Europe. They only have free-reign to terrorize because nobody can legally shoot them if attacked. And naturally the police and government do nothing to stop them, because Antifa, despite claims to the contrary, are government agents working for a totalitarian government.


>Is it just OKAY to try to kill people if its inside the chaos of a mob
yes. once they go from peaceful, flag waving and shouting types of protest into a full blown mob that is attacking people, you can fucking shoot them and the only care the cops will have is that you don't start chasing them down or whatever. you can defend yourself by any means

im mad

I wish people with no idea what fascism is would stop using the term to describe everything they don't like.

It's even worse than the sexism and race baiting oppression madlibs at this point.

Well, you get what I'm alluding to.

The reason WN is a joke in the United States is because easily 90% of these idiots are on drugs and career criminals. Why would anyone associate with them, even outside their politics?

Even being in a militia is a smarter choice, and militia are usually just hicks who want people to shoot guns with on the weekend.

the scrawny faggots in antifa see a guy with decent muscle mass and automatically assume he's the enemy because he doesn't fit the SJW profile.

>All these cuckold shills defending Antifa terrorists as if they were people with rights

Antifa are the biggest morons on earth, absolute scum, the worst dregs of society with the lowest IQs imaginable. A Baltimore nigger with 20 felonies on his record has a greater chance of making something of his life than your average Antifa member

The "nazis" were armed only with memes.


Believe me it's the same here. Neo Nazis are associated with lower class proles in Springerstiefel and bomber jacket. Identitarians are the equivalent of your alt right.

No Nazi has been dressing like that since the 90s.
Thats outside of Made for TV german drama

Antifa will attack the weakest people they see, they went after news crews as well.

Yeah, I've never even met a nazi but that's the perception of the average pleb. Antifa is literally fighting against ghosts, still calling their enemies "Glatzen".




The more that violence from the left is ignored the more violence from the right will escalate.

It's almost as if our leaders want this to distract us from their looting.

They're really nibbling today, aren't they?

He's a white male in the vicinity who isn't obviously dressed like someone on their side. That's literally it.

I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. Was walking through a back alley and got jumped by about ten or so punk/ARA/ANTIFA types. Apparently there had been some kind of demonstration or protest thing going on that I wasn't aware of that had just let out and I guess because I'm a white guy with a shaved head and in pretty good shape I fit the bill for "the enemy". Funny thing was I was (and still am) in the Army and at the time home on leave from Iraq.

Fortunately no 2x4s or bats or anything that could've done permanent damage was involved, just lots of kicking and screaming. My story isn't that unusual though, since my beat-down I've paid attention to these things and almost without exception one or two bystanders or people in the near vicinity like me who were totally not even paying attention to their little circle-jerk get assaulted. To a small degree I understand it, how it gets when the blood is boiling. Just sucks on the receiving end.

Why are Nationalists so alpha and so much more capable than antifa(ggots)?

I can't believe these wackos are in America. The proper response is to stand your ground and gun them down legally.

Those faggots wouldn't do shit, they rely on the cops protecting them from getting their ass kicked every time they have a gay parade. They wouldn't do shit if they had guns.

>(even the media admits this)
Only because their leader went on the news basically said they were there to kill and would go on killing until the red god Communism's blood thirst was satisfied he and could sleep again for another 20 years.

It's a lot creepier than that but don't expect the media to tell you the full score.

The far left attacked the Traditional Right and got hurt worse than the people they attacked. So the official story goes.

What is not being told is that the USA is cracking apart slowly and the (((Powers That Be))) are worried about giving too much legitimacy to either group.

Both sides would wreck the cheap labor scheme in a very severe way.

That is not to say that there won't eventually be arrests. Also, self defense is still kind of legal in the USA, even for violent people.

I was in my early 20s at the time and stupidly was walking while listening to music so they were able to surprise me. A guy charged me from the back and slammed me into a garage door and things went from there. If I'd been able to hear them coming then maybe, and generally speaking I'm all for defending yourself with lethal force but due to my stupidity at the time I think having a gun on me would've more than likely resulted in my death. Again, just in my specific scenario where I wasn't paying attention. Plus when you go on leave from a deployment all your stuff is in storage, I went home to see my parents with only a few changes of clothes so walking around armed wasn't possible anyway.

Wtf is with this link?

Remember the great battle



>"The Greensboro massacre is the term for an event which took place on November 3, 1979, when members of the Communist Workers' Party and others demonstrating against the Ku Klux Klan in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States engaged in confrontation with members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. Four members of the Communist Workers' Party, and one other individual were killed and ten other demonstrators were wounded. The CWP had supported workers' rights activism among mostly black textile industrial workers in the area"

>"Two criminal trials of several Klan and ANP members were conducted: six men were prosecuted in a state criminal trial in 1980, five were charged with murder. All were acquitted by an all-white jury. A second, federal criminal civil rights trial in 1984 concluded with the acquittal of the nine defendants by an all-white jury."

I don't see a present day jury acquitting anyone nowadays if something similar were to be pulled off.

Here's a video of a guy with a zodiac cross flag(don't know official name) shows how violent antifa are. Also someone using pepper spray(think it was bear spray) on someone who poses no threat.

Were Nazis ever even facist?

I am incredibly triggered, everything else was coated in my company logo. I just forgot to put it on the commercial invoice.

We have a winner, folks!

Focus on the (((money printing scheme))) at the heart of all Fiat Currency if you want even a shred of justice.

Why would you ever want to "hang out" with such a group. They are the equals of the Antifaggots. Two sides of the same coin, just pathetic.

>Remember the great battle

G*d damn man. You could've at least editted the CSS directly so that it would keep the same font and formatting as regular Wikipedia instead of doing this

pls fix

>Going out of your way to provoke someone and playing the victim when you reap the consequences

Typical jew tactic

>that fuckin ear stretch hole

isnt mine m8

Fucked it up user. Copy and paste it.

I think it's great when nationalists stab antifa-scum

>score 6 to 1
I would declare victory as well.

the letterhead doesn't matter
you are just being politely reminded you forgot to bribe the customs dudes
sucks to be you in any case

Any update on the school's response that Yvette Felarca is teaching at?

>Betraying your nation for Germans who bombed your civilians and killed your grandfathers.

What a bunch of faggots.

Pretty sick that this scum was allowed to do this

This looks like a crew from gta5 going in group pvp match.

Posting OC

I'm with Rapists' Paradise here. That shit is pretty funny, yo. If Neonazis and ANTIFaggots want to play Modern Warfare 6: Call of Potato in Cali, I say we sit back and not disturb them.

Was this bitch Asian? Also does she not get that antifa tactics are by definition facist?