Well Sup Forums you were right again:
>"Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees. "
Well Sup Forums you were right again:
>"Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees. "
Germans gonna be BTFO soon enough.
Country With A Death Wish
The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.
Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.
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How the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels seized the power
Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees.
merkels ideals are no different from hitlers ideals for europe
yet one was hailed as an evil tyrant
and one is hailed as a saviour
Why is she allowed to get away with this? why are all the other european countries putting up with this shit
Because they're spineless twats.
> hailed as an evil tyrant
> hailed
literal retards taking over pol
can't wait when based Farrage uses the brexit momentum to starve all of you project-dwelling fucks to death
>Hailed as a saviour
What? Where?
The elites are panicking. They're going too fast to hide now because they are scared of Zbig's global political awakening. They're trying to get it all done as soon as possible in the hope of outrunning popular outrage.
>check the offending document
>cant find any mention of the word "superstate"
try harder, Sup Forums
You ready to slaughter krauts one last time buddy?
But everything they want would create a superstate senpai.
>elites move to America
>bringing wealthy educated immigrants
I KNOWN ONE'S NATIONALITY IS IN ONES HEART,but is still there when you willfully give it up your identity?
I hope we can topples these bastards in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. GOD WILLS IT! DEUS LO VULT!
Why are you a retard, m8? You've been shat upon, and yet you manage to spout your nonsensical bullshit and make Sup Forums look like a bunch of retards in front of prissy pedoliberals like
>calling someone else a retard
Even google is worried, that fucking example.
They make it so obvious sometimes.
>EU superstate forms
>Citizens get pissed, demand vote to leave
>Trump becomes President
>Civil wars across EU
> WWIII declared US and UK join rebels
>Globalist Jews defeated
>Implying Trump isn't in bed with Zionists Oy vey Ivanka.
Having said that in such a scenario I think Putin might help us *_*
Fourth Reich and you're missing it!!!!!
Join us Sweden, retake Malmo!
please throw us a line before you sail away
>Hitler dominated Europe force and violence
>Merkel is dominating Europe through mantle of progression and humanitarianism
"The fascism of the future will be anti-fascism."
- Winston Churchill
Just from what Iv seen on social media, all those leftist shitheads , you know when this is announced it will praised as the greatest thing ever and made so ...
It's over Sup Forums the Jews won,
Are you ready for sharia law ?
This has been 'news' since like 1996
Absolutely it will be.
And its disgusting, literally just giving away freedom.
fucking merkel
i remember we helped Europe with Polacks in 1939.
>member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders
I foresee a lot more bombings in our future.
Calm down burger, he clearly meant
> Merkel
Time magazine person of the year.
Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize.
She'll probably also get Nobel Peace award somehow also. After all, Obama got that one, despite making middle-east situation worse.
It wasn't Churchill wrote that. It was Huey Long.
Always ready, Dad. I think we've got enough left in us for one last ride
Fucking Germans, the goddamned Huns are at it again aren't they? When are we gonna realize that the fucking hineys are part of the problem?
Jesus Christ. Britbongs got out in the nick of time.
The "no indiviual army" part is the scariest.
the reason it seems like we got out in the nick of time is because they kept their plans under wraps. they've been planning it for ages, but they only put in place a time frame for implementation once they knew how cameron would honour his election promise for a referendum.
they didn't want knowledge of their plan to affect how we voted. they honestly hoped we would vote to remain before they sprung the trap.
we got incredibly lucky.
They knew we would resist and where in a position to scupper their plans.
Now that we are no longer in the Union, they are free to bully the more dependent nations and put them under the boot.
Europe has now become a continent of two radically different ideals, which is exactly how every major European war has started
>believes elections and referandums are real
fucking kek
yeah (((they))) really respect your right to vote and avoid any kind of kikery
they don't respect us, no, but they have to play pretend and keep up a facade of democracy up until the point of turning the continent into a martial slave state or else their plans might get scuppered.
>Well Sup Forums you were right again:
stopped there
Why is Germany always the epicentre and instigator of world wars?
Are you not aware that the EU is a pure Jewish creation. Why do we compare the EU to the National Socialists, who would never have a Jewish/central bank controlled European Union. Does nobody see this contradiction?
Over our dead bodies.
They need to rethink their lives or drop the EU idea altogether.
Nice bait.
Seriously wtf. I'm beginning to think a lot of posters here are some sort of fifth column trying to make us all look like idiots by posting bullshit such as this.
The nationalist Jews would be protected and given a bigger Israel in the aftermath.
What the UK has been thinking the past couple of years.
Where's McBane when you need him?
did geert actually say that?
i hope so
inb4 refugees offered full citizenship if they serve as storm troopers, because there is no eu wide identity that would lead people to join EU military
>inb4 refugees offered full citizenship if they serve as storm troopers
>they get guns
>they shoot at white Germans
That's smart.
I will gladly take up arms and fight along side you in the upcoming war my british brothers
Pfft okay
>United Kingdom of America
I want it to happen.
will any party actually form a coalition with him though? 76 seats for a majority
??? Nigga independence is the point not meet the new boss same as the old boss
How come you excluded Crimea (which is part of Ukraine) from the alliance?
The Most Glorious and Righteous United Kingdoms of England And Northern America
order out of chaos;
blame everything they've been doing with all its negative consequences on Brexit and then put in a hail mary desperate push to create the one world government they really desired all along.
fucking kikes are losing everywhere because they pushed way too hard. Merkel is going to get burned at the stake for this treason.
How the fuck does Brits feel now they narrowly escaped?
Because we don't want to go to war with Russia. We are not that stupid.
1984 anyone?
you only had to filter it.
This is why nobody is listening to you
Serious question. Does this fuck know that regularly drinking his iodine solutions will destroy your thyroid 100% (which he recommends to do)?
We all know this. You are on Sup Forums. Now shut the fuck up and think of some real arguments.
he can't stop
it's going to be hard, but nexit does have an appeal to a lot of people.
the socialist party hates the EU as well.
No, but several other parties have started to call for a referendum on the EU (on the left no less).
These could very well have a majority in parliament after the 2017 elections. They won't form a coalition, but they could team up to be rid of the EU.
It was normy propaganda you autsit
Uncommon at best fuckers.
You did :^)
There will be yet another WAR in Europe in 10 years. I can sense it.
>A number of member states are deeply unhappy about the creeping federalism of the European project with anti-EU sentiments running high in eastern Europe, Scandinavia and France.
This is the end
How cucked are the people of France anyways?
I never hear anything about the demographics of France, I know they're getting fucked over by the invaders but is it a SJW shit-hole that the rest of us live in?
I was under the impression that the people of France wanted their own exit, If there's any truth to that I'm hoping for some happenings in the future
Haha, Merkel is not literally Hitler, Merkel is literally 10 Hitlers.
>You are on Sup Forums there are no real arguments!
OP pic is false propaganda. It is counter-productive to think that the so called Nazis or fascists are relative to central bank controlled countries. It is white genocide. Let's think it's the same as those who fought FOR you. Enslaved yourself.
If EU (as proposed many times) had an army or Germany had an army, we would be already on the brink of war. German banks are collapsing currently there will be a fucking mess in europe soon
they are high functioning autists
>I never hear anything about the demographics of France
They're almost taken over.
Entire cities have fallen. Marseilles was 40% muslim a few years ago, they'll be a majority very soon if not already.
>we got incredibly lucky.
yeeees, good goy, it was (((luck)))
painfully true
God help us.
This can hardly be be a surprise for non-retarded Europeans. They have literally been writing about this even before Mein Kampf was published.
Funny parallell though, many claimed they never knew Hitler's intentions, although they were explicitly mentioned in his book. The only problem was, nobody read it, because most people thought it boring.
The same is happening now. I have read multiple manifestos from Guy Verhofstadt, some. more than 8 years old, that explicitly mention this idea of a federal Europe, a European army etc. You have all been bamboozled and I have been mocked by both Europhiles and Eurosceptics for claiming an EU superstate was their plan all along. Of course, I told them to just pick uo the books and manifestos, but nobody did, of course. With blind idiots like most modern Europeans, be they pro or anti EU, we wouldn't even need enemies.
Ffs people, this isn't even tin foil hat tier, it's literally all there, right in front of you. They're not even secretive about this.
England isn't going to try to cuck the US into whats happening in the EU my friendo.
Me, you and Finland are all we need.
Recording race/ethnicity, religion, or sexuality in ANY French census is OUTLAWED
>The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says that for many French, the very notion of ethnic statistics brings back dark memories of World War II, when the principle of equality was discarded in order to draw up lists of Jews for the occupying Nazis.
Need to split germany into GDR and DDR again.
Apathy is our greatest enemy. Especially among the youth.
Just look at Britain, barely 40% of the youth didn't bother to show up to make the most important decision they will see being made in their lifetimes.
True, it will be our undoing. You see it everywhere. On family birthdays, at work, in the pub, wherever; when a political subject is addressed, everybody gets buttmad about all the injustice, but when Wilders or whomever holds a rally, only a couple of thousands show up.
"No, I wouldn't want to be seen with those people, maybe I could get in trouble"
"It"s too far, I'm. not driving an hour just to attend some. meeting"
"I have other things to do"
"It won't change anything, they will never listen"
Apathy is our greatest enemy. The truth is, we still have it good. Rebellion and protest only emerges when people aren't comfy anymore.
Fellow Poland bro this needs to happen. When do you think it will happen if it does ?
Keep milking the moneys and have Hungry veto any sanctions. Get the fuck out at the last possible second before we wage war on the EU.
>When do you think it will happen if it does ?
After WW III.
The shit will hit the fan soon Netherbrö , better start chaining up yours bikes.
So is there any other source for this? I was all gung-ho worried at first, but Express seems to be a fucking tabloid and I can't find this anywhere else. This is pure bullshit ain't it?
>Rebellion and protest only emerges when people aren't comfy anymore
Fag, here is the official letter sent to the ministry. You can find it on websites of Polish and Germans ministries.
probably not