What is the best political system, Sup Forums?
What is the best political system, Sup Forums?
A republic.
Sure it can get corrupted but if the people are properly represented, it should help things along.
The one that will come with slave robots doing everything for us.
Not my country's. For sure.
You posted this thread yesterday, you faggot.
Constitutional Representative Democracy
No I just took his image
This guy is right
Democratic Socialism
Being very fast
speed makes you suseptible to the slightest social trend and emotionally reactive legislation. speed is the enemy
Sweden during the 50's, super high taxes but with a sense of brotherhood and almost no one unrightously taking advantage of the system. High taxes is the only thing we have left today
Facism the way China did it
>b-but, they were communist!
That's just the name of the party, China's system that brought them into the 21st century was a form of modern facism.
If the Chinese weren't such ruthless heartless fucks they could have been a REAL superpower.
National socialism.
Unless they goosestep into parliament, they shouldn't be in parliament.
But not as fast as based Kenshin
Direct democracy with proper rule of law and accountability of the government.
The only way to stop the power from corrupting the government is giving it to the people through actual democracy (not representative) and giving the state only the most basic and fundamental powers.
> Direct democracy
this is why you are poor
Objectively Western Liberal Democracy. Any other answer is objectively wrong.
free market capitalism with a people and business fueled government hampering movement
Moderate centrism is the true redpill.
Democracy in the form of a republic isn't perfect, but it's the best thing we have for now.
Only correct answer ITT.
Philosopher Kings.
Read Plato's "Republic" for a far more detailed description.
It may not be realistic to create, since as he says, different political systems tend to come and collapse in cycles, but as a metaphor for the best way to conduct one's life, it is astounding.
There's no other way, though. Every other way ends up in a corrupt and tyrannical government 100% of the times.
And tyranny by majority is supposed to be better?
Why would you ask stupid questions when you don't even know what you're talking about?
I like the concept. If only the artist was a better writer. Comes off as somebody who read half of the Republic in college and copied the rest of the notes from a friend.
Still the book is excellent and worth a read.
Tyranny by the majority isn't tyranny especially when you have a set of civil liberties.
Clerical fascism. With the church as an instrument of the state, a king as a rallying figurehead, a almost all powerful but discreet prime minister who choses his own successor amongst the most capable men in the country, though the final decision would ultimately be up to the king, or atleast cold be vetoed by him.
Imagine a people, truly united behind the king, through faith in God and in the nation itself.
That wouldn't work in real life, not for long anyway. It would quickly turn to shit.
In the long run, some sort of republic/democracy.
HOWEVER, if you have an extremely based and powerful dictator/monarch that genuinely cares for his people, a dictatorship or monarchy is THE BEST government.
Of course, if the dictator is a corrupt piece of shit that lives for 50 years, the country is fucked beyond repair.
The top two panels in this comic don't seem that illogical to me. Someone asking "we want justice" and replying with "well, what does justice mean to you?" is a legitimate question to ask.
Of course the comic gets sillier in the other four panels, but I don't see anything wrong with this concept. So often we throw around words and we have no idea of their meaning.
I guess... this. Maybe also a heavy heart tempted towards Illusionism- unless we go full throttle and ratify everything under Determinism (not Fatalism).
It would be nice to have some sort of compounded Eutopia. Or, well, something that obviously can't exist without some grave series of consequences and actions.
How so ? The only real problem I see is the matter of succession, and over the centuries there would certainly be power struggles between the prime minister and the king. And that's a admittedly a big potential threat.
But I think this sort of totalitarian/traditionalist/technocratic mix is a lot better than any kind of democracy and better than simply having all the power in the hand of one man with the regime falling apart after his death.
Kekocracy, of course
Nazism. I fucking hate them Jew rats
Constitutional Presidential Federal Republican Nation States. Emphasis on states rights and separation of powers. Voting done by Single Transferable Vote. Constitution very similar to the USA, but a little more detailed to make sure the Federal government doesn't get too big and the people never lose any of their rights.