>IN the first flare-up between the Buddhist and Muslim communities since the new government was sworn in, a mob of over 200 Buddhists stormed a village in central Burma (Myanmar), assaulting a Muslim man, pillaging his home, and destroying a mosque in the process.

>According to local authorities, the incident started off as a disagreement between locals from the two communities, with Buddhist locals protesting against what they believed to be the building of a new Muslim school in Thayel Tha Mein village, Bago province.

Why isn't pol /buddhist/ yet?

When attacked they get mad as fuck and go into frenzy, if let alone they live for themselves in peace and harmony.

What else can you want?

Other urls found in this thread:

>bumping because brexit shills are sliding everything else to death

Shaolin master race

>being such shit that you piss buddhists off

If that doesn't say Islam is an inherently detestable faith I don't know what does.

Buddhists be like , try to behead me mudshit

Or this is just crap.

The most peaceful group starts the most violent war: the death of a religion

Death of Buddhism or islam?
Buddhists have never been against violence.

My thoughts

Don't you know, Islam is the religion of peace.


What the fuck do you have to do in order to piss off Buddhist?

yea its not austalian flag

>Why isn't pol /buddhist/ yet?

But I am.

Sounds like a load of horseshit to give off the impression that all religions are somehow violent. Violence and murder are the antithesis of Buddhist teachings. Buddhists are the same people that prefer to set themselves on fire than go to war. This is Time magazine shilling for Islam, trying to make them appear to be the victims and make it seem that religion is not a factor in violence. Crock of shit.

>getting your ass kicked by Buddhists


You can't piss off a Buddhist, because not getting pissed off is the whole point of being a buddhist.


>The face of Buddhist terror


>1 maybe justified Buddhist terror attack
>front page of Time magazine

>thousands of Muslims terror attacks
>religion of peace

They do this to Christians and Hindus too.

Colonize them.




>Buddhists have never been against violence

Buddhists are not pacifists. I have no clue where these memes come from

Burma is rapidly becoming one of my favourite countries in Asia.


Killing people is always wrong no matter how convenient it is.

I dunno, maybe directly from their dogma?
Says right there in the eighfold path: no killing, no hurting.

Buddhists are violent fucks

Islam literally means peace

>there's no such thing as exceptions

Yeah cuz every OTHER Holy Book that has a rule for no killing is totally always 100% obeyed in every circumstance, right?

Self defense is fine. And Killing muslims is basically self defense

If old Kung Fu films taught me anything it's that the monks covered the emperor's ass in every major conflict.

And I don't think they'd want everyone converting to their religion just to push back the muslims. They want white christian nations, asian buddhist nations and even muslim sand nations; a place for everything but everything in it's place.

>"The violence started on 20 March after a Muslim gold shop owner, his wife, and two Muslim employees assaulted a Buddhist customer and her husband in an argument over a golden hairpin."

>"On the evening of 28 May, a group of Muslim men robbed, raped and murdered an ethnic Rakhine woman"


Mighty fine taqiyya there.

>know girl thats always self identified as Buddhist because its the most peaceful religion
>also a hardcore sjw feminist that goes on and on about how peaceful muslims are
>she totally refuses to believe this shit is real because it rocks her world view

On the plus side after 2 years of having to work around blacks shes at least opened up to hating blacks


Myanmar is to Buddhism as Chechnya is to Islam.

as a muslim, i have to say you are half right

it actually means peaceful submission to god

damn. Imagine for much shit you have to do to piss off a fucking buddhist to this level

only muslims are shitty enough to be capable of making such peaceful people violent.

really makes you think

western hippies who read about buddah and then literally nothing else about buddhism and history

mfw his name is literally Asian Wrath

Why can't Islam get along with anyone? Is the question the media should pursue.

I think it's funny how there's a meme that Buddhists are peaceful pacifists when in reality they're just as reactionary and violent as anyone else. Very similar to the Islam is the religion of peace meme.

how much shit*

drunk sorry

pretty much

>Why isn't pol /buddhist/ yet?
Because religion is for sheep
Regardless why the fuck are you posting this?
Burma's Based Buddhist Community has been killing and beating the shit out of Muslims for the past 3 years solid

buddhism is a journey with the destination being nirvana. a practicing buddhist is still just practicing. they fall victim to the same trappings as everyone else on their path to enlightenment


read the story Nigel.
nobody got killed
the muzzies were driven out and their "totally not a mosque" building was destroyed

Protip: it's never a mosque when the muzzies arent being coddled, its always "a community centre" or some other bullshit, but when the govt wants to check for radical literature bomb factories or weapons caches, then it becomes a sacred and holy mosque which cant be entered by the unclean kaffir.

So innocent ethic Bermans who just so happen to be Muslim get murdered by other Ethic Bermans who just happen to be Buddhist and Sup Forums somehow loves that. I thought you were nationalists ?

The Buddhists have been persecuted for decades by the islamic community. Its only news because islam gets BTFO when someone stands upto it.




Islam is incompatible with nationalism

Are you stupid ? Buddhists aren't peaceful, that's a leftist meme. Those Muslims aren't Arabs you stupid fuck. they're the same race as those Buddhists

> Burma’s Hard-Line Buddhists Are Waging a Campaign of Hate That Nobody Can Stop
>leftists are taking the side of Muslims over Buddhists

Most people that self-identify as Buddhist in the West just do it so they can say they're Buddhist, probably still think meditation is done in that silly yoga pose, too.


They haven't been. The Buddha never said you should be a total pacifist bitch. The most important thing is to try to live in peace and respect all life.

But if someone tries to fuck your shit up in a major way, you're totally justified in destroying them. It's pretty similar to Christians being encouraged to be pacifist, but violence in defense is something that's accepted as righteous.

Not really, Radical Islam is a manifestation of Nationalism. Islamic sects are split across tribal lines in the Middle East. Most of them think the same way Jews do about religion. i.e Ethnicity is religion

Does anyone have that webm of the African Carp?
A real religion of peace vs "a religion of """"peace""""

they want a global caliphate, how the fuck is that a manifestation of nationalism?

Liberals have such a hardon for Muslims. They really do want to replace white cattle with muslim ones.
Right Wing Death Squads when?

Then why did Buddhists send missionaries all over the known world?

Everyone from Afghanistan to Indonesia converted

Much of Buddhist tradition is derived from white Greek converts

"Religion of peace" and "Land of the Free" are both fucking jokes. Americans have less freedom than most other 1st world countries.

Islam belongs in the middle east. Muslims outside of that area are not native.

Buddhism is a religion of peace, we can't let a small attack make us condemn the buddhist communitt as a whole

Oh wow, my sides. Buddhist extremists, just too good to be true. Keep it up, my sides went full samadhi

Islam can only be nationalistic when the nation and government are islamic.

Based monk

Conquer what is weak, defend what you can. Where is the contradiction here?

Perhaps it's because Muslims are like African carp

Oh sure, they want a global "caliphate" but you're the ones invading all their countries. Makes sense to a brainwashed peon i guess.

Actions speak louder than words, You haven't fought a defensive war since 1793


ID Porn Hub

Yeah, but Mudslimes aren't "people" obviously.

>this kills the Abrahamists


You can't lie next to a mad dog.

Fuck off Shlomo, stop shilling for sand niggers who want your blood. Don't show them any mercy.

This is why you need boots on the ground.

Humans. Humans never change t. fallout

>as a Muslim

Reminder that all of this clay belongs to Christians, who were raped and taxed out of existence by the Saracen hordes.

Reminder all bombing and extermination of Muslim vermin within these areas therefore does not need to be justified.

>Why isn't pol /buddhist/ yet?
But I am, senpai.
I might not be a good one, but I certainly try.


Muslim propaganda.

I guess you could say that islam is... the religion of pieces.

As a Mud-nigger you don't know what the word "peace" means you sub-human vermin.

I sincerely hope you and your entire cockroach family die in a fire.

western appropriation of buddhist let to yoga hippie bullshit.

Meanwhile the Japs bombing pearl harbour were buddhists.

>I am at peace, I am not striking you with sword
>sword is just flying through the universe in cosmic dance while placed between my hands

It's fucking 6pm est. Even here it's too early to get drunk.

How do I convert?

Muslim isn't a race you dumb fuck, Christianity is from the Middle East too so I guess European Christians aern't native to Europe in your eyes too ?

Look at Iraq, Sunni Belochs are fighting Shia Alawites in an alliance with Kurds. It's Literally nationalism, religion is icing

Aren't you half sand nig though lol ? You'll understand soon kid

The only justification for violence that I'm aware of was given by the Dalai Lama:
>But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, he said, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun. Not at the head, where a fatal wound might result. But at some other body part, such as a leg.

Very different from murder.

>if someone tries to fuck your shit up in a major way, you're totally justified in destroying them
Cite some scripture at me and I'll believe you. Bodhipaksa says:
>The Buddha was completely uncompromising on the question of violence. When people are violent they’re not following the Buddha’s teachings.

Buddhism is also incompatible with nationalism btw

I will be a brother in arms to the buddhists on the day of the rope

Whats funny is the Theravada Buddhist are suppose to be the most peaceful so Muslims must have fucked up badly to pissed them off.

I understand your sentiment based on this occurrence, but Burma is a dangerous hellhole. One of the few places on earth where actual pirates still exist. Have you not seen the Rambo remake? It's actually more accurate than people realize.

Islam does not mean peace. It means submit.

I'd love to see every British muslim slaughtered, regardless of race.

Riiight. Smart Water is for smart people, the patriot act makes you a patriot and The religion of peace is definatly peaceful, clearly.

It's not the people who invade, it's our corrupt government sending in soldiers to steal resources, then lie to us saying it's to stop evil terrorists. Sadly we believe them or are too busy with daily life to care.

Everything that is wrong with America starts with our government officials