What did he do for 23 years?

What did he do for 23 years?


He saw footage

Sleep mostly.

*death grips reference*

Can someone explain to me why increased gravity would have anything to do with the speed of cell deterioration / regeneration?


Researched black holes

Thought about the bonus situation.

he fucked the music

he posted BLACKED threads on Sup Forums

Gravity can bend time.

Massive amounts of gravity slow down time. So while they were within a certain distance from the black hole, on the surface of the water world, time was slowed down for them, everyone else, accelerated at a normal rate, got older.

So what would happen if the crew going near the black hole was live streaming to the black guy?

Change Accelerated to Progressed*

satellites use different clocks than people on the ground

What did (you) do for 23 years?

jerked off a lot

He actually felt the inanimate sensation due to layers of interdimensional dominion

I'm actually turning 23 in April, and i'm a kissless virgin with just $283 in my savings, a shit job and i'm on the brink of dropping out of community college.

I've slept mostly.

Gravity makes things heavier, not slower.

he dindu nuffin


better off then most.



Gravity affect the time-space fabric and "bend" it.

If a particle of light were to travel 10 seconds, an spectator outside would see the light traveling for 10 seconds, however due to space-time bend, the particle would feel like it is 10.5 seconds.

Same happened in Interstellar because the ship is closer to the black hole, thus his space-time is different, however Interstellar made 2 mistakes (Along many others, but we are referring to this case in particular), the first, that stationary objects tend to suffer time alteration the least, and the alteration of space-time is bigger once you start reaching speed of light, and second that the time alteration is minimal, in the example I used the realistic time would be something 10.0000000000000000001 or so.

However the alteration once you get inside a black hole can be really accurate to what happened to the movie, that an object feels like 30 years happened but in reality just a couple of years happened, but like I said only when you are INSIDE or really, really close to an black hole.

Wasted valuable mission resources because muh autism.

Teaching bitches how to swim


gravity bends space time and time goes (relatively) faster in strong fields.

However so close to a black hole planets would be ripped apart because of the differences in force on either end of it. If they were so close that one hour for them was 23 years for him maybe everything would have been ripped apart.


He had Internet so Sup Forums clearly

>le ebin reddit grips thread ;3

what's the matter kiddos no longer welcome on your precious Sup Forums


>gravity bends space time and time goes (relatively) faster in strong fields.
user gravity IS the curve of spacetime. Its a product of the influence of any non-zero mass on space time itself.


Imagine being black guy in the spaceship for 23 years and being like "AYOOOO MATTHEW YOUR GRAVITY EQUATION SO LIT AND SHIT" when all he wants ot do is jerk off some more to the "security footage" of anne bathing. Just imagine being black scientist being stuck in a small space for 23 years without any human contact and then see matthew come up and hear TARS say "DAMN, Matthew Mcconaughey flies like THAT!" when all you can think about is how you just lost your best friend on an alien planet on a tide and how it closely correlates to the start of the movie "Prometheus". Just imagine being black scientist and Matthew flaunts his stupid cockney accent on you, accent that he worked on for so hard with trainers for all these past months, and everyone goes, "DAMN, Matthew talks liek THAT! DAMN, He's still got it!!!11" while you try to sleep and make peace with the fact that you've been eating recycled piss and shit for the last 23 years while your buddies play around on a literal beach planet and manage to preserve their mortality and good looks. Imagine being blakc scientist. ALl you have to do is be quiet. Stay quiet and solve the gravity equation so that maybe Anne notices you. just grit your teeth and do it.
[spoiler} everything from meme-ory. rate.


Celebrate, it must be heaven for a black person to never encounter another nigger for 23 years based on how toxic the average nigger is in America.

Gravity bends spacetime.

Did he have literally the worst story arch?
>gets stuck for 23 years alone on a ship
>dies a few days later in explosion
>completely forgotten by everyone

Grab a condom, look for an escort and get that shit off your shoulders.

what happens when you make time heavier ?

it gets fat and can't move as fast

at least you're not eating pagpag

white women

This is more correct than Interstellar's presentation, but you're still underestimating just how much time would be distorted. For example, if you were to watch an object fall into a black hole, you'd never actually see it vanish. Time would dilate to such an extent for the object, that if you were to fall into one, the entirety of the universe, time and everything, would happen in fast-forward for you. You'd see the heat death of the universe before you ever actually crossed the event horizon.

For an outside spectator, the object would seem to just freeze in place. Over hundreds of thousands of years, eventually the object would blue-shift and disappear as the last photons to escape the black hole trickle out before finally just vanishing.

As for the planet, being in geostationary object over the planet would not be sufficient distance to counteract the time dilation of seven years/hour that they experienced planetside. The ship would have to be much farther away, preferably in a safe orbit around the black hole itself. As for the waves, there wouldn't be continous ripple-effect waves crossing the surface, instead it would just be one giant pillar of water where the black hole's gravity was the dominant force. Instead of waves, it'd just be a static wall of water.

But other than that, pretty gud 8/10




Why didn't they just leave TARS on board? Whoever volunteered basically just served a prison sentence instead of going on a field trip.

>Instead of waves, it'd just be a static wall of water.
That's actually a lot scarier than a tidal wave.

> Robot, what is your erotic setting set at?
> 0%
> Better dial it up a bit.

Woops, meant red-shift.




this thread and reply is made literally everysingle days

you people are fucking pathetic

super super super slow motion

If the ship is in orbit around the big planet, why doesn't the black astronaut also suffer the same exposure to time dilation? He is just as far away as the astronauts on the planet, and his orbit may actually take him closer to the black hole.

Slow motion as in he's watching the video in real time and they are very slow in the video or slow motion as in the packets take a long time to get to him?

Packages sent from the closer proximity transmitter would start arriving so far apart, and with the data eventually being stretched out so far that the receiver eventually wouldn't recognize it as valid data. So, nothing.

That was an error in the movie. And they said he'd stay on the far side of the planet, probably assuming that the planet was tidally locked with him in a geosynchronous orbit.

Sniff anne's underwear


Trips confirm.



Watching Blacked videos and fantasizing about fucking Anne Hathaway.

It's a black male thing

You made me do a haha

Fuck's sake

Am I the only one who would have looked for Anne's dirty underwear to sniff?



I'm in a similar situation m8, including being KHV. Except I'm 21 and am not on the brink of dropping out... yet. I definitely share those feels.

>the same joke that always gets posted in this thread
>all these newfag replies

Found the redditor.

Your own fault for not studying STEAM

Death Grips is just nothing but a screaming gorilla negroid over a broken mic, nothing more.

>Death Grips is just nothing but a p. good band

quality desu

We let you have harambe we wont let you have this rebel gorilla bitch

MC Ride is based



include me in the screencap xD i browse /r/Sup Forums frequently

>not being noided
>being a faggot


i thought he didnt do nuffin?
