I hate America so fucking much, every single one of them is an arrogant bastard. They are so in denial about the state of their country it's pathetic and nearly every one of them holds obscenely progressive liberal views that they will not re-evaluate under any circumstance. Oh and if you do challenge their political views, you can expect them to laugh at you, turn everything you say into a mockery, call you stupid and/or racist and ignore every single point you make.
I hate America so fucking much, every single one of them is an arrogant bastard...
Other urls found in this thread:
>1 post by ID
Heh, almost had me there.
sounds like a typical third worlder and/or shitposter
Damn this burger tastes good
One week to Freedom Day!
hai c-ai vrea sa migrezi in America
See that's my point. Your country is shit you can't talk shit about others
I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the sewer so I can hear you properly.
Had my hand over my pocket when I read your post. Can never be too careful.
Esti in Anglia sau ai proxy?
Stay away from my copper, gypsy
lol, k bud
>t. literally gypsy
Yeah murrica is gay, but you're like just one step over turkroaches, wew lad
Stay away from my fridge pork shit
But we just did, so apparently we can.
Gyspy, you don't need to be so triggered.
Take a breath.
lol France is mad because someone pissed on their flag
>bozgor with his butthurt input already
You're one step below turkroaches
Anglia da ma dau afara baietii dupa referendum
Your country is a shithole and you are a fat brown loser who will get governed by a woman
I don't need to liberate your fridge gypsy, mine is actually full because I can afford food.
Now imagine how much we hate you. Your history is a lie, you stole half of our country and made it a gipsy land you disgusting sandniggers. Go open up a history book and see what a disgusting shithole you born into. How do you even dare to criticize any other country when you live in the biggest shithole ever, with the most disgusting human beings ever? And you probably stink like shit all the time like the rest of you. Literally I can smell a romanian trash from miles away. Hope you have a painful slow death someday, all of you.
>Oh and if you do challenge their political views, you can expect them to laugh at you, turn everything you say into a mockery, call you stupid and/or racist and ignore every single point you make.
Only when people are too simple to understand the humor behind their ignorance m8
>your history is a lie
>bozgor flag
>the literal turkroach is talking
You mad? Why you're even in Sup Forums, warming the oven for kikes?
N-ai mai facut cacatpost de mult
Can we please go back to speaking American now
Ce se mai intampla prin tara?
American doesn't exist
>In denial about the state of our country.
Clearly you don't get out much. More than half of the country is unsatisfied with how our government runs it's shit, and the current election. It's all going to shit and we know it.
you need to GO BACK
Ploua imcontinuu. Mi-a futut o grindina cat o pruna in cap sapt trecuta:))
Shouldn't you be trimming your mom's unibrow you fucking pikey?
>nearly every one of them holds obscenely progressive liberal views that they will not re-evaluate under any circumstance
You've got your memes backwards my friend, the US is widely criticized as being too religious/conservative/racist, not liberal. It's akin to calling Iranians too tolerant on gay rights. Especially during the Bush era, America has been universally considered racist/ultraconservative in Europe.
you were always gipsies and be shitsmelling gipsies forever. deal with it, accept it you disgusting human trash.
Nu trebuia sa fie o canicula zilele astea?
A-fucking-men, brother.
Cry more, you stupid faggot.
Kek. You're a literal turk
>They are so in denial about the state of their country
>holds obscenely progressive liberal views
Dunno what you mean here, friend. Most progs and libs hate America and think it sucks, unless you're saying they're in denial about it being fucking awesome or something.
>calling other country's shot
Aren't you the India of Europe?
That's better
Guess we can get rid of our military bases in romania and stop protecting your ass. It would free up a lot of money that we could really use back home. Say hello to russia for us- once we're not up your ass with troops our containment policy almost forces them to grab your clay so have fun with that.
This is now gypsy hate thread. Literally everyone hates you, plz commit natiionwide sudoku. You're about as much European as abbos.
In zona mea ploua ca naiba. Mai te intorci in tara?
He's just angry that we don't feel a perpetual shame in our nation. I think that's a European thing because Americans, Mexicans, Canadians, etc don't think this way as a general rule. I've lost count of the times I've read Europeans on Faceberg claim that patriotism is racist.
You're a literal gypsy.
>I hate America
>every single one of them is an arrogant bastard
Friend, Sup Forums is not all of America. This place is the worst crash course on
>how to countries
>how to human
>how words do good
Both of those men would qualify for affirmitive-action in western countries.
at least they are not gypsies you subhuman garbage
Daw, is Romania made that it's no longer relevant? Wait, has Romania ever been relevant? I'm sure I should know because history exists, but what does that matter; I'm American.
I'm probalby the whitest person you ever saw your insults are retarded and make no sense, we protected europe from the turkshits, you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about do you? Like I said open up a history book you dumb gipsy.
At least they are not turkroa..I mean hungarians
They're the Niggers of India actually.
Chiar mi-ar placea. Sincer mi-as creste copilul in tara
N-am chef sa devina gender-fluid-attack-helicopter-demi-sexual-queer-boy aicea si sa suga pula de la 7 ani
Oricat ai incerca, e mai greu in Occident sa-l cresti sanatos la cap
>I'm probalby the whitest person you ever saw
Lol no bozgor, you're a turk and you know it
>it's an assmad romanian episode
satellite nation plz go
>Romania starts an American hate thread
>Other countries roast Romania instead
M8, I'm a traditionalist who thinks my country is shit. It's no reason to like me, but don't paint a country you've clearly never been to with such a broad brush. Our government and media are not us, they're jews.
please tell me more about my country. I'm sure you must be an expert
Felicitari coae! Lira s-a dus pe pula oricum. Acasa e acasa
Oh wow you are a real country? Thought Romania only existed in movies. Are you like, sure your country exists?
There's not much to know about your country other than it's a nigger paradise where women get BLACKED
You've not made any points. It's just a stream of unsubstantiated bombast.
We have a gypsy intellectual here guys, this one is the 1 out of 5 gypsies who can both read and write, like a gypsy Einstein.
Burgers are cool now get with the CURRENT YEAR loser.
Hating on the Americas is soooo 2002
Basketball burgers are still fuck heads mind you.
>the asian guy tries hard to get replies
>ends up rimming a horse back in his tent
>american education
I'm chuckling at your misunderstanding of Americans. We're just fine, friend. All problems actually lie out in the scary world. There's not much more to discuss. Sometimes you just need a hug to feel better. :-)
Even the jewishborn ethiopian mudslime inbred with triiple down syndrome aids patients look down on gypsies, and that's only for piity.
You're trying so hard to get attention from us. It's cute.
Don't worry, m8. We totally take you seriously and know you exist : )
>pic related
Do you even have schools?
Asc si asta youtu.be
>more american education
Common core in full force I see
Oh, look, it's another fatass, no-life, Nationalist from a sandnigger country going on about how all Americans are the same and how America is shit.
Cry harder, faggot, I'll use the tears to fill the ponds that've dried up from the summer.
Lol, Romania.
Nigga, why do you even know about America domestic education policy? Ur a tru faggot! Nobody even gives a shit about ur irrelevant we wuz Romans cuntry... kill urself OP
I'm just amazed you have Internet over there in "romania".
>tfw Romania has beat south korea at internet speed
>even more american education
Can't make this shit up
Prefer asta sa fiu sincer :^)
Both of you are retarded. I just want to let you know, because I'm a nice guy.
Who invented the Internet though?
Daily reminder that Chuck Norris movies brought down communism in Romania. You're welcome dickhead.
La aia iti dau lacrimile
"Oh, a centre-right politician against a far-right fascist. In my country Hillary would be part of the right. Huh, why doesn't America have any socialists?"
Donald Trump has abysmal support in W. Europe and outside the US
- Average European
Not you fat cuck
You said your country is mostly conservative. I showed you it's not. What else do you want, a burger? Pig shit
>Romania number 1 producer of potassium in whole of world!
Sa fiu sincer sunt mai optimist in privinta tarii decat in cea a Occidentului
Problemele noastre sunt mai mult de ordin economic decat psihologic si cultural
I can't wait until russia rapes some white back into your gypsy bloodline
N-ai vazut la stiri un jidan a furat aproapte tot zaharul din rezerva nationala:)))