Really makes you think.
UN dindu about to testify against CLinton killed by barbell the day before
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It makes you think, how many pieces of evidence against a person can be considered circumstantial before it is impossible to deny the connected dots?
It is clear the establishment will defend SHILLARY to the bitter end. But how much evidence is required to form that end?
Surely it is a coincidence? Surely an American politician wouldn't be so corrupt and murderous as a dictator?
And yet Trump never mentions any of this shit.
It seems like his job is done now that he imploded the republican party from the inside and handed that cunt the presidency on a silver platter.
pure coincidence
Damn, this is being slid hard.
Snopes dumbfucks. Its bullshit. Pdf of Ashe's pretrial hearing shows it had literally nothing to do with Clinton.
Clinton has 1000000 legit things to bring to light. This is probably misinfo being spread so she can try to lump other real stories in with it to make them all look like bullshit.
Reminder that Clinton's assassin stole this kill verbatim from Hitman Blood Money
I'm so sick of this shit. We KNOW Clinton is scum, yet normies still give her votes because they're braindead sheep.
David Icke says something along the lines of:
If you have a plan, and no one stops it, you can tell the future.
Sadly, it seems Trump is part of the plan. Very well played. But, perhaps his part may yet benefit America, despite being controlled.
Man if I were one of the Clintons I'd really be spooked by always being surrounded by all these dead bodies.
Trump has nothing to do with Clinton you moron. Just because he had dinner with her and her retarded husband in the past doesn't mean anything. He's a business man, that's what they do.
>yfw your about to do mad reps at the gym to blow off some steam because you have to testify against Hillary Clinton in the morning, and this guy comes up to you and asks to be your spotter
>A dumbbell dropped on his neck
>implying he isn't going to drop truthbombs just before the vote
You don't show your powerlevel until it's needed.
did someone hire an assassin from ???
This has happened too many god damn times. This bitch needs to fry
Oh, Japan. You never fail to make me smile.
It is the Democratic party imploding, moron. More Republicans voted in the primary than any other time in history, Trump got more primary votes than any other candidate in history. Keep crying taco nigger
>fuck the content of the article and whether or not it can be verified as true, it's a source I don't like telling me what I don't want to hear, so it's clearly a (((Jew))) conspiracy
Aren't there enough legitimate knocks against Hillary that you don't need a complete falsehood
Day of the rope when? Kill all the normies REEEEE
>killed by barbell
They use this too many often when you want to make a murder look like an accidental death.
Who's behind this?
Looks like some got Fostered.
Are there any reliable news sites reporting on this? The only one I have seen besides what's in this thread are
>news sites
pick one and only one. also, MSM wouldn't touch this with a 39 and a half foot pole
>More Republicans voted in the primary than any other time in history
That's because there was a shit-ton of candidates
>Trump got more primary votes than any other candidate in history
The turnout in general was yuge. He also racked up a record number of votes against him.
So what is the standard by which I assess the truthfulness of the claim? Is there any kind of compelling evidence?
>online news is unreliabe
>MSM won't report on it
So there's no way to ever verify any of this and it's all just internet speculation
FUCK OFF MORON stop crying
just look deeper than what they are presenting. even Sup Forums isn't reliable
its probably worth nothing that people with dirt on the clintons have mysteriously died just before they spill it. several times
presuming that clinton is behind it, its possibly the most brazen act of 2016 behind brexit
So sad to see there are so many brainwashed retards on both parties.
Maybe you faggots do indeed deserve to go extinct.
UN officials say it was a heart attack. No mention of Clinton, but they mentioned the stuff with Ng Lap Seng.
Just google John Ashe and whichever source of news you trust, holy fuck. Some of you people are so hard to please.
Any major news source won't mention Clinton, though, just Ng Lap Seng. Ng, by the way, was involved in a huge fund raising scandal back when Bill was in power. Ashe was probably involved in some way.
Viva la revolution and all but let's just keep talking about the emails, this totally has nothing to do with Clinton
Yeah and where was George Bush sr. in November of 62?