Do you agree?
Would you add anything else?
Do you agree?
Other urls found in this thread:
I would add more stuff
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men
Schindler's List
The Wolf of Wall Street
Seven Samurai
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Anything by Xavier Dolan
The Neon Demon
The Dark Knight
Oh btw, I forget Neon Genesis Evangelion, o w/e the movie is called
>someone actually put time and effort into making this just to troll some idiots
End of Eva
Possession really does top the pleb scales.
He's right thought, is disgusting how bad the taste from most of the users of this board is.
>OP has posted this almost twenty times
>OP has no friends and this is his only way to interact with humans
Probably a virgin too kek
Hi OP. No most of those in the picture are good and definitely compared to shit people post all the time. Keep on tipping.
Looks like garbage only a half chink pleb that wants you to know he voted for trump could like.
9/10 of those are great
>Anything by Xavier Dolan
Fucking this
yeah pretty much
Hey! I liked 15 of those!
>The Neon Demon
do people actually like this piece of trash
Is Jurassic Park (the first) plebcore?
Wrong those are bad and the pic is good.
KYS pleb
Add Synecdoche, New York
A Serious Man
The Big Lebowski
Moonrise Kingdom
American Sniper
13 Hours
Remove the ff flash in the pan movies that no one no longer talks about
Hi OP, you realize getting called a pleb by an autist is hilarity, no?
Star Wars
Anything from here that you forgot to add.
>people know about something so it isn't good!
That's a big list for you and me, big guy
I'm insecure as fuck: the repost
I would add an image of John Carpenter. I haven't met a single fan of his movies who wasn't a blithering retard.
Put Sorcerer on the list
Kill yourself Korinefag
also the greasy strangler and 13 assassins
Remember when it was possible to discuss movies here without contrarian fucktards shitting up the threads with their autism and screaming "reddit" and "pleb" at everything? Those were simpler times.
Hello korinefag, you still haven't killed yourself yet?
OP does that all the time if he was banned this board would get instantly better, but he's created a bunch of memeing faggot followers
>tfw he came to our irc
>tfw found out who he is in real life
His twitter:
His YouTube:
Fb: /profile.php?id=589865739
Why do you keep posting this shit? Are you doxxing someone korinefag?
That's literally korinefag. He came to #film, but didn't mask his ip
You're korinefag, the only person who cares enough to dox people and be a 4plebs detective.
Why doesn't it contain any and all capeshit?
>no fun allowed
superheroes are our modern day mythology, the fact that they have silly costumes does not diminish that in any serious way, unless you're someone like lucas or moore or jodo who can't seen beyond the surface level.
thor in the original myth is a laughably stupid character who gets into all sorts of ridiculous silly situations. there's an inherent silliness to almost all mythology, including our modern american mythology of superheroes. i'm not dumb enough to let the silliness of classical or nordic or egyptian mythology get in the way of it's immense value.
Because OP is an autistic baiting faglord
That's the kind of post someone like CWC would make
This, what a fucking joke OP is.
when was this, 2007? or your first week here sometime in the last year?
>but mom!, movies are made for entertainment!
What are you going to tell me next pleb?
That the french new wave films are bade because you think they are ''boring''ยจ?
FNW is bad because it's FNW
You forgot Eraserhead
No, that's for patricians
>These are plebcore because they're popular, so I HAVE to hate them, otherwise people on a tibetan fingerbraiding board won't think I'm cool
You have your own head so far up your own ass it's not even funny any more
Nice meme list quentin