>Brexiteers: "T-the e-economy will recover I s-swear!!!"
How does it feel to fuck up a country within the span of a week?
>Brexiteers: "T-the e-economy will recover I s-swear!!!"
How does it feel to fuck up a country within the span of a week?
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At least we did something. Unlike you, who probably stays at home doing nothing, we voted, and we invoked Meme Magic to make this happen. Kek is the God of chaos anyway, so what did you expect? So, instead of sitting at home, how about you get off your ass, and do something about this.
its only been like 4 days fucking bong
stop being a traitor
>mfw everyone on /biz/ was
>"buy! buy! don't you get it? it will bounce!"
If I had extra money I'd be buying in. Its a guaranteed profit eventually.
>4 days
>14perecent dropped compare to the pesos which has lost 50 percent and is going lower
> destroy the eu, pound and United kingdom to appease a handful of nutty backbenchers.
Can't believe I called my budgie dave
LOL. If it was guaranteed profit the price wouldn't be so low.
Is this down again after it went to the 31 year low or is this the same happening?
I was about to but I held off for no real reason, I'm just not a risk taking person. Now I'm glad I did. Might invest now that its even lower since it has a better chance of rebounding, but I'll wait until it calms down a bit
Investing in currencies is not smart when you don't know what you're doing. The price would not be this low is the vast majority of the market didn't believe that the price could stay that low or go lower for the foreseeable future.
Fair enough. Its a good thing to keep an eye on though
yep. If there's any english shit you want to buy, now might be a good time.
>that flag
Your monopoly money doesn't count gomez
Received a £2200 payment last week. Paypal has locked the funds for 21 days.
Seen around £150 evaporate
If you don't think it will recover then you know nothing of finicial marketing.
Total schadenfreude.
I can forgive colonialism, I can't forgive them killing the European Project. Starve, you fucks.
Daily reminder that Napoleon and Hitler both wanted a united Europe.
Daily reminder that Europe is going to unveil plans for a European Superstate and they waited until after BREXIT so that they wouldn't scare us into voting more leave than otherwise.
Daily reminder that the migrant crisis was a planned and orchestrated event to bring about the EU Superstate.
Daily reminder that millennials don't know what's good for them and if it were up to them the country's majority that didn't want it would be dancing to the death rattle of corporate globalism.
Thank you to every Brit that voted us out and don't for a moment feel like you did the wrong thing. The British spirit is still there, however faint. Don't let them take your fighting spirit.
It's probably some fucking Euro migrant, they're the ones who are most salty about this while Brits proper are fucking elated. Even British born Pakis are more happy about it than the fucking Eurotrash living here from Spain, France etc. They move here and instead of learning English and integrating they just sit around chilling thinking we're all European buddies.
>lowest amount on that graph is 1.30 to make the drop look bigger
and intro the trash
the British economy is going to do great, they have already had Australia, South America and even the USA on the phone begging for first preference in trade deals
Japan is always so fucking based.
If your post is any indication it's no surprise that Australia's economy is so shit.
>not betting on a brexit and shorting the pound
The success of the stock markets has been fake, that is the result of manipulation, since at least 2008.
You dumbasses ever stop and think that Brexit reveals how inherently unstable these easy credit fueled economies are? Markets by their very nature deal with structural and variable changes all throughout history without causing chain reaction. Did you forget that you Euros are still in an unescapable debt crisis?
Fucking hell there needs to be a sticky.
Years down the track. Think of it as a long term investment.
It's fucking nothing
how does it feel to know italy is on the verge of collapse and the eu has been hiding this for months
get ready for a melt down
>no politician like him since :(
The brittish pound has been going down slowly but surely for some time now, and obviously a big change in the country will have effects on their currency
>Years down the track. Think of it as a long term investment.
It may never exceed inflation. So you'll still lose money.
Scared by a graph. What a pussy.
You're using the Al Gore technique and no one with a brain cares retard.
Motherfucker if you invested money before the great depression, and you managed to wait it out, you would have profited.
It's called a long term investment for a reason you fucking mick.
>currency trading as a long term investment
Daily reminder that this is the future of England, and they only have themselves to blame
>Motherfucker if you invested money before the great depression, and you managed to wait it out, you would have profited.
lol, what? You sound like one stupid motherfucker.
If you invested money in the right thing before the great depression you'd make money. If you don't recall a lot of stock devalued to nothing. If you bought dollars back then you'll notice they have since lost +90% of their value. So what are you on about? Learn investment 101 pls.
>daily reminder even when we were in the EU we still lost football matches
What of it? Your banks, despite having been ordered to amass liquidity, are undoubtedly vulnerable to this. Now the ECB has no reason to protect you, and you've pissed off most of the head people in the IMF. Merkel is about the only one on your side, and she's doing it because her position relies on a strong Euro.
The global goal is going to be to knock Britain out of the top 10 economies for rejecting the Euro, and now the EEC and TTIP. It has to look like a failure to prevent the EU splintering, to prevent Trump winning and letting us get back to the major issues - ISIS, South China Sea disputes and the economic shift in Saudi Arabia.
Current prices reflect future expectations.
The price could go even lower if things turn out worse than expected.
not against Iceland, while being literally lectured on Football by them throughout the match
Are you stupid as fuck or just a shill? It isn't going to recover overnight Mohammad.
>Now the ECB has no reason to protect you
The ECB never protected england anyways. They are not in the eurozone. They have the bank of england to bail them out.
The IMF would only be too happy to print some more money for england in return for more control over them.
>The global goal is going to be to knock Britain out of the top 10 economies for rejecting the Euro
I don't think anyone who rejected the euro looks too stupid now. Honestly, the euro isn't long for this world..
>look I posted it again
A weak currency is good for exports out of the UK. Prepare to get enriched.... economically.
Thanks for crashing the ride Britbros.
So is 40k going to become cheap?
When is Sweden converting to Euro to save the union?
Even your beloved "experts" say it's nothing;
Now stop being hysterical babies and behave yourselves.
More expensive for imports tho. Which makes britbongs less well off. Ultimately it's a zero sum game.
Could the inflation cause the UK's GDP to fall behind India's?
I hope it happens, even if only for a few hours. SHITstorm would be glorious.
Wont that just make people spend less or at least buy locally?
Meanwhile, in the EU:
lmao would vote for brexit again
Yes. Thus reducing their standard of living.
>I can't forgive Britain yet again saving my ass from another German Reich while I sit there and be poor and useless
Ireland is the biggest non-country in the entire planet, you fucks have done literally absolutely nothing of value in the last 2 centuries but make life worse for others.
Turkroach tier.
>Jews tell people that economy will crash if Brexit
>Brexit occurs, they short the pound
>Panic occurs while they rub their hands together
>buy pound for cheap when it bottoms out
>make huge money when it inevitably recovers
Yidding intensifies
Excuse, I am your every day burger, how may I benefit from this situation? Is my monies more valuable to the bongs at the current time? Can I use this monies to buy bong goods for low low prices relative to their current value here?
If it's down to 1985 levels, it'll end up back up to 2016 levels eventually short of the UK being bombed to the stone age.
What happened is anti-UK types just dumped pounds into the market, at first causing a big bump when the volume was low (just before the Brexit vote finished), and people just followed the bait down and kept selling their reserves.
As long as they keep that going, the pound goes down and stays down. However, eventually people are going to buy, as valuing the pound even lower than what it was pre-EU is stupid as shit. 1999 (Euro introduced) levels, at worst.
No is a good time to import our shit if you're interested in anything in particular.
literally even dead cats bounce.
Also, I suspect it wouldn't have fallen as far as it has without the media hyping up sterlingeddon.
Hot dog (with plenty of mustard and relish)!
>it'll end up back up to 2016 levels eventually short of the UK being bombed to the stone age.
like i said, it may never beat inflation. Buying sterling as an "investment" is retarded.
>What happened is anti-UK types just dumped pounds into the market
Making UK exports more competitive. How devilish of them.
>That Y axis
Fuck off
retard the pound has gone dow way lower in the past year
no it hasn't. nice thumbnail.
In the long run, yes it does. Right now, it helps fuel potential panic because MUH CURRENCY FELL. It strains the UK banking system and fucks with their financial sector in the short term.
Besides, when you're the ones who started the bump down, you can easily use the money you got selling ahead of the curve to buy it back up when the time comes- at a profit, thus nothing lost and making UK exports about as unattractive in the long term as before.
The pound was going to drop after Brexit. This just made it plunge instead, but it'll bounce back because eventually, people will realize that it's really business as usual for the next year or so, the Brits are going to be interested in networking new trade agreements ASAP, and in the end they really won't be much the worse for the experience.
But plunging the pound now sends a message- you damage the EU, we hurt you.
>This just made it plunge instead
It only plunged because it was a shock that the Brexit happened.
>But plunging the pound now sends a message- you damage the EU, we hurt you.
You think the EU sold the pounds? That would be incredibly easy to prove you know. More likely it's just normal market behaviour. It's not even a big drop and will probably benefit britain.
It's not going back up, nigger. They killed their main trade agreement.