What was his fucking problem?


Other urls found in this thread:


He just wanted some milk.

He was a mentally and emotionally stunted autist that happened to be great at murdering people.



Apparently Hershlag beat out 500 other girls for that role. Specifically because of her onscreen chemistry with Reno.

Age of consent laws are a little more lax in France, it seems.

>ywn partake in a casting in which a collecion of cunnies act hot for you

He couldn't read and was manipulated by those who should have been taking care of him. He'd done hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of hits in that year alone and the guy he was getting the contracts from was taking all of the money or offering his services at a pathetically low discount. This lack of funding and friendship only exacerbated his autism.

Delete this

It gets even better.

The Marilyn Monroe impression was her idea. It's basically what got her the part.

At the audition she started doing famous people and Monroe was the one she nailed the most.

That's where the dress up sceen in the film comes from. It was all her.

Jewish girls are something else, man.

>Anne "looked like the pictures in the books, but a little older, and prettier. 'You have a lovely daughter', I said to Mr. Frank
- the SS guy who captured Anne Frank


He was a sperglord and a pederast

>At the audition she started doing famous people and Monroe was the one she nailed the most.
And then he nailed her the most.

But he was not a pederast, that's the point of the film.
The entire film is pic related. Mathilda was far more "smart" than him. Leon probably had developing problems. Sperglord? Quite probably. Pedo? Not at all.




nice 1

i must

Ya got me.





He's obviously a 40yo virgin autist that never talked to a woman in his life which is why he was awkward around the loli and probably why he couldn't find employment anywhere but being a hitman for the mob.

No, his buddy at the restaurant mentioned he had to help because he got screwed over because of a woman

A woman probably took advantage of him. Or he got pussy whipped by one of his clients and fucked up the mission.

It's pretty obvious he was a recluse with no social life.

is the rest from the actual movie?

is this literally a movie about a pedo?

i never seen it

Kek. Good one.

all im missing is the guns and the loli

No, I remember it was that he had a fallen in love with a girl and she like him back but her father disapprove so eventually the father kill her and Leon gets his revenge on the father when he was a little older.

Just strap on a rubber and pick up a low class prostitute. I see plenty of ugly fat dudes in my area picking them up.


fucker. I got you mum, don't worry


This actually really deserves a reply.
Well played faggot

You absolute bastard

What area do you live in?

nah. its not.


Got me

well done


Kino post user

Written by Alejandro Jodorowsky

didn't open


Makes me wonder whether Luc Besson has a thing for minors by writing a screenplay like that

Good one.


Fuck you

Thanks for this user and checked.

What was HIS fucking problem?



the mangalores tried to screw him over

Oh, you sunnuva

Thank you immunity dog

no plz