Why does my country trigger so many people? It's not as if we have invaded, bombed or overthrown other countries' governments?
Why does my country trigger so many people? It's not as if we have invaded...
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You're literally invading us right now to try and overthrow our government. Your race is inferior, just stop having kids.
If I was an American I would be triggered by little shits coming to my country and doing shit like pic related
Because it's a shithole created by your shithole culture. Maybe if you fuckers dropped the frito bandito bullshit attitude it wouldn't be such a shithole
Nobody but mexicans know that Mexico exist. You're the delusional fag that goes to the Netherlands saying "Viva México Cabrones" and NOONEGIVESAFUCK.
Go chop off some head, Brayan.
>losing to a silent invasion
>calls the winning side inferior
Because you bastard's send us all your fucking peasants.
>Blaming Mexico for the illegal takeover instead of the political elite who wants a solid blue voting block
Mexicans are in your side, it's divide a.d conquer tactis pining us against eachother..
uncle tom cuck gtfo.
a million ants kill elephants still insects with low worth
The other goyim can't handle your cooking,
It causes much butthurt.
alt-righters are like scientologist, they'll never change their mind
at least you tried mexifriend
Because what we think of these days when we think of your country are chicano bangers/cartel death squads.
That's the image in the collective conscience.
Literally one the few countries worst than Mexico. Don't you have to keep an eye in your teenage prostitute daughter?
>calling the second most successful species on earth 'low worth'
>USA helped remove Diaz,and ended the Mexican golden age,and caused a domino effect of the worst mexician leader
now were are forever stuck in a era similar to prohibition
Truth all are worst peasants
inferiority complex much?
>he doesn't know about bacteria
wew lad
(((Mexishit attempting taqqiya, achmed backs him up)))
>we good boy we dindu nuffin to US
I honestly don't know if US would become Spanish speaking shithole or not at this point. Maybe by 2025 there will be more Spanish speaker than English speaker in US
I want to nuke Mexico just for this reason alone
>if I suck enough dick on the internet maybe they won't call me a spic anymore
as I said, uncle tom
i like mexico
its a nice place to go to
It's more like an annoyance in response to your eternal asshurt about the United States. Like Russia, far too much of your national identity is you trying to measure up to the United States. Unlike Russia, you have zero accomplishments worthy of boasting. All you have is soccer, and even that's not working out too well for you these days.
Call me indian ;)
None gives a fuck about Mexico, specially retarded OP.
Typical Mexican bullshit
"Mang you guys screwed us over like 100 years ago and we can't get our shit straight homes"
100 fucking years ago.
Here's an idea.
Stand up the cartels as a collective people, stop running away like cowards, actually give a shit about someone other than yourself.
Never mind you're Mexican
You'll run away like cowards
You'll cower like cowards
You'll fuck everyone over to earn 10 dollars
And live your lives in fear living off the scraps the cartels give you
Mexico : A nation of cowards
It's true, if you guys were muslim then your cartels would be worse than isis
Because your people won't fuck off back home and you've changed our states blue with your shitty anchor babies.
>fearing cartels
why are you brainwashed by the media into thinking it so scary kek.
yes it happened 100 year ago but you intervened twice which fucked us up and we never recovered from it.
how about we stop blaming you when you stop blaming illegals,and instead blame you politicians for giving welfare to ever fucker who ask for it. How about you get your shit together and stop giving welfare to fuck'n leeches.
which you won't due because you don't want to reawaken civil right issues.You don't want niggers rioting on the streets cause you cut their welfare which they will take as an act of racism.
>Stand up the cartels as a collective people, stop running away like cowards, actually give a shit about someone other than yourself.
bunch of empty rhetoric here, how can you stand up against them if your relatives, the people you grew up with and your friends are part of them? Not only this but consider that cartels are basically a trained military group that could wipe off a village off the map in like half an hour
I agree with the first part of your post but this just doesn't work IRL
that's exactly why they're triggered.
Silent invasion. Best cause scenario for Americans would be for Mexican-Americans to actually militarize and become an actual enemy threat that needs to be dealt with so Sup Forums would get their LE DAY OF LE ROPE.
That's 100% complete fantasy though and the reality is they'll just keep trickling in, multiplying, inter-marriages, overtaking, and with all that comes more political pandering for their votes. Even if the meme wall comes up the best that would do would slow down being overtaken maybe by 1 generation due to all the ones that are already over here. Americans fucked up by not building the wall in the 1950s
Standing up to evil people is hard : the post
Bullshit. Cartels run your country and you people are little bitches. You get paid shit, you get kidnapped constantly, your counties politicians are owned by the cartels, and what do you do?
Run away,
son cobardes gallina, usted debe estar avergonzado
What's terrifying is how you treat your own people.
We have enough problems without importing that shit.
And by the way. Germany was split in 2 up till around 25 years ago and they got their shit together in less than 15,
So drop the America intervened in the past bullshit.
Grow some balls
why are you memeing the running away shit
>get paided shit
maybe they should fallen for the education meme
The country is run on nepotism faggot cartels only heighten the issue.
>standing up to multinational paramilitary organization is hard when your country strict gun laws
>standing up to the organization that guarantees and increase in budge to letter agencies in America
stop trying to apply human logic to subhumans. brown little mexicans are just like niggers
You're alright by me mexibro.
Fuckin love you guys.
Look at Vicente Fox. He's well assimilated into Mexican culture. Look at Selena Gomez. She's well assimilated into (white) American culture.
However Mexican culture is derived from Spanish culture. Across the world we see Spanish-descended peoples constantly puff out their chests and threaten other people, then run away with their tails between their legs when someone actually responds in kind. Argentina getting BTFO of the Falklands, Spain getting BTFO of Gibraltar. Every last one of you is a fucking talker with no real fight in you. So instead you've found a brilliant new tactic not tried by other Spaniards before- reproduce a lot, come in and then say "DIS MY COUNTRY NOW". Why do you do this? Because your people are still fucking Mexicans and therefore retarded faggots who think that the mere threat of numbers would be enough to make Americans relinquish our lands because you think that's how we won them in 1848- except you always forget the part where it was the American Army which conquered the entirety of Mexico- the American immigrants had nothing to do with it. When the time comes you're just going to get BTFO again.
>a thing
Are black south africans successful in evolutionary terms being that they flooded into the nice cities the whites owned and then reproduced out of control? Sure. But in human terms they're absolute shit.
Humans judge the worth of other humans not by our ability to rapidly increase our numbers but by the quality of the societies we build. Mexico is pretty fucking shitty, you saying "well at least we're as good as rabbits on an island without predators" is you saying you're more animal than human.
But this would completely wipe them out as a group, since statistically Mexicans who identify as white (light skinned Mexicans like Judge Gonzalo Curiel) do not intermarry with brown skinned Mexicans and it would leave only the brown skinned ones left over.
Let me tell you about the eternal anglo...
There are only about 40 million Spanish speakers in America right now and 280 million speakers of other languages, "other languages" being mostly just English. This also exaggerates the degree to which Spanish speakers can be considered a united block. Most Tejanos can speak some Spanish but they're like Cajuns- still American, still able to speak English.
>Your race
t. Amerimutt
Being Anglo is part of the reason this shit is kind of fucking us over
Californian faggots wanted cheap labor to do things for them just like the English got the Irish to do stuff for them, then complained when the Irish wouldn't stop breeding.
As opposed to Slavic rapebaby?
>These degenerates are waving my flag
okay i had to save that
US was based on Anglo-Saxon culture you nigger. If you destroy that then this place becomes another shit-hole like Mexico.
Thankfully this is nothing that a few thousand guns cannot solve.
>overthrown other countries' governments
you've got to stop,mate. Making stupid thread after stupid thread why many hate mexico isn't healthy, just stop
You're not sending us your best, Juan.
I have a dear friend who lives in Mexico.
We both agree that we hate pochos very much.
rather they go there on their own, nobody is sending anybody, but at the end of the day they screw things up
who doesn't?
the problem is that we do nothing to stop it either
I have been blessed by Kek
>falling for the reconguista meme
blaming the Mexican that is being baited by the democratic party.
>The party has converted powerful state into blue due to republican stance on illegals.
>dem allow illegals to get more votes to stay into power.
>dems used welfare which they use to get the black vote to also maintain the Mexican vote
the peasant Mexican is taking the honey bait created by the democratic party.
The democratic party has single handedly outmaneuvered the republican party.
They got the black vote even tho the republicans freed the slaves. They have baited illegals in order to secure more votes to get more power in congress
they are the liberals destroying America.
I get paid 12.67 an hour to put tape on some trees and/or remove useless branches. Then I go home and relax the whole day. I have an American flag outside and I own a gun. feels good being an anchor baby.You jealous, homes? I am scum to both mexicans and americans on Sup Forums, and yet I am successful.
Let's say that we're invading your country, what does that tell you of your immigration laws and officers, do you believe Mexicans just walk by? There is corruption my friend, blame your politicians.
Your country is so shit and instead of trying to fix it you come here, leech off of our success and bring your culture of failure with you. Then you ship money down to mexico so your family can pay off the cartels and the corrupt police. You are parasites.
It doesn't trigger me, mate.
I've never been there. I've met two mexicans in my life. I'd love to visit your country; I can speak Spanish fluently.
But all my travelling coin goes on visiting my family in New Zealand.
Pic is my town. It's so comfy. The pace of life is really slow. I know nothing about Mexico.
I would love for Mexico to be raised to a level where no one wants to leave. Will that happen? I don't know.
TLDR of thread: we dindu nuffin
looks comfy, I heard New Zealand is comfy too
I can't say that Mexico is comfy since I hate hot weather
Oaxaca is a slimy place, but you find a nice little village that no one cares about. I forget the name of it, but my grandpa is from there and it's heaven on earth.
The rest of "nice" mexico is full of white-washed resorts and cities that sell aztec calendar keychains for $15.
Then it's all just moldy houses and dusty roads
True Mexicans want to improve Mexico.
¿You don't like immigrants, Pedro?
eat a dildo juden.
You honestly can't blame people for taking advantage of your retarded immigration policy. You bent over to your invaders.
I never even thought of Mexico.
I always thought it was just another nation like say, Poland. Your government is fucked up, do you guys even talk about how to stop the cartels and other shit? Do you have much association with those Mexicans in America? What is politics like there?
>Americans ignore the political moves the democrats put in place to ensure there position
It's not your fault Pedro it's the leftists. I wouldn't get mad at a badly behaved dog I'd blame the retarded owner, ya know?
Imagine American prohibition with the cartels instead of Italian mobs.Also it still continuing and the economy was weak
>shilling your own threads
You're too chill to just let you do this madness, don't ever come here, it's not worth it unless you go to some tourist traptown. Don't listen to this guy Oaxaca is a warzone these days, not even the cartels this time.
These mexicans have a fair point. We have very faggoty politicians. Your mexicans still have to go back, though. Unless they're here legally, then it's alright.
For your next time: A mexican who hates Mexico and/or Mexicans is called "Malinchista"
you're a filthy kike.
This is Sup Forumss constitution anyone going against it is JIDF
1: We do not seek any enemies in the world, and our revolution does not go against the interests of any nation.
2: We do not seek to destroy nations.
3: We do not hate other races as a default.
4: We seek out friendship and alliances all through out the world.
5: We are bound to help the peoples struggle for racial freedom and racial sovereignty.
6: We do not tolerate Marxism therefore Marxism must be exterminated.
7: We demand racial purity as the first priority of states within our control.
8: We do not seek war although we do not fear war, we only wish for rationality and respect for our will to be maintained.
9: We do not tolerate anyone going against the interests of our goals and truths.
10: We do not tolerate hatred without jury to fellow comrades.
11: We do not tolerate the unauthorized to tell us what we can or can't do.
12: We do not tolerate warmongers, and criminals.
13: We do not tolerate anyone breaking these rules.
National Socialist international constitution for unity of National Socialist nations
The government gets payed by the cartels hombre I wouldn't be surprised if the government actually owned them. I dont know why we let mexico even exist. It's one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.
>It's not as if we have invaded
go fucking cook my burrito bitch! go make my tortilla, and build that fucking wall, for me!
The goverment takes money from the cartels so they're never going to stop them. Politics are a shit show here, there are 3 major parties and they'd all say anything to get elected and steal what they can.
In other words, there are parts of the country where the priviliged live a glamorous life while the rest of the country is even more poor than an american hobo.
>It's not as if we have invaded
You have absolutely invaded the United States of fucking America.
i had to live in the USA a few years ago.
My visa said I couldn't work.
So, you know what I did?
You know why?
Because I respect the law, and was grateful that the American government gave me a chance to hang out in their country for a year.
Pedro army, otoh, invades the country illegally, works illegally, uses tax-payer funded shit like sidewalks, roads, schools, hospitals, etc, and expect to be rewarded for all that illegal behaviour with fucking CITIZENSHIP?!
Fuck you Pedro Army.
>I wouldn't be surprised if the government actually owned them
That would certainly explain their inability to do anything about them.
Personally I'd rather you guys clean up your own damn country instead of coming with all the problems in your country to mine. Seriously, just fix Mexico yourselves so that way you don't have to come to the United States. Thought all you Mexicans had such great pride in your country?
>for the record I don't hate Mexicans, just don't like the ones that come here illegally
Based leaf
We need Trump so bad, for the Supreme Court nominations alone, let alone immigration, etc.
I also hate hot weather. It's quite cold where I live. Even in Summer it can be cold.
I live in Northern England on a mountain range. My wife is a traffic police officer. She is always going to car crashes. Poor woman; it stresses her out.
The roads here can be terrible. pic related. It's always cold here.
a66 is the most dangerous road in England. People don't moderate their driving for the conditions. If they just slowed down a bit, there would be less horrible accidents.
The black and white poles are to mark the road when it gets covered in snow.
letter agencies also profit from war on drugs at this point neither America nor Mexico want to stop it
Nigger I haven't been to mexico since 2004. What makes you think that place is still there? At least michoacan is the last peaceful area of mexico
>Why does my country trigger so many people?
Whites are tired of their cities turning into brown skinned majority infested shit holes.
That's it and that's all.
If we wanted to live in a city wherein everyone but us had brown skin, we'd move to fucking mexico.
Do you want to be taken seriously, leaf?
Maybe it's because I actually work and only know Mexicans that actually work but I know more then my share of good Mexicans who work and consider themselevs American, speak English, vote republican. I dont know about the rest of the country but Tejanos can and do assimilate.
But pol also hates me because I racemixed woth a hispanic
>But pol also hates me because I racemixed woth a hispanic
As long as you realize your children are NOT white.
fuck man, ignoring all those traffic accidents and problems, snow is always comfy, that remind me
>me watching the news
>mfw it was fucking sleet
>mfw that was the "coldest" day of the year
>he doesn't remember the alamo
Because they are
You've invaded America
I fucking love you, Argie full homo