

it's all the same shit.jpg

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they need to make a tv-show to explore the SW universe more, and get away from the horrible Skywalker saga and characters

wow that looks terrible

i like it only because of loli vaylin

The people who make those trailers are great but the game and its lore are shit.

>expanded universe

but they are the protagonists.

Nobody wants to see a movie about the romanian king in WW2, they want to see Hitler and Churchill and Vasily Zaitzev etc.

Why was technology in star wars better like 3 thousand years ago?

EU is literally fan fiction now because of Disney

>tfw no sith gf

Our guy

Not all fanfiction is good, most are even crap but one's done with passion and the other is mostly low-rent writers looking for a paycheck while working on the next great murican novel.


star wars is one of those ones where you have to make up your own headcanon to avoid all the shit

>The Old Republic
>better than anything

Fuck off. They couldn't even save the abysmal plot of the base game they tried to restart it with this Eternal Empire crap.

Not since everything became uncanon

>random little girl starts levitating shit on her own in early childhood
>meanwhile, the fucking chosen one Anakin, his chosen-one son Luke, and even the mary-sued new chosen-one Rey all have to learn about the existence of the force before they can do any of that shit

How is this good again?
It's the equivalent of accidentally proving a mathematical theorem as a child without knowing what maths it

because BLUR studio are goat

Yeah, but then disney added in their own bullshit that's just as stupid

Was fine until the circle of prayer or whatever, this whole "person supposed to be good" becoming evil meme is old as fuck already

The base game had a great plot until your character became the center of the universe. Being a low level imperial agent geting to the top was great

This takes place a few thousand years before the movies, before sith and jedi were rare and knowledge of the force even rarer

Eh. I have read some of it and it's not bad. It's just more star wars as opposed to the legends which just threw everything you thought you knew about star wars out the window

What's the plot with this? I assume it's the little girl is that womans daughter and the man who takes her away is the father who just won custody over her after he proved tp the court that the mother was a liar and has been spending all the child support he was sending on stupid looking armor pumpkin spice lattes. The mother, now unable to use her daughter as a goldmine to her ex-husbands bank account, tries to kidnap her daughter and hold her for ransom so she can finally afford those new shoes. However the daughter realizes how much of a cunt her mom is and decides to stay with dad who actually loves her and wants to see her go far in life.

We of course will be playing on the mothers side because we need to empower women and teach them they are all entitled to free money from a mans account. And the best way to do this is through children.




Go back to the comedy club or Sup Forums

The trailers are amazing. I was impressed how grounded they kept the fights compared to Lucas shit.

Found the tumblr.

I didn't like the Eternal Empire stuff. The "Deceived" and "Hope" trailers were really great though, the kind of thing that makes you think "this is what the prequels should have been like".


Really the good guys in this game are just weaklings who secretly want to fuck up the universe with their misguided notions of fairness. The "bad guys" are never proven wrong. Theyre just called names and killed

if you don't watch the cartoons, they didn't happen. it's easy.

It just wasn't funny


So is there a rule now at Disney that everything "Star Wars" has to involve a super-powered Mary Sue?

Sith have always been the more reasonable guys. When not played as cartoony villians written by simple minded hacks they are great chatacters who do what must be done for the good of all. Hell, even in ToR lightsided Sith is the most rightous path in the game.

They can make good movie from it but the star wars fans want only to watch old known characters.
>the old guy is original G pure blood sith disguised he fight bout sith and jedi because other siths are not pure
>2 sons one go to the dark side
>lil girl is his daughter went sith
>mom is the head of his royal guard
>mom and the good brother go for revenge
>more characters added
>movie done

Sorry that I triggered you.

We need a good guy.

And for the villian?

Was it really necessary to be so dramatic?

literally the last time star wars was good

Actually the ship from the show apprears in Rogue One.