What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
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Solid ref user. The Wolf man was GOAT.
But who's the best Gladiator-fu?
To start the greatest polka band of all time
To get busted selling steriods out of his gym in Britian.
Ever wonder why he "retired" from Gladiators? There's your answer.
>implying that's even a question
Did this actually happen?
I remember he came back a bit for that shit reboot on Sky One...
He was also the baddy on the junior CITV version
To be the best gladiator.
>it's a shadow does coke episode.
I'd love to get on this show, personally I think my favourite "game" would be to go on those raised rings you have to swing from and battle each other by wrapping your legs around each other and humping
or just the standard end race thing where you run up an escalator and break through a paper wall
>it's a Eunice Huthart isn't even trying and still destroys everyone else episode
She just keept winning the increasingly stupid "chapion of champions" contests.
Were there any straight Gladiators?
Surely every 90s kid's first wank?
Hunter used to fuck the shit out of Jade. That was before she went ful slutmode and sucked off everything wearing shorts.
And Ulrica the blonde in your pic fucked her way through half the cast too.
She did.
It was either in her book or a newspaper article she wrote. Fucked half the show. Contestants too apparently.
Oh, and further to this story;
Once she'd done her "confession" the rest of the press treated her like a massive fucking slag and poured endless scorn on her.
Until, that is she said she was "raped" by a famous celebrity yet refused to name him.
Press speculation went wild and it cost several males who'd known her their careers. Yet still she refused to say who it was.
Turns out if the press thinks you're a slut, the best way to deflect attention is to cry victim.
It works.
>black guy
To look like a rapist
>it's a "Nightshade" episode
Worse still, the britisn version of the Shadow toy figure was made out of literal black plastic.
Not "black" as in dark brown but black. As in black as coal.
With huge white bug eyes staring out at you. Amazing.
Lightningfags gtfo
wherever he is, he must rape
He runs a gym
This is him now
mirin those trapa
Who was the best gladiator and why was it Rhino?
Did he ever get that elephants trunk out of its own arse?
She needs wolf power or she will explode in a shower of pulped yams
Prep the Rhino.
Ooooooohh! I'd like to kiss HER!
Hunter master race
Real life Running Man when, American Gladiators is just faffing about, I want some Madworld level shenanigans
Ulrika fucked most of the male gladiators, and had a kid with one of them, I think Hunter.
Scouse master race.
Saving Karla the elephant
Didn't she also shag Sven?
Ulrika-ka-ka-ka-ka is bloody insatiable
Damn, that guy off of Eggheads has gotten RIPPED since he's been in prison...
To be fair, Shadow was absolutely fucking jet black. He wasn't brown like Rhino, he was literally shadow made flesh.
They picked their own names. And his character was a silent badass, don't think he ever spoke, so the name fit.
lovely stuff
noy my words, the words of shakin' stevens
R E A D Y !
>They picked their own names. And his character was a silent badass
did he also spend his time teleporting behind people or blocking their paths
god the 90s were adorable
>tfw Dad would shout this full bore in our ears if we fell asleep on the couch
based dad
Who knew he was such a manlet?
>tfw no dad
Smashing choice
>under 220lb