1. Werckmeister Harmonies 2. 12 Angry Men 3. Pale Rider 4. Bicycle Thieves 5. Raiders of The Lost Ark 6. Million Dollar Baby 7. Paths of Glory 8. Kagemusha 9. The Empire Strikes Back 10. Dr Strangelove
Jacob Moore
Anthony Robinson
Batman vs Superman Deadpool Frozen Inception Gaurdiens of the Galaxy Fight Club Scott Pilgrim Oldboy Watchmen Only God Forgives
Kevin Clark
Jace Martinez
1. Silence of the Lambs 2. Videodrome 3. Memento 4. Blue Velvet 5. Synecdoche, New York 6. Ikiru 7. Kill Bill Vol. 1 8. Royal Tenenbaums 9. Risky Business 10. Rosemary's Baby
Daniel Reed
guardians of the galaxy man from uncle star wars rogue one captain america winter soldier skyfall hateful 8 pain and gain legend of bagger vance serpico marley and me
Jeremiah Phillips
no bully pls
Blind Chance Discreet Charm of the bourgeoisie Zodiac Withnail and I Memories of Murder Syndromes and a Century Last Chants for a Slow Dance Cecil B Demented In the Shadow of the Blue Rascal Fifth Seal
Andrew Clark
Paris, Texas Fallen Angels Code Unknown Certified Copy Nostalghia Winter Light The Double Life of Veronique La Notte Fanny and Alexander Syndromes and a Century
Tried to keep it one per director
Robert Brooks
Jeremiah Nguyen
I can't just choose 10.
Zachary Bennett
Choose 5 then
Jason Morales
rebel without a cause
Henry Diaz
>Castle in The sky- Hiyao Miyazaki why everyone here praise that one? It's one of the least interesting Ghibli movies
Jack Parker
Can't take animated films seriously 2bh
Brandon Torres
Eli Thompson
Not in any order
Once Upon a Time in the West Apocalypse Now Barton Fink Chimes at Midnight McCabe and Mrs Miller Phantom of the Paradise Thin Red Line Ran Straw Dogs Heaven's Gate
Jeremiah Reyes
how can you be so sure those 10 movies will be you top favorite movies?
Asher Ortiz
why put an animated film in the list then?
Julian Garcia
Justin Scott
That's not me mate i'll fuck you up
Jose Gomez
well why you answered then?
Jeremiah Sullivan
1. Taxi Driver 2. The Man Who Sleeps 3. Blade Runner 4. Stalker 5. Rosemary's Baby 6. Barry Lyndon 7. Eraserhead 8. Train Spotting 9. Mysterious Skin 10. Threads
Comfy taste
I never got why people love Bicycle Thives so much
Luke Barnes
1.Breathless 2.Spider Man 2 3.Fellowship 4.Inside lewyn david 5.Dazed and confused 6.The white ribbon 7.La bella et la bete (1946, cocteau) 8.Vivra sa vie 9.The liong king 10.The killing
Joshua Bennett
>Bicycle Thives because is free of all the bullshit that are killing cinema today
Hunter Hernandez
fuck this is a curious mix of movies. Interesting list
Isaiah Edwards
Sommaren med Monika (1953, Bergman) 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, 楊) চারুলতা (1964, রায়) Ordet (1955, Dreyer) Les Moissons du Ciell (1978, Malick) Oктябpь «Дecять днeй, кoтopыe пoтp яcли миp (1927, Эйзeнштeйн) Le Fite Club (1999, Fincher) 红高粱 (1987, 张艺谋) Fear and Desire (1953, Kubrick) Зepкaлo (1975, Tapкóвcкий) Un Chien Andalou (1928, Luis Buñuel) 浪華悲歌 (1936, 溝口) Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)
William Moore
Inside Llewyn Davis is the Coens' most overrated movie
Noah Johnson
well well well if it isn't reddit!
Evan Lee
I didn't get 8 1/2. It was good but I don't see how it's considered one of the best of all time Anyway,
1 - The Tree Of Life
2 - The Royal Tenenbaums
3 - The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
4 - Star Wars
5 - Double Indemnity
6 - Amadeus
7 - Arsenic And Old Lace
8 - Blade Runner
9 - Come And See
>10 - The Big Lebowski
Dylan Brown
That guy is an unfunny Redditor and should castrate himself immediately but Summer With Monika and Osaka Elegy are both pretty good.
Grayson Miller
Matrix Fight Club Silence Of The Lambs Forrest Gump The Hunt A Beautiful Mind Good Will Hunting Gone Baby Gone City Of God No Country For Old Men
>Nostalgia kino (still brilliant): spider man 2, fellowship, lion king >"Plottless" films (eg more sit back and observe rather than intricate plot): dazed, inside, white ribbion, breathless, vivra sa vie
theres kind of a pattern is all
which list is yours
Jackson Brown
>Le Fite Club lost
Bentley Cook
Master and Commander-Peter Weir The Deer Hunter-Michael Cimino Cool Hand Luke-Stuart Rosenberg Zodiac-David Fincher Amadeus-Milos Forman Ran-Akira Kurosawa The Apartment-Billy Wilder Lawrence of Arabia-David Lean 12 Angry Men-Sidney Lumet Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze
Owen Brooks
>Seven Samurai >In Bruges >Pulp Fiction
rest of the list is good tho
Grayson Hernandez
I think you mixed up Gummo with the Police Academy films.
Yeah, that's Police Academy 4, buddy. Don't you see Bobcat Goldthwait in that scene?
Caleb Ramirez
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Milos Foreman
The Producers - Mel Brooks
The Wizard of Oz - Victor Fleming
Wild Strawberries - Ingmar Bergman
The Smiling Lieutenant - Ernst Lubisch
8 1/2 - Federico Felini
Downfall - Some German guy
Nashville - Robert Altman
A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick
Sunset Boulevard - Billy Wilder
Charles Clark
>1 - The Tree Of Life >2 - The Royal Tenenbaums >3 - The Umbrellas of Cherbourg >4 - Star Wars >5 - Double Indemnity >6 - Amadeus >7 - Arsenic And Old Lace >8 - Blade Runner >9 - Come And See - The Big Lebowski
no wonder you don't see why 8 1/2 is so god
Lucas Mitchell
>Star Wars
holy SHIT
>arsenic and old lace
fucking WHY
Brody Wilson
not in order
breaking the waves paranoid park San tiao ren Ruined heart streets of fire vivre sa vie chungking express paris texas il divo babe pig in the city
William Richardson
>Tree of Life, worst Malick movie >Royal Tenenbaums over Life Aquatic or Darjeeling >Star Wars >Come and See
>Morgiana >Alice >Valerie and Her Week of Wonders >The Saragossa Manuscript >Santantango >The Hourglass Sanatorium >Fruit of Paradise >Venice >Napoleon >Dog Star Man
Camden Allen
Juan Jackson
What site?
Hudson Evans
Oliver Nelson
$8.99 A MONTH
Alexander Diaz
yeah but I just made account to make a list with images and titles. didnt subscribe. used to, though.
Leo Hall
>Magic Mike >it's a "find which film doesn't belong" list
James Baker
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2. Possession 3. Marketa Lazarova 4. Tokyo Drifter 5. All About Eve 6. The Neon Demon 7. Come and See 8. Mulholland Drive 9. The Tree of Life 10. Eyes Wide Shut
Ryan Smith
I remember when Edgar Wright posted his list of favorite 1000 movies on MUBI.
It was fun
Camden Perez
Fantastic Four (1994) Fantastic Four (2005) Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Fantastic Four (2015) Paths of Glory
Jaxson Cooper
absolute top friendship & brotherhood roadtrip film no homo.
Dominic Gray
>to the wonder in the list instead of TTOL based
Zachary Stewart
check out "everybody wants some!!" bro
Jason Brown
>2017 >still using Mubi
Asher Thomas
syndromes and a century is wonderfull, personal 11th
Jackson Ross
My nine favorite films.
Joseph Anderson
>1)8 1/2- Federico Felini >2)Lost In Translation- Sofia Coppola >3)Bladerunner -Ridley Scott >5)Seven Samurai- Akira Kurosawa
You just named those to look all patrician. You actually don't like those films, just admit it.
Connor Stewart
Yeah, my plebeian sensibilities have convinced me it's not a good Malick film or a good film. Really love Wonder and Knight though. Hopefully Song to Song gets released this year.
Evan Morgan
That's the response I would expect from a Plebbitor
Christian Barnes
i really like TTOL but i just cant rewatch it without feeling tedious. TTW and knight are a lot of fun and I just keep putting them on and watch
Owen Long
I still don't know whether you're all retards/ Pleddit users or you are trolling when you say this.
Lucas Perry
mad max 2 the thing predator monster squad snatch exorcist aguirre perfect blue blue velver in the mouth of madness
airplane 2
Liam Campbell
OP here, you wot? 8 1/2 is the most meta film ever created, it describes Fellini's own struggles in the framework of beautiful camera-work and a self critical story-piece. Lost in translation is a very nuanced and refined look into the "culture shock" epidemic that so many people face, all while having this ambiance to it that makes it extremely comfy. Bladerunner is literally a Nietzsche-based look of a decrepit world with beautiful set design, amazing character interaction, and complex moral dilemmas. Seven samurai is a comfy movie that describes brotherly honor and has a lot of tension behind its sequence of events, not to mention its comfy for me because I remember watching it multiple times when I was a kid, and wanting to play samurai afterwards. Take your pleb opinions and fuck off.
Adrian Thompson
Shitposting and trolling.
Dominic Roberts
Is that Filmstruck?
James Robinson
1.Army of Shadows 2.Eraserhead 3.Eyes Wide Shut 4. Sword of Doom 5. Joint Security Area
Asher Thomas
Zodiac and Memories of Murder! Great taste my friend!
Matthew Jones
I like 8 1/2 and all, but I'll never understand why people can rate it so highly.
Le révélateur is some shit
>The Umbrellas of Cherbourg Is it for the waifu factor?
Ooze can't lose.
I'm with you on all marks aside from Holy Mountain. Also, reminds me that I forgot Robocop for some reason.
Ryan Barnes
Magnolia A Brighter Summer Day American Beauty Dancer in the Dark The Tree of Life The Mirror Love Exposure Out 1: Noli Me Tangere Under the Skin Pierrot le Fou
Good taste
Elijah Nguyen
Alright I hate picking favorites but why not
No specific order
Synechdoche Before the Devil Knows you're Dead Goodfellas Magnolia South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut (cause fuck you that's why) Her No country for old men Apocalypse Now The Lobster (And fuck it cause I can't pick a tenth) Manchester by the Sea
...i think you misspelled underrated
Angel Campbell
It is tremendously overrated An underrated Coens is the Man Who Wasn't There
Noah Baker
i've seen the man who wasn't there my dude all I'm saying is ILD is not "overrated"
Wyatt Turner
repentance hypothesis of a stolen painting the cranes are flying los olvidados train of shadows el sur blade runner in the mood for love narcissus and psyche tras os montes
meh best user amazing taste based user
Ian Lewis
mysterious skin is amazing fucking great film
Elijah Bennett
yep. that final scene
nope far more patrician than that
Hunter Turner
Well what is it then.
Joseph Allen
you aren't fooling anyone.
Evan Mitchell
In no order
12 angry men Network Lawrence of Arabia Deer hunter Life is beautiful Apocalypse now Taxi driver City of God Amadeus Goodfellas
Brody Scott
kinometer.com it's in beta rn and invite only, not open yet
Easton Baker
I forgot Unforgiven. Cut Goodfellas
Jacob Cooper
that's a funny name.
Colton Turner
The Dark Knight Fight Club Spirited Away Mad Max Fury Road Interstellar Gladiator Scarface LOTR ROTK SW TESB The Thing
Jayden Hill
Is it a tracker?
Bentley Green
Chinatown The Third Man Limelight Synecdoche, New York Vertigo Modern Times Love Exposure Metropolis Rules of the Game Blow Up
Leo Wood
>Stalker Dope
Brayden Russell
no, it's just for tracking and recs, it's basically a streamlined version of old mubi
Zachary Collins
Okay...I'm legitimately asking here.
Is Trainspotting really that good? I have never seen it, but everyone tells me I just have to watch it. I feel like it could be one of those movies everyone says is amazing, but it mediocre at best. Then again, it could be a movie that I genuinely enjoy!
Christian Hughes
>Nashville Nice, almost makes up for the fact that you like that piles of garbage known as a clockwork orange. Almost.
Jordan Scott
12 angry men LOTR The good the bad and the ugly Memento Papillon Shutter Island Fargo Lock stock and two smoking barrels One flew over the cuckoo's Nest Full metal Jacket