Retarded psuedophilosophical wannabe 2deep4u hipster garbage

Retarded psuedophilosophical wannabe 2deep4u hipster garbage

If you enjoy this film, leave this board

> Bongo Drums : The Movie

lol gtfo neck beard contrarian piece of shit

lemme ask you this if this board is full of contrarian people than isn't being contrarian being conformative?

ancient chinese riddle for you

The Artist
The Revenant
La La Land
Hidden Figures

You like these. You have yo go back.

People here don't have that type of self awareness or able to understand irony because they are genuinely autistic

atleast ur cool

It was a film about aging and artistic integrity. It's possible to appreciate while also enjoying capeshit.

whiplash is Sup Forums approved


I enjoyed this film and I have no intention of leaving this board any time soon. You might reply to me in the future just as I might reply to you. How does that make you feel?

I feel sorry you have no intention to leave. I'm leaving asap.

Birdman and Whiplash were good. The rest are overrated.

Worst Superhero Movie Ever

I enjoyed keaton's role. Everyone else was fucking terrible.

This and fogures the academy got it completely wrong and he didn't get an oscar. But the film did.

Into the trash

why would I? last time I checked, the board was full of people like me

There was nothing deep or philosophical about Birdman, it kind of sucked 2bh, Keaton was good though.

Who gave this son of a bitch a Green Card?

Well shit. It was nice knowing you.

strong 8.5/10


>the revenant

>the artist
strong 8.5/10

if you disagree you are a pleb

oh my. Again the user raped as an infant by inarritu

They have this 'film' at my library, apparently all the old libs don't like it, I guess libtards are smart.

>Surf Ninjas
strong 10/10

If you disagree you are a pleb

>if it's isn't a classically told history with an iterlude, main confilct, anagnórisis and resolve it's a pseudointelectual pretentious crap

You niggas are even more conservative than Sup Forums please grow up

Nice projecting gaylord

what could you have possibly against whiplash?

but why

How's that projecting? I'm quite the opposite of being conservative

essentially, this. go watch some capeshit and shut up, OP.

OP is the biggest faggot in this board

>The Revenant


Not my tempo


I liked it. Wow it took lots of long takes and it kinda fit within the movie's context and themes.

Now I can't wait for Birdman 2: Electric Boogaloo

Whiplash, Birdman, The Revenant and La La Land are truly great. Stop being a fucking contrarian for the sake of it, just because these films were also popular doesn't make them "bad" or on the same level as some generic Oscar bait.