>Now...Donald Trump
>*random piano notes*
Now...Donald Trump
*hears music*
I don't think anyone watches this guy
>with Trump as president they should change the flag to red, white and ORANGE hahaha. what do you think of that one Jon Batiste
Seriously though imagine how giddy these guys were when Trump won and they realised they had four to eight years of not having to write a single joke
I tried watching a clip and this random black guy kept interrupting
Is that him and is this a regular thing?
colbert hasn't done orange or small hand jokes in a long time, he said they were too overused in an interview I heard like a month ago
Is there anything that doesn't trigger Sup Forums?
black genitals, they are obsessed and fascinated by them.
Tbh, Sup Forums and Sup Forums share a large chunk of users
No one cares about racism except for you guys who autistically screech about it
I think he's funny
>Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums
>Everyone that doesn't love my inward thinking liberal safe space shows or movies filled with liberal propaganda is Sup Forums
I thought liberals don't like to generalize and paint people with broad strokes? Oh wait that's only okay if you're a FUCKING WHITE MALE.
Not everyone that disagrees with you are neo nazis my little snowflake. Your line of thinking jives with most people in the news and showbiz world. Which is the reason why you say Mr President when you address Donald Trump.
So to you and the rest of the liberal hivemind I would say keep up the good work. Your doing a great job in destroying your own cause.
>I like movies
>Be on the tv section of Sup Forums
Literally what the fuck did he mean by this?
>strawman, the post
lmao Jesus Christ you are angry as fuck!
jesus fucking christ
L O L. Why are you SO angry? He just posted an image L M A O.
why are trump supporters so sensitive? not even bush supporters were remotely this bad.
I thought he made a cheeto joke recently but I might be confusing it with someone else
last time i watched he seemed to talk more. i think they're pushing for more interaction between him and colbert, but there's no chemistry.
Both "sides" love to generalize. However here's the thing. Your guy won and you're still playing the victim card. You can't let it go that not everyone loves the new president. I'm also willing to bet you call anyone who disagrees with you a libtard or a cuck, because if they were a rational human being, they would see things your way, right?
>Your line of thinking jives with most people in the news and showbiz world
the word you're looking for is jibe. now go crawl to your safe space, 'cause you sound triggered.
>autistic, impotent rage
>your instead of you're
>It's a Sup Forums pretend it is not a Sup Forums colony episode
What's with all the sjws on Sup Forums recently? Reddit has a TV board they can go to right?
reminder that people who complain about Sup Forums threads are just fine with and LARP in blacked threads
>what's with all these people who disagree with the opinions of my god emperor?! I bet Reddit is to blame!
lighten up
What is up with this gb2/pol/ stuff recently? Are we being raided because of trump
I'm not upset quite the opposite actually.
Everytime someone makes fun of the far left anything on this board or any other, someone like this asshole comes along and insists that everyone who did so is Sup Forums. And what these fake as fuck cumstains don't understand is that roughly 50-60% of this country is made of people that aren't very political one way or another they are right in the middle on the political spectrum. And for the most part just want to be left alone. So when they see shit shows like his or Bill Maher's or even people like Sean Hannity they ignore it or flat out don't watch it. And when people like the asshole in this thread show how biased they are and start painting people with a broad stroke demonizing people you hurt your own cause and pull people that would normally not care at all to your enemy's side.
>Just a reminder generalizations based on nothing are true if I say so!
kill yourself newfag
This kind of backwards logic is exactly what I'm talking about! You can go to any hug box website you want where you can laugh and say Donald trump is evil and orange all the time but you can't bear if there is one website that makes fun of your side you've got to come in and try to assimilate us? Why?
Sup Forums is the board that newfags who found Sup Forums in 2013 flock to.
Better than you coming to Sup Forums in 2016 because of nazi frog CNN articles
You spend a lot of time on /qa/ don't you?
But you're not making fun of anything, you're just bitching that people have differing opinions from yours. Maybe people want to discuss television and film in a board dedicated to such things and not bullshit politics, but since the trumpkins can't get over people taking the piss out of their idol, they have to have a bitchfit that turns the entire thread into a dick waving competition.
Right on cue
Making fun of Stephen colbert you fukhead. Which is funny because his show really does suck unless you like someone saying trump is bad for an hour straight
>my nihilistic postmodern philosophy that has only been around for 60 years at best will be strong enough to endure the test of time
i have lots of respect for trump supporters or non democrat voters, they seem to have lots of patience. all i see is chimpout liberals who dont get what the fuk is going on, how has not one trump spuuorter lost it yet.
Can you deny you came from or currently go to reddit? Under oath?
>What's with all the sjws on Sup Forums recently?
It's just asspained leftists from /r/ShitRedditSays
Hey guys look /r/ShitRedditSays just woke up.
They probably feel all smug coming to fight against us like we're the "bad guy" jesus
Nice knee jerk reaction. I see I've triggered you. Perhaps you'd like a safe space where your feelings won't get hurt? And you're not even making fun of him. You're just bitching about what he does on his show. I'd rather we all forgot about Trump, but the fucking guy can't stay out of the news with all of his stupid stunts, so of course the late night hosts are going to tear into him. Here's a solution for you, if you don't like what he does, don't watch the show. Problem solved! No need to thank me, just stay off the internet where you can avoid people with differing opinions.
That being said, his show wasn't all that good before all the political nonsense. Jon Batiste ruins all his jokes by laughing while his mic is on and his commentary is unnecessary.
Lol y u so mad tho?
>They probably feel all smug coming to fight against us like we're the "bad guy" jesus
Yeah I know, leftists are pretty pathetic.
well that was easy
Can you admit that you blame a website for your problems because it's easier than looking inside?
Jesus christ /r/ShitRedditSays, if you're going to samefag at least turn the auto reply off.
lmao you people are so angry and stupid
The audience edges up on their seats. It's the sound of winter. You could hear a pin drop as the anticipation mounts -- where could this lead? This is surely one of the best joke setups yet. A dog barks in the distance.
>Donald Trump...
Urine fills the floor amids a tidal wave of laughter. TV cameras shake as an associate producer shits her pants. A 27-year-old grad students falls over the audience railing and snaps both ankles, impervious to pain as xhe descends into hysteria. The entire front row, between tears of joy, begins a "I'M WITH HER" chant, complete with fist pumps and choreographed dance. A woman prematurely goes into labor after severe abdominal strain caused by intense laughter.
>Is Orange.
The audience feverishly bumrushes the sage and carries off the entire staff. Rioting in the street begins at 11:40 pm that evening and lasts six days. A million-man march is organized and the Emmy nomination board is held hostage in their offices. The frothing masses demand immediate and decisive action to ensure "The Late Show" wins ever category the following year. Trained baboons are released and taught to build idols and statues of Stephen Colbert. The United States Federal Government cease their grants for cancer research and instead transfer them to generating Stephen Colbert embryos for in-vitro fetilization.
And that's just the first 5 minutes.
what point are you trying to make? those posters flock to Sup Forums too you fucking idiot lol
Judging on the replies of both posts, the second post got a lot more angry replies so we can conclude that leftists get triggered more easily. We need to have these experiments more often.
I agree, but you don't need a social experiments on Sup Forums to know this.
For example look at how the right reacted to Obama winning. The compared it to the left when Trump won. It's so out of whack that the media in their eyes have to censor anything that MIGHT make the Dems or the left look bad and definitely if it a left vs right thing. They know how the left can't handle even simple disagreements without acting like a baby or chimping out.