I'm researching why UK made the decision to Brexit. Was it simply ignorance and bigotry, or were the people duped into voting that way?
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I'm researching why UK made the decision to Brexit. Was it simply ignorance and bigotry, or were the people duped into voting that way?
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Why would I vote to stay in an organisation that has leaders I didn't elect and cannot get rid of?
>free of offensive or meaningless content
oh boy are you on the wrong board
I sometimes wonder if there are legitimate shills on this site or are people just doing it for fun
> Leave voter
The UE take decisions which apply to all the members, countries can’t decide by themselves. That’s why we have to endure mudslime invasion and shitty economical measures.
We need to give back the power of decision to the sovereign nations.
They wanted to govern themselves instead of subjecting themselves to an unelected political body which could overrule laws made locally and force laws upon them.
... kinda sounds like the impetus for the founding of America.
seriously. how fucking hard is this to understand for remainers.
Na man. You're not taking our union away from us.
I wasn't thinking a few days ahead like many people are crying about now, I was thinking 10-20 years ahead based on how the EU has been developing.
>our union
you envy america that much? do it the right way then, not how the EU has been doing it. perhaps if you had followed our model then GB wouldn't have voted to gtfo
But you just did.
Don't talk to my union or any of its members ever again.
A lot of Brits are angry at Brussels because they are the ones giving orders and imposing laws to them. The PM gets the order from Brussels and he has no choice but to do his job. The European Union is basically an oligarchy.
So the decision for the British to vote "Leave" was more about sovereignty than immigration or other bullshit you heard from Facebook, your leftist teacher or Twitter.
Now go do some fucking google search.
If we're trying to understand why...
There are two groups of people who would vote to remain, those with vested interest in status quo, and sheep.
Status quo voters are affected economically by volatility of any kind and so they favor staying because stability.
Sheep voters are scared of trying new things.
In both cases these voters are motivated by fear of the unknown.
It's not hard to understand. But then again, it's not true either. So, perhaps that's the problem?
An UK MP can be removed at every election, an EU commissioner is not elected and cannot be removed by democratic mandate.
Luck favours the brave.
Yes and yes. The campaign to leave lost the economic argument convincingly (and we can see already how wrong they were), so they pivoted to immigration. And a whole lot of waffle about taking back our country, which in practical terms means nothing, and is just proto-jingoism.
So the bigots and congenitally stupid voted to leave on the basis of lies and dog-whistles.
>what is the Civil Service?
This, liberals are upset because they didn't get any instant gratification from the results and yet again, it was the people who fought to keep this country who saved a younger generation from walking into a death trap.
As a result they want to take away these people's right to vote.
You have to understand the level of spite people can have towards something where they're willing to hurt themselves to hurt the thing they hate. It's a difficult concept to grasp, but you're seeing it in action. The EU won't get it though.
>a death trap
Could you be a little less specific, please? You're in danger of being on the same continent as a coherent point.
Farage and the rest of UKIP courted the poor, uneducated and unemployed, most of whom have never voted before or will again. They also focused on the elderly (over 65s). They filled their heads with pretty stories like "Independence" and "Taking your country back".
Members of these groups tend to be very xenophobic, and numerous. They had little idea what they were actually voting to do and here we are.
>Poverty or Slavery
>some people actually voted for slavery
I find it hard to believe any of them ever had British blood coursing through their veins.
The working class vote won it, because remain said they'd be poor, and leave said they'd be free, and they're already poor.
They value money above real, tangible things, and security over the right to decide.
At least Americas states are all its own, you just adopted some bastard slav children, cuck.
Heres a few little bullet points
>EU and Parliament were saying one thing and doing another
>UK Parliament and Cameron promised saving the NHS while secretly cutting funding.
>Cameron went on about saving schools etc funding was cut and schools began closing.
>Cameron says UK will only take 100K refugees, turn out he and EU had planned to move in closer to a million.
Then on the lead up to Brexit
>Remain ran scaretactics while secretly setting up deal with the EU
>Facts were kept hushed that would influence an Exit vote
>Misinformation was spread on both sides.
>More scaretactics
>Cameron and Parliament figured they'd get an easy Remain vote, only planned for that.
>Hidden info was leaked before vote
>Remain still seemed like it was going to win.
Leave vote passes
>Remainers sling shit at the 17 million leave voters ignore the 13+ million that couldn't be arsed.
>Remain voters launcing some redflag attacks now.
>Cameron and Parliament had no plan for Exit vote
>Cameron does a runner
>Remainers begin twisting facts about GBP, economy and that the places that voted out got the most EU funding
>Remainers clung to false claims of promises
Now a quick side note as a leave from and area of "High EU Funding"
If this area is getting a lot of funding how come Hospitals, Schools, Libraries, Local businesses, services that should be taking care of roads etc are understaffed or closing, the NHS is facing cutbacks, local area where the money could be used to improve the local area isn't being done.
If my area is getting a lot of EU funding all I can say is why have so many hospitals and schools had to close their doors? why is the NHS stretched so thin? Why do these high funded areas have families relying on understocked foodbanks?
But yeah all those points go unnoticed and all Leave voters are just racists and bigots.
The self genocide of whites obviously
>claiming it was simply ignorance bigotry or lied to
>no offensive or meaningless comments
Pick one
Or bait thread
>keep it free of offensive content
>calls brits ignorant bigots
You are the reason why they left.
You're probably just desperate for replys but, the truth is the eu have been hampering the UK and all European countries for decades in terms of economic growth.
The old went around threating young people not to vote or they'd use meme magic against them.
I suppose if you know absolutely nothing, this is an okay start:
Protest vote they didn't realize how many people would loose their jobs and how much capital would be lost.
Now is the time to dance to the pipers tune and this is going to be one hell of a jig.
One thing that I heard is that people with money voted stay and people without voted go.
So now no one will have money.
I voted leave because I am uneducated, racist and easily angered.
They control Europe now. We fought WW2 for nothing.
Pick one
Keep up the rhetoric, guys. 17 million people made a rational and sensible decision and you're redpilling them so fucking hard every time you wrote them all off as stupid, bigoted racists. The harder you push this angle, the more people you'll turn against you - and as the vote showed, the majority is already against you.
Keep it up.
The classic symptom of the unreformed liberal is assuming bad motives in anyone who disagrees with them.
For example... your post where the only reason why people would vote for Brexit is if they're stupid or a bigot.
Your days are up libtard. Your system is crashing around you and you don't even realize it yet.
Well, yes. But that's a racist phantasm. It's not a real thing. Unlike the loss of free movement for the next 3 generations, the collapse of Sterling, crashing the markets, having no fucking clue how to manage the exit. All of which, you may have noticed are quite real, and rather serious.
>We fought WW2 for nothing.
You did jack shit and would have been a service dodging faggot hiding in your mum's cupboard.
Because very few of the 52% of the remain camp have jobs in finance or any assets to speak of; their wages have been depressed for years, and none of the mewling cunts campaigning for remain actually thought their propaganda war would fail. Hence, no plan was actually made by the main parties for such an outcome. Now it has actually happened, their lack of foresight has come to bite them in the arse. Do not misinterpret this, it's London who is suffering, the rest of the country will only experience a small financial hiccup from Brexit.
The real point of this was to end the impartiality of labour and the conservatives, and prove to them that their manipulation of the media wasn't enough to sway the British population, having ignored the concerns of their voters for decades.
>But that's a racist phantasm
Lurk more or go back to plebbit desu senpai
That comparison falls short when you realize that the Commission are the only ones who can table a motion.
If you want to change something in the EU, repeal a law, introduce one anything, you CANT.
You can't run, you can't vote for someone who will, you can't do shit. Only an appointed committee can do that.
We wanted it to change, and we couldn't change it, so we left.
>not a death trap
Do you see any other country leaving as easy as we just did?
The EU controls their economies, their currencies, they can't escape without financial ruin, as the EU buys off all their debt and imposes ever stricter laws. As one of the few contributing members we're pretty much funding economic war against people we like for the benefit of Germany here.
Well, let's you and me come back here in 5 years time and see just how unhampered Blighty has flourished.
In the meantime, you might consider that image macros are not convincing arguments.
>he believes this
The UK was a fucking basket case when it joined. That's why it joined.
It rose to #5 during the period of EU membership. That's not to say the EU caused it but that's far from being held back.
The EU doesn't need to be efficient to be effective. Size matters.
In the UK an elected MP proposes laws and legislation and the civil service makes it so.
In the EU a commissioner (unelected) proposes laws and legislation and parliament has "recommend" it. You can read about the cluster fuck of decision making here europa.eu
the un-elected comisioners have way too much power and not enough accountability.
With the bias that already exists in your question you've already earned some shit. Gtfo. Sage.
They don't control us. That's a start. Always the fucking same.
Fuck off taig
yes, and?
Exactly, that's why the older generations voted out while the young stayed in and shitpost all day on Tumblr and Twitter.
It's both actually.
You need to study more.
Should've let them win, now they've decided to be sore losers and destroy the continent starting with themselves.
>Loss of free movement
I just came back home from a holiday outside the EU
and I used to live and work abroad
Explain to me why on earth I should care if we're not allowed to work in Poland any more
>oh no the wastes of life we've takin in by the million can't live off the taxpayers sweat and blood anymore
Stay cucked, i pray your pointless country does not exist in a decade
Now that you mention it remember how all those advice posts for undecided voters began popping up explaining we should vote remain because we can always vote out later, how many people believed that the EU wouldn't put legislation and rules in place to prevent a second Exit attempt.
>17 million people made a rational and sensible decision
Oh, well, I guess that settles it. Thanks for clearing that up.
>The harder you push this angle
Well, it's difficult not to push it a little, since voting leave is an act of extreme stupidity. As for the racist angle, well this is Sup Forums. It's a fair assumption that leavers here are racists.
>suffering due to uk government policies
>blames the EU
Well now we'll have even less money to spend on areas lacking funding and the added bonus of a far right Tory government who'd love nothing more than to shrink the government.
Congratulations... You played yourself.
It appears that Brexit was intentional. The UK has always stood in the way of closer integration. They are the major force in opposition to a super state. So Brexit happens, they won't stop it, even though they could, and now a super state plan is announced. Seems to me that Brexit was designed to jettison the biggest obstacle to the super state. This wasn't really the people's will. This was a concerted effort to mislead the public during the campaign with false promises to essentially kick out the UK. This would also make sense as to why the EU has been up fornt about the UK starting the process immediately. They don't want any takesy backsies. They want the UK out so that Germany and France can strong arm the weaker members into this integrated super state. /conspiracy
>you don't have to be racist to vote leave but it helps
>when you realize that the Commission are the only ones who can table a motion
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
>You can't run, you can't vote for someone who will
So, what are MEPs?
>they can't escape without financial ruin
Tell me, what's the recovery time following a quadruple irony bypass; and does it hurt?
>tfw america voted to leave the UK with guns
you're an act of extreme stupidity
I've never once seen someone post an actual argument againsy leaving. Please post some.
>Well now we'll have even less money to spend on areas lacking funding
Those area saw little if any of the money the EU was sending so now theres no real change.
Sending EU £310mil only getting £120mil back, none of that money was reaching the area it claimed it was.
>Congratulations... You played yourself.
Now it up to the UK government to use the full £310mil to repair what they fucked up. If the EU and Parliament had told the truth 17 million Brit wouldn't of voted to Leave.
You missed his point famalam.
>In the UK an elected MP proposes laws
No, in the UK, the department comes up with draft legislation according to the wishes of the Minister and the Government. Much the same way it operates in Europe.
>The EU doesn't need to be efficient to be effective. Size matters.
Behold the festering slums of Iceland!
doesnt matter
parliament is full of euro-philiac freaks who will never vote to leave.
even if they do someone has to send in article 50 and no one wants to
I can't explain why you, particularly, should care. I can, however, suggest that:
>I don't want to do it so nobody should
is not a strong, nor particularly moral basis for voting in a plebiscite.
Yes you're getting it... less government...
By the way all that 'eu funding' is our money you spastic
Holy shit if you're not trolling you're fucking retarded
I'm not even ironically racist and I voted leave purely on the democracy issue. I estimated 5 years of economic strife. I thought it was a fair price after plenty of consideration.
I don't care if it diminishes us on the world stage, I don't want to be in a country that goes to war constantly to prove its "relevance".
If it takes me a day to get a visa I can live with it.
Life goes on, I'm not regretting my decision after just 3 days although I do enjoy telling Leave voters the country is irrepairably fucked and they've just voted their pension away (mostly because it's true :^) )
>Was it simply ignorance and bigotry, or were the people duped into voting that way?
neither of the above
>They had little idea what they were actually voting to do and here we are
The story of every election ever held, human beings arnt rational actors, the rational ones especially so
>tfw america voted to leave the UK with guns
That's true. Remind me again how it panned out when Dixie tried the same move?
>Almost all European countries outside the EU are still part of the common market, so they a forced to abide by legislation over which they have little influence.
>No one has ever left the EU before, no one knows what happens when you do.
>the EU provides stability in Europe, politically and economically
I voted leave. This is all I can come up with.
Is it simply cultural or do scandis have more than one reason they produce bright, multi-colored houses?
In a world that is conditioned to value it above all else, it's been a pretty strong argument. It won over 48% of all voters.
>Those area saw little if any of the money the EU was sending so now theres no real change.
this desu. They always opened up new art galleries and university buildings, that sort of thing. Forgetting that the people actually struggling in these areas can't afford to go to university.
Err quite, Iceland isn't the EU and doesn't work the same way.
>Those area saw little if any of the money the EU was sending
The fuck are you talking about? I live in Cornwall. We've had ~£60m per year. Will IDS and Boris chip in to make up the shortfall?
>forcing a narrative
>the EU provides stability in Europe, politically and economically
>1 nation leaves and it all goes to shit
Doesn't sound very stable to me.
How many toilets you got mate? I'll shine them up good for ya. Only 2 euro per hour
Why not pay for your own shit instead of paying for this glorified ponzi scheme of the EU?
>What the actual fuck are you talking about?
The EU Commission are the only people allowed to propose laws, MEP's can amend or vote against. When a law is out voted, it usually is re run until it gets through, or is reworded etc.
>>You can't run, you can't vote for someone who will
He's talking about an appointed commissioner, of which is essentially chosen by the President. So no you can't run for it. MEP's have pretty much no power too.
>Tell me, what's the recovery time following a quadruple irony bypass; and does it hurt?
You don't even have anything to say do you? He's right, the EU buy up their own debt, its a doomed system.
A bill is proposed by an MP and then acted on by the civil service, in the EU it's the other way round.
There was and is a lot of ignorance on both sides, the economic argument fairly clearly favours remain, but in the end the emotional appeal of freedom and independence was more powerful
My point is
>I can
>and the EU has nothing to do with that
>and it won't stop that
I don't even have a degree, those things are like free passes when you're applying for visas.
As of now, the UK passport is the most powerful in the world. We can go to more countries than any other nation, visa free.
We can obtain visas more easily than any other country in the world.
I can leave the UK because my passport says "United Kingdom" on it, not because it says "European Union" on it.
The free movement deal is fucking worthless to UK citizens.
It wasn't just money, it was also vapid virtue signalling from progressive millennials.
>far right Tory government
You're in for a fucking shock, lad.
>He's talking about an appointed commissioner, of which is essentially chosen by the President
The commissioners are selected by the member state they represent, the president has little or no authority over that choice
and in the area I live in the last 5 years we've had one retarded sculpture, two hospitals closing wings, one hospital knocked down, multiple A+E deparments shut down, around 15 libraries shut down, several schools aimed at disabled children shut down, schemes to help parents on low income cut, multiple school closures.
But we get a lot of EU funding apparently, explain that?
The revenue benefits of operating in the EU make that £310m look like small change.
Not to mention the likely increase in govt borrowing going forwards now we're facing a downgrade.
The economic argument is comprehensively in the favour of staying in the EU.
The only question is is it worth leaving for the extra democratic control and sovereignty.
That's a matter of opinion.