Is weed literally a blue pill...

Is weed literally a blue pill? Is there any evidence that weed usage causes regressive leftist ideology like open borders and socialism

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weed gets you kinda high, that's about it

"The dank pill""

it's blue pill because people use it to pacify themselves.

I am a very heavy weed smoker and i am severely redpilled. I know it does affect me and isnt a wonder drug though. Im just stuck using it for now.

Green pill

thoughts lads?

>Is there any evidence that weed usage causes regressive leftist ideology like open borders and socialism
Probably not, more likely regressive leftist ideologues like it because I know I do because if not I would most certainly get fucked up doing something reckless out of outrage at this pathetic country

but you got these stupid arch stoners that smoke all day, that you can easily subvert, and that get stupid ideas in their head.

Not everyone that drinks a few beer now and then ends up going berserkergang either.

You do get stupid off this shit, temp studid, that's called getting stoned. If you quit in about 3-4 weeks you'll be fine again as you were before.
You get your smelling sense back too

I recently stopped smoking weed. But before I was an avid smoker for about 20 years, every-single-day. At my tops, I was smoking about 3oz per month. I've noticed no change in my political ideology from smoking to non smoking. I've always hated the left, I've always loved guns, I always vote Republican, I dislike trannies, and fags. Always have. My father was a bigger influence on me than any drug ever could be.

I don't think it has anything to do with weed. Me and all my friends smoke and we hate Muslims and niggers and want to keep them out

I use it for insomnia because I don't want to take pills. I smoke, meditate, and go to bed with music playing. I'm a white separatist. So, no. If anything, my nocturnal, canabanoid infused mental meandering seems to center around ideas of true racial disparity, planning for the apocalypse, and the true nature of subhumans.

I admit, lots of slack-jawed faggots smoke pot- I don't even associate with anyone that smokes.

Any true redpill would see that smoking weed as a personal liberty to get away from it all is just as, if not less degenerate than getting drunk

The only legitimate drugs are old school psychotopics like LSD, DMT, and psylocybe cubensis mushrooms. I have tried LSD and shrooms, lsd at 300ug made me nice and trippy for the first 9 hours then complete mental breakdown 'stop the rollercoaster' for the other 3, it did help me deal with my OCD a little bit and pretty much stopped my depression for about 2 weeks, shrooms were a bit 'meh' in comparison. Luckily I didn't get psychosis from either, and that is always a risk despite what some people will tell you. is great for information on this kind of stuff.

I smoke weed all day every day and am about as far from the left as you can get.

Before people tell me I smoke the jew and all that, I grow it myself so its dirt cheap, or actually turns a profit if the NSA isnt watching, and because i'm in Colorado its 100% legal...

The reason they outlawed the weed is because it makes you PEACEFUL!

i smoke quite a lot but i consider myself redpilled

No one gives a fuck, lad.

Green pill.


Also when I say "The only legitimate...", in mean in regards to what are commonly illegal drugs. SSRI and other legitimate psychoactive drugs should always be sought after before trying anything illegal if you are wanting to cure or help a problem.

No, I enjoy a bowl every now and again, and I have more red pill than blood.

Just trying to help.

I am high as a mother fucker right now man. And I still have no interest in leftist ideology.

Here's a track I made while I was stoned out of my mind.

We'll said user. Present fathers are based. Curiosity compels me to ask how you came to the decision to stop smoking. Was it job related or did you have a bad experience or was it something else?

Nah its very much a red pill for me. I don't realize what a fuck up I am till those glorious 30 mins in when I get paranoid and beat myself up mentally. After that I just eat dinner and fall asleep.

I used to smoke because it helped with my headaches (and by "helped" I mean I never got headaches ever) but I moved last year and don't know anyone in my new town to buy from.

I can't think of a single reason why it should be denied to anyone as long as a doctor prescribes it.

I occasionally smoke, and I'm a liberal.

but the most conservative guy I know (and I live in Alabama) is a dealer and smokes everyday.

Weed got me into politics and brought me here.

I stopped smoking weed because either id started getting too introspective thinking about changes I need to make or I wouldn't get high.


It becomes a bluepill if you let it consume your life and define who you are as a person. Otherwise, theres nothing wrong with smoking a bowl at the end of the day in the privacy of your home.

Have you had any side effects? I quit after being a fairly light smoker, I had smoked (vaped I guess) maybe one month straight and decided to can it. Had poor appetite and terrible insomnia after. Memory took a few weeks to get back to where it needed to be.

Smokin a bowl and thinkin bout enslaving our jewish masters

Mushrooms turned me right-wing no joke

>yeah fuck that shit grown by the earth

so do you only eat lab grown food or are you just a faggot?

this is just because people who spend significant time smoking weed and browsing Sup Forums are gonna be more exposed to "red pill" stuff

yeah if you wanna be one of those fags whose all into "the essence of my being" wank

All of my smoker friends are red pilled.

Anybody I've smoked with from university was blue pilled, though.

I think this whole 'weed is the blue pill' is a false equivalence. Most people are blue pilled, and most smokers are thus blue pilled. It doesnt help that a lot of smokers are generally useless regardless of what ideology their espouse.

On the other hand however, I know some very successful stoners as well.

have fun Sup Forums

Your mother gives a fuck, faggot

>what is the paper industry

fuck that, I only became more conservative. It made me realise I put too much in what people think about me

Nah, none of the above. My dealer moved away, and the guy he left me with is undependable, and honestly, untrustworthy. That and I got a bit tired of spending 500$+ a month on the shit. Aside from the like 2 months of vivid as fuck nightmares, I didn't feel anything bad from quitting. But alas, I'm back to pounding beers, and throwing on the lbs. Kinda sucks, but I will deal with it. For whatever reason beer makes me want to eat way more than pot ever did. And with pot, if I had no food in the house, I would not bother to go get food. Now I find myself driving for burgers all the damn time. Pot made me very unsociable, and somewhat of a shut in, whereas booze turns me into a God damned butterfly. I'm going back to Denver, the land of pot in about a month, so I should not have any issues switching back off the beer.


Lol this. Why do we beat ourselves up when high?

Sorry for being a dick. I'm 32, and I'm guessing much older than you. I live in northern Virginia, and I didn't experience DMT until the opening of the original deepweb mass market. It changed my life- it redefined me as a person the first time I broke through. I went through a phase where I was convinced spreading the power of hallucinogens was integral to who I was as a person.

The reality is, describing the indescribable to a bunch of people who are really asleep makes you seem crazy. Cherish your experiences, revel in the information download they offered you, and be happy.

But that's not true, it's a psychedelic. If anything, it's alcohol pacifying people literally and metaphorically.

It does I smoke weed sometimes and I suddenly feel bad for the US bombings on Muslim countries. After qualifying hour I'm back to hating those suicidal brownies. Nice to see it doesn't affect only my redpillness

are you me?
>mw mushrooms cured me of my atheism

Just really vivid nightmares every single night for a while. But the thing about nightmares, is once they start happening on a regular, you stop giving a fuck about them. My appetite was small when I first stopped, but has returned with a vengeance, and I am now eating more than I have in years. I got to get it under control.

I use it to pacify myself because the genetic lottery gave me every known gene linked to aggression and aggressive, violent personalities, and my mom wound up being an ass backwards leftist tumblr-tier feminist in the late 80s and early 90s who shacked up with an abusive alpha who abused me and my sister.

Without it, I may have already gone full blown Elliot Roger or Dylan Roof already. PTSD ain't a joke.

Unfortunately, most people who I see that use it tend to be more liberal, but recently a lot of them have turned more libertarian because they see the regressive left for what it is but refuse to back the republicans who want to act as an evangelistic moral police.

It worked in the different direction for me.

1 hour. Auto corrector sucks

Smoking and watching illuminati video, then Alex jones is what got me where I am.

To your point, caffeine is on the same shit tier as alcohol. People are extracting caffeine from coffee beans to attempt to press the fast forward button on their day to day lives.

>tfw smoke a bowl and listen to waffenruhe while reading savitri devi

Im fashier stoned than 90% of the lot of you here are sober

How do you start believing in God again, I'd love to become a theist agains

THIS TOO. It helped me finally break the conditioning.

Weed is a truth pill. It unlocks everything you repress and deny inside.

I was a giant cuck my entire life. Smoked weed from 13-21. Literally the day I stopped smoking weed, and I went full red pilled. Now I am 26, hate weed, and i am red pilled as fuck. Coincidence or not, who knows.


Same I always munch down when drunk. Stoned I was like ehh I'm good for now on the snacks

>I don't channel my aggression, I squelch it.

nope, that's not about it, weed literally changes the way you think, it makes you depressives, lunatic, gives libido problems, and makes you sound like an entitled faggot whenever you talk.

dunno why people can't se this? whenever i speak with a pot head, they always speak fast, cut you when you speak, and think they are always right about everything.

stayyy faar from that shit, it can ruin your life.

I'm visiting Colorado and have tried a lot over the last few days which is why I asked. Beautiful state

>take 5 grams of dried mushrooms
>smoke a bowl of weed while waiting for the mushrooms to kick in
>put on Pink Floyd's "Echoes"
>let the trip kick in and let your mind wander until you discover your soul
Thats how it happened for me at least

why don't you graduated high school first of all. all kinds of different people smoke reefer, even the right wing. you would be surprised how many people actually smoke. there's doctors, lawyers, teachers, house moms and yes, your typical bob marley listening high schooler that smells like shit. it's really amazing what a little visine can do and you wouldn't know

No problem. I never got to try DMT unfortunately. I only did Mushrooms and LSD, silkroad got shut down before I had the chance which was a bit of a let down since I wanted to try something truly hallucinogenic before going on SSRIs which I needed to do for OCD and depression. I asked a few weeks ago about where to find an alternative but it got me banned for 4 weeks so I wont be doing that again.

Colorado bro here :) Enjoy it mate.

What is this image? Sauce?

smoke weed every day
angry right winger

it's called growing up. most people are liberal in their younger years and they think fixing something is as easy as just stating the problems

Google red dit dark web markets.

>why don't you graduated high school
>you graduated high school

u wat m8?

no. it is a plant. every individual interprets the effects differently. it doesnt show you anything that wasnt already there.

Stannis did nothing wrong. If the people around him were half as hard as he was he'd have been on the Iron Throne within half a season.

I'm 27 and have tried weed many times, though I'm not a fan. I was just asking because the paranoia and self-hatred hit hard last night

I have low latency inhibition. Weed seems to effect me differently than most people, as it typically enhances my focus by helping to numb me from irrelevant stimuli.

It has also been vital in helping me achieve spiritual awareness and maturity.

I smoke everyday and i'm a Trump supporter, closed borders, deport the illegals, build wall, limitation on immigration visas, all that good stuff.


I'm high on weed and wwant t love everyone and everyone I want to love me


Seriously bad troll job, frog dick. Pot gives your libido an insane jolt.

blah blah blah blah blah no, you're a fucking idiot.

i've literally been stoned from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to bed, every. single. day. with no breaks, for the last 6 years. i don't even get high anymore, i need it to feel normal. it's given me brain damage. weed is one of the worst drugs on the planet and everyone acts like "omg its great".

if you don't smoke it, don't start.

Weed kinda redpilled me actually. Started to study it the first time that I smoked since I didint really feel any "hangover" and discovered how much propaganda there was. From there on I branched out to study otherthings that obviously has been propaganda by the jews.

Dont smoke it anymore, if it would be legal I would probably switch the drinking at home for smoking since it does not have calories or any other side effects.

No idea. Just a random grab from /hr/.


I drink coffee daily but I don't wine like a bitch and tell other people they can't have coffee.

Shill detected.

it hits people in different ways, just like alcohol. i used to get paranoid when i smoked too, but it wasn't such a bad thing because all that made me do was start cleaning the entire house

Nah, but alot of "stoners," are uneducated liberal idiots.
Hence why I have no friends who smoke.

I, on the other hand, am a rightwing libertarian, and I smoke pretty regularly.

strychnine is all natural too man, take some of that, it'll be far out

you really think caffeine is comparable to marijuana? come on man, you're lucky i even took the bait and replied

I will smoke you and anyone you know under the table, you're the fucking shill if you really think weed is good.

>You get your smelling sense back too
Kek, seriously, weed smells so bad.

imo it's a sliding scale as opposed to ye olde red/blue pill dichotomy

some can handle the effects, those usually enjoy it socially in private quarters, same are wake'n'bake wastes of life, others lie somewhere in between

I haven't detected some conclusive pattern regarding political affiliation no different than the normal distribution but the absolute losers that are high 24/7 are usually on gibsmedats or a burdain to their families, those go through life as if they don't really exist

Oh shit. I clicked the wrong post. I'm stoned bro.
My bad bruh!

I meant to call this fucker the shill.

>Weed smells bad
^This nigga only smokes regs

i smoke only once in two months or so but nah
it only makes my feelings on degeneracy stronger
i find it hard to fap to my usual guilty pleasures cuz lol guilt. It's very intense if i ignore it tho
and once i got completely bummed out in a club when i realized how ugly people were
everyone was a spoopy skeleton and like 30 years old lmao

>you really think caffeine is comparable to marijuana?
try going without caffeine for a week and tell me how you do. irritability and lots of headaches i bet

Cannabis was used by ancient Europeans as medicine for thousands of years.

It introduces you up to the idea that the govt lies to you about their concern for your well being and that turnoff makes most weak minded people turn liberal because their trust is dissolved in the govt at an early age. That distrust in the govt evolves into antinationalism.

You fucking cucked alt righters just dont get it, we would WIN EVERY SINGLE ELECTION if we would turn our backs on these asinine puritan values that only cause us trouble.

No, weed is literally no pill, it doesn't change your opinion about the world.

I smoke weed and I am not a leftist. Only dumb people would associate weed with being a leftist.