who is more based? Indians or Mexicans I have no idea.
they are both so cool and unique. I'm buying a pint for the next indian or Mexican I see
who is more based? Indians or Mexicans I have no idea.
they are both so cool and unique. I'm buying a pint for the next indian or Mexican I see
I wouldn't call any of those two countries "based" though.
What does based even mean at this point?
Reson 1-100 : no one tried to decapitate my head
At least our heads can roll on shit-free ground.
At least here you can have personal space when you travel on bus
India. Better food, better culture, better people.
Indians are more of a blight on the "mother earth" in more recent times, but they do have a more established and ancient culture. Mexicans are fewer in number and cleaner but are nearly as uncultured & bastardized as Americans (if not more so).
If rather have an Indian doctor than a Mexican one.
being cool different and not giving a fuck
>Both smell
>Both a rude as fuck
>Both have shit food with rice on the side
>Both lazy
>both have stupid music and language
Both countries are fucking shitholes.
>no one tried to depcapitate my head
why dont you wait for a Muslim raid part to decapitate your Hindu head fag
it really depends on the person
>never had a non jewish doctor before
Indian women > Mexican women
We also have a better diet
pic related
holy fucking kek
sorry mate
Was Duke Nukem mexi-indian?
>I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck
mexico is def bantz king anyway
Is that poo?
Indians if they aren't muslim.
I've been hearing some bad things from sikhs lately so, maybe the leafs were right.
>At least here you can have personal space when you travel on bus
Hehehehe... no
at least the chances of a mudslime bombing ur public transport is less than 1% in Mexico whereas in India it's a solid 10% at all times considering they're 15% muzzlim
>El chapo Ackbar ese!
The chances of cartels hijacking the bus and killing everone inside it systematically is higher.
because they wuz kangz and defeated the huns
Being honest here, cartels do not cause too much trouble once they take control
one of them comes down as a shit meteor
>BJP openly persecute muslims and force to convert to Hinduism
>Actively promote Hindutva
>Nationalism at the same level than Myanmar
>Muslims beaten on a daily basis
>Lazy dealers
>Don't persecute muslims
Pick one
While naan is a god tier bread I prefer mexican food over the rest of what indian has to offer.
Probably full mexican-arab. Indians need streets, arabs enjoy cacophilia.
Those are dates. Basically big raisin-like fruit.
I expected you to be a swedcuck when I saw this thread on catalog.
Isn't that song in a Zumba game?
>Don't persecute muslims
We barely have Muslims to begin with.
4000 too many in your shithole. Kill them now and we'll give you double the break-time from wall building after November.
I'm Mexican and don't have a fair baseline. The Indians around here come at least from middle class while 90% of Mexicans in the USA are poor uneducated masses. If we were to take similar levels I have no doubt we come on top. Plus we are at least half "white" so lots of Hispanic gurls are qt while qt Indians are incredible rare.
>half "white"
Northern indians are caucasian already, as are persians and levantines. They aren't white like Europeans but they share more in common with whites than any other non-white group.
I get that, however most of them are almost as dark as blacks with nasty looking skin prone to irritations and pimply.
Are Sikh different from Hindu?
Most immigrants in the US of A are tamils desu
Yes, Sikhism and Hinduism are two separate religions
Pedro just be another BRIC in the wall
>"I've got balls of steel"
>Not Anglo
Cuz they're the most intelligent
>Cuz they're the most intelligent
t. tamil
Yes, Southies in general are very hard working, they study very hard for every exam while others slack off and then get high paying jobs and migrate to US or Canada
All of the people saying India are probably curry shits. They have billions of people and infiltrate every country.
Mexico is far better than pakdia. I used to not mind Indian people because I never met one. Then I moved to the GTA. Nastiest, dirtiest, stinkiest, shit of a culture and most annoying people in the world.
I've only known 3 Mexican's and probably 1000 Indian's. 2 of the Mexican's were OK and while 4 of the Indian's were OK. Paki's are worst but India is basically tied since they're the same race.
Are there even Mexicans in Ireland? I can't think of any situation that would lead one to go there.
mexico, most mexicans I know are hard working guys just trying to get by, they also teach their children rights and wrongs which I respect
The only comfort I have being mexican is that at least I'm not indian.
Literally the worst country.
That's literally 1 city in the whole country.
Mexico by fucking far. There is like what 60m of them and over a billion Indians. Also at least Mexico has a nice culture and good food, all the food in Mexico is great and India has good Indian food and then poo platters for the rest of three cuisine.