>le socialism is bad meme
Le socialism is bad meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>Work smart, not hard.
Momma was a font of such knowledge. I earn twice the minimum wage in 26 hours of work a week thanks to her.
>Delusional Commies haven't been able to address the misean calculation problem of for 90 years.(first link related)
>These arguments have now manifested into predictions and all but a select few Commies have the honesty to admit that Mises was right.(second link related
soshialism keels
>le unskilled workers and the unemployed deserve more money for their minimal-to-nonexistent contribution to private industries meme
Why does being a mere organizer deserve to get paid several times what those who actually do the work earn?
Because no-one would do it, otherwise.
And that they simply aren't "mere organisers"
No, I'm thinking of benefits.
>Someone starts a business
>It's a success
>They don't deserve money
Because, goddammit, my college friends' kids needed SOMEwhere to go to earn six figures.
>negroes and wymyn
Oy vey
Doing manual labor isn't innovative. You aren't "creating" anything, so to speak.
Wonder why people get paid 6 figures to put words into a computer? Because they're inventing shit that makes your life easier. Explain how a cashier deserves the same wage when I can literally go to a self checkout and do their job for them.
Fuck socialists. Fuck them to death.
No wealth is being "taken away" from anyone under capitalism. Celebrities and fame whores don't "deserve" to be rich, but it's the choice of the population to continue giving them money by buying their shit and feeding them attention.
>"I could do that if I wanted to!"
>"But you didn't"
It doesn't matter, because the actual belief of the left in $The_Current_Year is niggerism, which believes in taking money from white people who work hard and giving it to niggers who don't.
You can't call it socialism, because niggers are anti-social.
>posted from my iPhone
So you'd quit your job as an organizer if you earned 40k rather than 80k? Really? You'd really throw away a good job just because that is such an insult to you?
Why does anyone need to earn six figures?
Running a business isn't "innovative", either. It's just hiring people and doing paperwork. Innovation is what inventors and engineers do. Calling yourself an "innovator" because you hire engineers is like saying you're a programmer because you can use Microsoft Word.
age for OP pic is accurate
>>"I could do that if I wanted to!"
>>"But you didn't"
How are you getting that from my post?
How is Venezuela doing comrade?
>"I could do that if I wanted to!"
>"But you didn't"
being born to wealthy parents? sure I could have "done" that if it had happened to me ... its not like it was based on any of my choices who my parents were
Why is 40k acceptable to you, but not 80k?
Why not 20k?
20k is acceptable to me, I never said it wasn't.
There is literally no working class in the western world anymore.
> being born to wealthy parents
> that's what they're talking about.
Did you not read it, or did you not understand it?
No way dude, it TOTALLY makes sense that having a bunch of paper = being paid more paper for no reason!!! Being paid capital because you lent someone capital MAKES SENSE and ISNT STUPID!!! It MAKES SENSE that there are people who invest & dont produce a good or service yet are allowed to siphon goods and services out of the economy!!!! ITS SMART NOT STUPID!!!!!!!!!
So, in other words, you're going to complain when they have 40k, until they have 20k, then until everyone is paid the same and there's no incentive to put oneself in a position of accountability.
really is sad how true this is
LOLS, I'm a manager, AND ITS QUITE HARD, you have to ensure upkeep is in check, you have to check on EVERYONE"S SCHEDULE, you need to ensure that each worker is growing and that they;re used in the most efficient manner, Also you need to ensure that all of the supplies needed has a secure source and EVEN a back up just incase. You also need to settle customer and employee disputes.
And those who made their businesses? I would assume the same thing with the manager EXCEPT IN A HUGE SCALE. That ability to organize individuals is a very valued skill, more so if your organizing thousands. Heck organizing 14 people is hard enough for me.
If it's so easy, than become a billionaire "organizing" others and then use the money to found your own socialist paradise, pinko.
>1 post by this ID
I chose to ignore the red herring they were going for, yes
Realistically, some variation in wages is necessary for a society to function. But excessive variation is inefficient, since those with large amounts of money tend to hoard it and not put it back into the economy.
>Why does anyone need to earn six figures?
Because the work they do is hard enough that if they aren't paid six figures to do it, they won't do the work.
This so bad, rich kids will buy overpriced phones made with slave labour and destroy them just for fun. Then Libercuckians go on about muh hard work getting paid pennies from schlomo goldcorp and all the wealth goes to Chad son of Schlomo and so on for eternity.
The only problem with capitalism is mass immigration. Stop that and wages would go back to what they used to be 60 years ago and every one would be satisfied with there wages being fair
If person A won't do it for six figures, Person B will.
How is anyone meant to build anything if they're not allowed to own large amounts of money?
>Why does anyone need to earn six figures?
Do you get that you're a useful idiot?
Do you understand that the end goal of "equality" is to make us all equally slaves of the (((chosen)))?
wages aren't determined by some agency. It's ultimately determined by supply and demand, Not enough workers who are capable of doing this very desired job, Then they have a big salary since more people compete to hire those individuals CAPABLE of doing that job.
If you would have a country that only makes engineers, Their salaries would be piss poor.
7/10. Made me reply. The workers are being paid less because they're replaceable. You don't reward people based on how much they've contributed, you reward them based on their value. The entrepreneur is invaluable. The entrepreneur takes risks that the normie plebs is unwilling to take. You'd think you would have Apple if Steve Jobs couldn't make billions? Why would he take such a risk if their is no reward. This is why every socialist society has always failed and never innovated, because you guilt the rich for being successful. And doesn't matter if it's "democratic" soliacism. You vote to use force, it's the same thing.
If hiring engineers were easy, you'd be doing it.
>Do you understand that the end goal of "equality" is to make us all equally slaves of the (((chosen)))?
If everyone is a slave, no one is.
Managers are never really off the clock. That's the difference.
That's like saying, "if being in middle school was easy, you'd be doing it". Do you think you are under-qualified to be a middle school student?
> what are skills, scope of influence, and performance under pressure?
Anyone can do manual labor. Few have the cahones to take risks with billions of dollars and have to answer to stockholders for their decisions. Stockholders pay CEOs and other executives what they are worth on the open market. You could do an NFL style salary cap on CEOs, but they'd still be worth millions. Joe Sixpack at the plant can be replaced, and his wages reflect it.
Capitalism doesn't advocate redistribution of anything in any way, you stupid faggot. Kill yourself.
My company sells an inferior product. The hundreds of other companies with more reliable products have a monopoly. So I'll use that as an excuse to kill everyone more successful than me.
He's a nigga!
Socialism = Destruction of human ingenuity and spirit
Capitalism = Unleashes human ingenuity and spirit
There is no debate
Enjoy your race to the bottom.
>having money makes you bad
>quick give all the money to the federal government
In modern capitalism (corporatism), there really is no need to be good at judging risks, because if you choose poorly, it's the taxpayers, not you, that must deal with the consequences.
Any economic system by its very nature advocates redistribution. The only system that DOESN'T advocate redistribution is one which forbids any transfers of ownership of any kind between people.
>If everyone is a slave, no one is.
The same (((1%))) that your gender studies professor told you about is the same (((1%))) that would be the ones calling the shots under "socialism", dumbass.
For those who have nothing or very little, it's not a race to the bottom.
> That whole picture
No, capitalism is the idea that the government shouldn't steal your property or wealth and give it to those who have not earned it. Socialism is the opposite
> muh-mu rich kids
Yeah no shit, rich people want to look after their kids and make them happy, what's your point? Do you not know how incentives work? People work hard for their self interest and that self interest extends to the family.
Get fucked, that image is all sorts of retarded.
In practice that isn't the case though. In the USSR, former business owners were persecuted and denied rights.
In any society, there will always be someone on top. Only difference is, in capitalism the person on top, has to, in some degree serve whom he sells to. Unless crony capitalism and mass corruption is involved.
In socialism this ends up being the policians whom will take extra cash for themselves, and as such, you are a slave to them.
Wanting to be on the top of the greasy pole is a given in any society and it's about creating a society that makes whomever is on the top have to serve those underneath to some degree, and the only system that does that, is capitalism.
Your thinking of corporatism.
Also you are adding wealth where there was none, this is why growth is important. I wish these CEOs were paid less and others paid more, its fucked up.
Most people are so agaisnt socialism because they don't have the minimal clue of what socialism his.
And it won't be here that you will have a discussion about it.
Socialism is the ideal political system. Anybody who disagrees is either a manipulative predator or a cuckold who likes being taken advantage-of. The vast majority of human problems emerge out of, or are reinforced by, material inequality.
The problem with socialism is its implementation. Abolishing capitalism is hard enough. but transitioning to a peaceful and equal society is much harder.
>Yeah no shit, rich people want to look after their kids and make them happy, what's your point? Do you not know how incentives work? People work hard for their self interest and that self interest extends to the family.
Do YOU understand incentive? If the poor have little chance of succeeding even with effort, why should they even bother trying?
Bullshit. They absolutely don't. Go back to fucking plebbit, bernout.
There is no "modern capitalism". It's a defined system, it doesn't evolve. Jesus you're stupid.
>get told to go to college
>see the prices and the increasing issue of student loans
>decide to go to community college for free because of student grants
>get a degree
>get a job at a chain store
>do well, promoted to manager and on way to another promotion or moved to a more popular area
could have been worse i guess
least i don't have student loans
>Capitalism doesn't advocate redistribution of anything in any way, you stupid faggot. Kill yourself.
>What is taxes
>What is welfare
And then it's this guys that tell one to go learn about economics, HAHAHAHAHAHA
Uh huh.
Because the bolshivek Jews sure as hell didn't want competition from the goy.
isn't capitalism an economic example of survival of the fittest?
Are you stupid? What is stopping the poor from working hard and saving money in a capitalist system? What exactly is holding them down?
You have an internet connection. You're better off than 60% of the world's population.
Inequality is an inherent part of reality.
>It's a defined system
By who? Where?
> it doesn't evolve.
>economics system do not evolve
Don't you ever get tired of sucking Jew dick?
Need money to make money.
>not living in a completely buffered society is "privilege"
The cry of the eternal nigger
Because what you get out of it isn't really worth the cost. And usually, there are other (illegal) ways of getting what they want.
>fittest = richest
No. It's not that simple.
What is the point of saving money by a poor person?
> What exactly is holding them down?
Gee, i don't know. Have you taken a good look around you?
>gibmedats: the ideology
kys yourself leech
So? I wasn't talking about myself.
>in favour of taxes
Re-read your Bastiat, you are confusing us with Lenin.
>Sup Forumstards defending capitalism
You've become what you hate
The primary problem is crony capitalism and the system that directly and indirectly supports it. You literally cannot setup a business of consequence anymore without a large amount of preexisting capital, which means most people simply have no ability to compete in the first place. Regulations and necessary infrastructure are just too pervasive. Even worse, we are seeing merger after merger after merger, so even those few companies that get to the top just get bought up and eaten by who they originally competed against.
Putting the causes aside, it's certainly true that there are people who don't earn remotely what they actually make.
This guy is right that unskilled manual labor is worth a lot less than many higher end jobs. The problem is there are also a large number of jobs that do earn a ton of money at the high end that aren't worth it either and essentially exist due to graft and corruption. This is worsened in that with our current job market, even if you do have a solid skill there are not enough jobs so they can pay you scut wages.
You can make an argument for going into one of those few areas where there is a lot of need for new workers and they will pay you a lot, but with the requirements for retraining, an ultimately limited field, and innate skill, there's no way every good worker can do that.
Bottom line, there are a ton of jobs out there that pay the employee far less than what they earn for the company just because they can. I'm not talking about reasonable profit margin less, I'm talking about "each hour you are putting in 50 dollars for the company and you are getting paid 12 dollars back."
More about the Economic Calculation Problem:
Yeah, that's a motto if you're investing.
And whats to say that if you don't have money, that you can't go to a local charity? A charity ( which doesn't require government action and does not force people to pay for others) helps people much more effeciently than a government does.
>have it better than 4 billion + people
>still complain
>Most people are so agaisnt socialism because they don't have the minimal clue of what socialism his.
Yeah pretty much this...or the mountain of corpses and loss of self-determination left in its wake.
Except that it's a socioeconomic system based on philosophy, that is so well-grounded in first principles that it literally can't fucking evolve. Your ignorance explains why you believe the shit you do, you clearly don't know a single thing about capitalism.
>You are better then niggers in Africa, therefore you shouldn't complain and want a better life
Are you 13?
Capitalism has never been the problem it's always been trust fund babies. Boomers are fuckups about everything
Their parents made businesses
Then they inherited after spending their youth being groomed to be good at making money
Then they ignore their children and give them thousands of dollars in weekly allowances and never teach them about at least keeping up appearance so they do shit like get drunk/high and drive their sports cars into pedestrians.
> welfare
> free-market capitalism
>This nigger was literally too stupid to pass middle school
>Hey, I know you've been getting paid 80k a year for your hard work, but because GLORIOUS SOCIALISM has kicked in, you're now getting 40k a year!
>And thankfully, you can work just as hard, while getting paid as the same as people doing significantly less work!
>W-why are you quitting?
>W-what do you mean you want a demotion for less work since it doesn't fucking matter now?
>equaling free market capitalism with capitalism
And this is how you spot a retard who doesn't even know it's definitions.
The first person to accurately describe capitalism was Karl Marx, bro. Bastiat was way before him.
I suspect a lot of "captialist" countries are in a pretty bad spot currently, the European union is accused of having tons of regulations and tariffs on products which means for a new business to figure out if he breaks any regulations there he has to either hire someone or spend a lot of valuable time on it.
This strangles new competition. Everyone also has tons of debt.
I imagine something similar is in place those outside of the EU (like Norway or the USA)
I think the way to fix this is to get rid of a lot of chains that makes it difficult to start new business, as well as offer incentives to do so. But the people who have bought out congress probably won't allow such a thing.
I'm not surprised seeing pro-communist/socialist people show up because people fail to see the real enemy here, it's not capitalism, it's corruption. Capitalism is the best system there has ever been in history, and may very well ever be.
>or the mountain of corpses
In what socialist society?
>nd loss of self-determination
Literally a meme and Cold war propaganda.
>Anybody who disagrees is either a manipulative predator or a cuckold who likes being taken advantage-of.
Says the faggot who unironically thinks the cure to all of societies ills involves giving power of all his decisions over to other men hundreds or thousands of miles away that see all humanity as a fungible asset.
Because we're not allowed to pay the working class what their work is worth any more. Minimum wage law makes manual labor illegal, so businesses that need it have to hire only lawbreakers like illegal aliens to do it.
So all people are equally good/bad? Is that what this guy is saying? Because by his logic, we might as well let 12 year olds fly airliners, since pilots are flawed humans too.
>over half the world's population doesn't count because it hurts my argument