Why is Hillary's memegame so weak compared to Trumps?
Why is Hillary's memegame so weak compared to Trumps?
because she has no soul
The top 1% ain't got no game... and with the exception of dead people and electronic voting, no one will vote for her...
What do you mean? She's super hip and down to earth. You're just being a racist.
Because Sup Forums originates memes so that is why Trump is popular, since Reddit or 9fag only copy them they create inferior or obsolete memes that end up being shit.
Basic memeology, brah.
Kek doesn't favor her. It's like that creepy kid trying too hard to make the jokes the cool kid does effortlessly without success.
It's gotta come from within. Praise KEK
Its not because Hillary is killing Trump in the polls
Your next line will be "You're a shill"
Paid shills stand no chance against genuine supporters.
You're a shill
Delete your Sup Forums gold account
Her entire platform and worldview is about stamping out any creativity and individuality to create a global marketplace of faceless consumers. Her supporters lack the originality necessary to meme.
well you're either below 100 in an IQ test and/or a shill if you think polls are real because over the past year, the polls are always wrong.
Kek nudgley, nudger
she doesnt browse Sup Forums like trump does
>1 post by this id
Remember kids, report and sage shill theads
Actually, I belive that those in charge of the polls are shills, yet I have no opinions about you whatsoever.
That's all I needed to hear #immanenoughtovoteforHER
Her meme game is weak because all of her supporters are filthy normies who just steal memes from others. The creators of memes are Trumpians and Shillary cucks aren't going to use pro Trump memes.
CAN'T #PilloryTheHillary
Because she can cruise to victory on the black and Hispanic vote combined with those whites who will only vote democrat. We passed the tipping point for shit skin saturation at the end of obamas second term. It's literally impossible for a republican to win the whitehouse now and by the time Hillary is done with her second term all those brown babies will be old enough to vote. Already the majority of babies born in the US are non white
That's not counting all the shitskins she will ship in.
You mean you didn't like here "DELETE THIS" tweet?
People meme for Hillary for money and it shows, we do it for Trump for free.
The thing that makes a meme strong is the same thing that makes literature great: reality. There must be a recognizable connection to some real process. The reader who loves a meme or a work of literature feels, even if wrong, that it is accurately representing some truth.
This, the only poll I trust is a poll involving the vast majority of Americans from all political spectrums, AKA the general election. Everything else is meaningless speculation and shilling
Literally because she's a woman. Women are good at copying men, but not good at coming up with their own sense of humor or originality as far as art or some other things you can't just copy off of a book like recipes or trains of thought
Clinton represents the establishment.
Literally the conservative position because she represents the status quo.
Can't meme from the position of traditional views.
She's deleted enough at this point.
Not bad shill, not bad