This what will happen if Trump gets elected, isn't it ?

Look at England
> Hate crimes on the rise
> Mobs of fascists in the streets engaging in violence
> Liberal politican gets assinated
> Economy in disarry . Currency loses value and stocks fall

This looks like exactly what will happen if Trump get elected desu

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sounds good champ

We need to retake our country, violently if necessary.


>This looks like exactly what will happen if Trump get elected desu

Oh suddenly it is okay to call polish scum but when we did it in ww2 it was wrong? Fuck you brits

>tfw all the Polish scum ends up coming back to Poland

The UK is about to become the greatest nation on Earth, faggot. Every Western nation is going to the right except fucking Canada and look at how awful they're doing.

>Hey Rabbi whatcha doin'.




>tfw when EU immigrant but not Pole or Slovac.

yes please

What is wrong with poles?

They seem pretty cool, BTFO faggots and don't afraid of anything.

You have to go back.

The fire rises.

The residents are getting restless.

Just keep calling them racist, that will make them stop r-right?

And who'll be doing my job? You?

Yeah man, I've dreamed of cleaning toilets my entire life.
We'll cut benefits and make cunts work for it, Brexit was only the beginning.

>have Paki mayor
>have 3 Asians in this pic alone
>have blacks trying to play James Bond
>have Muslims take over London
>out of all these people you hate the Poles

kill yourself Britain, and I'm not even Polish

False flagging by antifa. They did this before.

>We'll cut benefits and make cunts work for it, Brexit was only the beginning.
Sounds like a plan. Good luck.

What's with all the hate for Poland all of a sudden?

Just 2 months ago you faggots were crying that Poland was savior of the white race while they were the only Europeans beating the shit out of refugees

Now you faggots are committing hate crimes against them


That is what actually lefties think, because they would do this.
Sadly, wont happen. Just plain ol republic with walls on the south and gun safety course training in school.

Pooland is welfare nigger. Deal with it.

Sup Forums is one person

Polish are easy targets since SJW say there white they don't deserve to be protected against "hate"


Telling illegal immigrants to fuck off? Hopefully

What's with the hate towards Polish people? Of all the groups, you would think "fuck off Muslim scum" or "Pakis Out!" would be more common than anti-Polish sentiment.

I'll say one thing you Russians stay in your own country

Polocks will leave at the sight of more money

People claim that all the Polish people in the UK are the "bad ones" and all the good ones are back in Poland.

God damn, they're worse than Grease. Probably because all their able bodied people leave to go work in Western Europe so they're country just gets poorer and poorer.

At least they're not the Greeks who just sit around on their asses

Probably this. Probably leftists doing most of it.

>liberal politician killed in a false flag murder at the last second before brexit
>no one cares

Kekked when that happened

Easy target. Brown people are protected by liberals even dumb chavs are smart enough to know better

Yeah, because UK is Soviet now and everything is ALL now.

>A vote for Trump = post-Brexit Leave win
Where do I sign up?

Yeah I don't get it either.
If I was british the people I'd be least worried about are the poles.

Nah, Poles can come here. I don't get why bongs would harass Poles instead of kebab.

>> Liberal politican gets assinated
> Liberal politican gets assinated

are we there yett ? can i wake up ?

been in the UK for a couple of months. Can confirm. Hope you tea drinkers just kill them instead of sending them back

That's because they cant be called raysis if they hate Poles. Also probably too scared of muzzies.

What politician?

Fuck of Ukrainian bitch

Makes me worry that some poor girl who supported hillary will get killed, and she;ll tell people to vote in her honor.

anybody starting to think that a lot of this is antifa or leftists carying out fake hate crimes? we need to catch them in the act.

Also what is this "polish people are doing all the shitty work that no one wants to do" meme? How are they affording living in the UK AND sending money back home while being janitors or whatever?

kek why? what's wrong with the Poles that leave Poland?

Jo Cox
She was a female politican in Britian that argued for more refugees to flood the street. Im glad shes dead.

>Whatcha doing there Rabbi?

A pound is worth five times what our złoty is. Even a miniscule amount sent back home becomes a lot.

>bunch of westernized whiny polish millennials come to slavland and start teaching you the virtues of tolerance for islam
you think this will be good for your country?

g-guys white immigrants are fine

i'll take poles over spics, muzzies and nigs

Sounds Comfy as fuck.

>hating on poles
>not muslims
Wtf, you dimwits are doing it all wrong.
The poles aren't going to give your country away like the arabs.

Its coz Poles are not homogeneous as people might think. Many "Poles" are in fact 3rd generation Ukrainians or Ruskies lowlifes. Its a CCCP heritage.

it's leftist false-flagging. they're trying to make leave look bad.

if they wrote "MUSLIMS OUT", most british would agree. but if they write "FUCK POLES" most british get sad because the poles are pretty ok people.

>Brits get away from EU
>""Nativist"" ideas start spreading
>Brits attack mostly white Poles instead of Muzzies and blacks

cmon m8s

Nie wiem ile w Rajchu siedzisz ale odkąd otwarto rynek w UK to sebki i karyny zniknęły.
Może to mniejszosć emigrantów, ale za to najbardziej widoczni


So this whole referendum was about deporting the Poles and importing more Pakis?

Well done, Britbongs.

>God damn, they're worse than Grease
all the debt relief programs and all the special payments and loan guarantees for grease aren't included in the EU budget. they're irregular payments. if they were included grease would be off the charts.

poland gets so much because like 80% of their economy is agriculture, and EU subsidies for agriculture are huge.

>Jo Cox
Doesn't ring any bell, sorry.

No wonder Burmingham managed to squeeze out a win for Brexit, those sneaky muslim fucks.

Sounds glorious desu senpai

Really makes you think

Your nation is a fucking mess, what the hell are you talking about. America is the home of degeneracy, super-Jews and giga-niggers, tumblrinas and numale cucks.

The US can never make fun of another country.

>We'll cut benefits and make cunts work for it
... but then how will you have time to go on Sup Forums?

Nie cenie nikogo kto pluje na swoich. Jak plujesz na swoich to juz nie jestes swój, dla mnie volksdeutsch albo ukrainska kurwa, i tyle w temacie.

Why do brits hate poles so much?

are pollacks that bad England? they seem okay here in america

Muslims and Blacks are horrible here...why attack poles??

Surely attack Muslims

Let's hope so

Coz they butthurt

I'm just wondering why white Brits are attacking Poles of all people when they have far worse problems in their country

>people stand up to government
>finally ballsy enough to say stop importing people we don't fucking want here
>liberal scumbag probably involved in general scummy activity assassinated


This is exactly why we want Trump. WE WANT THE SYSTEM TO FUCKING CHANGE.

> At least they're not the Greeks who just sit around on their asses
You cant be more wrong than this.

There is nothing wrong with violent solutions.

Why do you hate niggers so much? Memes aside, Slav infested neighborhoods are bad news. Crime shoots up, as does general filthiness.


The pollacks that you have are old time migration from the 19th century. Modern day Pollacks from Poland are absolute cancer and they require 0 qualifications, education or funds to settle down in other EU countries.

I second that. I guess it is okay to say shit about Polish because they are white

No it won't rule of law will actually exist again with illegal imigration.

They were described as racist attacks in the house of commons today.

I'm not even joking. That word has lost all meaning.

>whatsya doin rabbi?


(((1 post by this ID)))


I find it so strange that Russians seem to really like the Greeks. Many Russians I've talked to say they love Greeks.

Why is that?

I'm not Jewish.

Most probable robots in the next 20 years.


Fuck off Kraut, I can see behind your proxy.

look at it like this:

clinton wins = people will complain, but will remain non violent

trump wins = people will complain, but the threat of riots and violence will be very real

that right there tells you where the problem lies

now fuck off shill

It's racist to arrest the other people

Cultural similarities.

Hey Pavel, whatcha doin'?

Bullshit! The pakis and other arabs are not included cos they are "British" and they are the majority in jails

Better than a Orwellian stalinist fourth Reich

>not Muslims
nice false flag there.

>This what will happen if Trump gets elected, isn't it ?
no we are going to be stuck with more of the same.

You're supposed to be giving us reasons not to vote trump