Reminder that texit is the last hope for republicans if trump loses
Reminder that texit is the last hope for republicans if trump loses
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Dude, Texas is like 80% spic
All us white conservatives will move there and bleach the latinas while sending the male latinos into other states. Problemo solved.
Sorry spicbros, but victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice. Besides, you guys love socialism so you won't be able to handle Texas.
If we build wall and send back our excess Mexicans and I bet we can better match up the per capita income.
Reminder that texas is the home state of EL RATO
Like it would matter since most of Texas is Hispanic now.
Texit will lead to other states leaving. States with better white demographics. The North American white ethno state will happen
I lived in Australia. That is not a good country to compare your self to.
No thank you.
Where I'm at spics seem to be pretty based, voted for Trump and everything, where are you at? The only place I would see spics being a problem is southern Texas.
Texit now.
t. spic, you can have south southern border land if you like, reconquista, but stay the fuck away from white blood.
>white blood.
fucking NEETS thinking texans are gonna embrace you
If Texas leaves the US, I'd move there after finishing out my associates degree in accounting.
There, no problem.
I've heard there are lots of Commiefornians moving to Texas, also lots of negroes there.
Why move to such a place?
>El paso
>not lined as Beaner either
You must be retarted or something because I saw nothing but beaners everywhere in El Paso.
you need to include San Antonio and Austin behind the wall, those cities are shit my man
No income tax, a competent government, good gun laws
>no income tax
ugh, really?
that's really nice.
Just googled their gun laws and they do seem amazing.
leave but your assets stay
Good comparison. What are the gun death & injury figures?
I bought a gun in a corner store, there's a corner gun store and I have never seen a gun crime.
>texit referendum
>next is join mexico referendum and it obviously passes
You have to make a deal with Mexico
X for this much land and beaners
maybe an oil pipeline or something.
Low taxes
Low cost of living
has had the some of the best job growth since 2006
Oil Industry would start booming again since the Federal EPA would have no more jurisdiction
Other than the retards based out of Huston and Dallas a majority of its Governors, and House of Representative members are Republican with high conservative ratings. This also applies to its governors and Senators.
Texas, if it left the union, would be the most successful successor state to the United States because of its general acceptance to free trade ideals. California is the result of more Keynesian style trade ideals and if it became a successor state it's currency would be worth less than shitter paper.
that just means more jobs and industry for Texas to export which would create manufacturing and a better over all economic out put.
or invade
fuck off kike.
>texas leaves
nobody would give a fuck.
we would clap and laugh when you beg to come back.
dont post a kike.
Isn't Texas a spic colony nowadays?
Except the US economy relies heavily on Texas for oil
stay mad jose
the southern part yes
Don't steal Estonia's memes
>tfw live in the RGV
>DUm Geww
and texas relies on everyone else for everything else.
Why just Texas? Why not join with the rest of the South?
I mean rural Texas has much more in common with rural Alabama than it does with Austin, right?
Or is it because those other Southern states (Georgia, Mississippi, Carolinas, etc.) have too many blacks?
Rememember to pledge your vote for Texas Independence
Texas will be the last bastion of true freedom. Get in while you can.
Thanks for the input !
not to disprove your point or anything, but what exactly do they rely on from other states?
If Texas were to secede, would it allow American immigrants?
Re-scaled for accuracy
Except in land area we are nearly the same faggot
America is, texas is not
Beaner line would have to be drawn starting at Corpus Christi, north of San Antonio, and on to the right angle of the Texas panhandle.
itty bitty texas
I didn't know Texas was a Canadian province.
It has been made abundantly clear what happens if you try to leave the Union. Texas wold get fucked hard by the U.S. military and they would deserve it.
>tfw spic and my wife is white
>we have 3 kids, they're mine
all 4 are going south, it's called race traitors.
Where did you live?
no thx they're all fat
>marry a different race
>I belong to your race man, latinas god tier
you marry mexican then you must live with the result of it and that's living in Mexico.
>more white than america
>Highest standards of living
>Even minimum wage can get you a decent lifestyle
>Socialized public systems that are cheap for pretty-much everyone with private options still available
>Pretty decent public transport and road system
>almost always balmy warm weather
>great art/music/entertainment culture
Whats not to love comrade ?
Texas would be France's = or above, independence and racial sovereignty to all states in this fake "union", the Union was intended for when the states were all of one culture and people, the 13 colonies, we have different cultures and peoples thus no union exists.
can we use our aryan science to relocate texas farther from the equator?
White people are not suppose to be in 120 F heat.
Ehh, the middle is shit to live in for extended periods of time but there is stuff going on there, mostly open cut mines, massive cattle farms etc.
I'm not an expert at economic stuff, but wouldn't Texas' GDP significantly decrease if it left the union?
>Worried about the spics
I'm more worried about the blacks.
>texas is any different
It would take a massive hit manly because they would lose access to the mexico/us free trade agreement and government subsidies for industry among other things.
Thats a pretty big issue as mexico makes up most of the texas export market.
Whats wrong user, scared of a little sunburn?
>t.Arkansas and its bullshit heat with 50%+ humidity daily
we need heat protection gear, the sun fucks up your brain.
Well, we could go all "whats the problem".. or we could relocate texas to the north pacific and be comfy all year round.
nvm where I live the temperature is nearly identicial to texas.
Considering I work in this shit 8 hours a day, Id say the only thing it does to your brain is really make you really hate the fucking sun.
That's nice. I was held at gunpoint in the driveway of my own home by 6 Mexicans. They fired their shotguns twice to prove they were serious. I lost $500 in cash from my wallet, my cellphone, and firehouse keys. I pursued them until they abandoned their stolen cars and escaped by foot.
I'm glad you know some based ones though.
Damn dude, that sucks, did you ever get anything back, or at least did the police catch them?
>Dum Geww
I found my phone in the nearby Gully system, and my wallet and firehouse keys without cash. They didn't want to mess with someone affiliated with the police, even if I am just a volunteer firefighter.
They got away after abandoning their stolen cars. I'm not going to chase people on foot with loaded shotguns
El Paso is a pretty decent city, actually.
Only white ones.
chihuahua plates pissed me off to all hell
To my fellow texacomrades:
You are given a choice of siding with Uncle Sham or Texas, who do you choose? This will determine if you are worthy of the title "Texan".
if you guys could own guns and if I werent a former melanoma patient i'd move there
Better than niggers at least.
Republicans move to Oregon and diaspora all the lib trash please. It's really quite a nice place with no sales tax, legal weed, peasants pump your gas and it's super white and very clean.
>El Paso is a pretty decent city, actually.
t. native
Uncle Sam?
How about Sam Houston. I'd pickup my rife for Texas but not for Uncle Sam unless invaders were in Texas.
Uncle Sam is a faggot, literally.
Could you please spread that message far and wide?
Particularly to the middle east and Africa?
If trump loses, I'd support Texit.
Gotta love my city, the only thing I hate is people coming from juarez expecting you to speak in spanish. I mean, I speak spanish but still
We have submarines.
Texans have to go to Mexico for decent surf.
Texas is 70% white
>expecting you to speak in spanish
That only happens if you look like an indio.
Who /Texas/ here? Fag enabling Houston can go eat a dick.
If Texit happens we need to ban all city slickers.
>he doesn't surf in the Gulf of Mexico
Whoa brah it's like you don't even want cancer or something
>tfw australia does what you do but with 3 million less people
The slants are giving them an advantage we got to do something about this.
The spics are fine, its the katrina niggers we need to get rid of
only 45% non-hispanic white
Hell no, I'm a white half breed with colored eyes and still get shit for it
Texas has shit everywhere. The outback is literally void of anything of use.