What books would you like to see adapted into a movie or television series?

What books would you like to see adapted into a movie or television series?

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I want to sit next to emma on an airplane and smell her menstruating

Snow Crash

Qt and a beauty

Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes

or Eragon


Why are girls so obsessed with vaginas?

Mountains of Madness


"An Instance of the Fingerpost" as a BBC mini-series with Lupita Nyong'o as female lead.

Rendezvous with Rama
Or maybe the whole series condensed into a longer 3+ hours movie



why is a jew obsessed with money?

a confederacy of dunces would be kino and im so sad its not a film yet

tv series

either is good


I want them to redo the Percy Jackson movies.

There's so much material there but they fucked it up. It can be the next Harry Potter except not gay.

This. It'd be a tough task to make it a good movie, though.

Question - would you give Emma a "bimbo injection"? It'll cause permanent brain damage, leaving her with poor judgement, impulse-control and general cognitive function, she'll also be very suggestible and easily amused, and of course, very VERY horny.

If you ask her opinion of Trump's immigration order she'll wrinkle her pretty nose "I don't know about that stuff" *giggle* "No offense but it's kinda boring" *imploring look* "Can we talk about something else, pleeeease?!"

*her eyes widen and the tip of her tongue pokes out the corner of her mouth as she has a "clever idea" "I'll give you head!"

emma is such a mouthbreather. i support confiscating her wealth and redistributing it to young men living in the projects

this bimbo fetish shit is retarded but it's also hot

By Linklater

Did you take an "autism injection"?

I heard something about a tv show but i always thought a movie directed by David Lynch would be amazing

The Martian Chronicles

Did you?

Well they're making a Forever War movie but I know a ton of shit will get cut out like all the training accidents

Saw this pic on Insta earlier, do you guys think these girls kinda look like Emma?

Emma still triggering faggots ITT is why I love her even moreso

Goyermo Del Torah said he wants to do it and has an idea.

Hell he even started working on it but told him to back off because there's no way they're going to fund 18+ movie.

So the idea was left off but some time later he said that he'll start working on it again after Hellboy 3.

But the faggot who played hellboy in the movies doesn't want to play hellboy anymore.

>emma is such a mouthbreather. i support confiscating her wealth and redistributing it to young men living in the projects

She should be put in stocks, all the disadvantaged young men (whites only) line up for some fun. They can do whatever they want to her as long as they finish inside her English pussy.

My sides were flying through heavens while reading this.

Seeing the green morning on the big screen would be pretty cool

>after Hellboy 3

Is Perlman still suitable for the role?

Blue haired one does the other looks creepy as fuck

The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson

Directed by Zack Snyder

Yes but not for that many more years it's a really demanding role

I mean dude's old as fuck 2bh gotta think about that too.

But id like to see hellboy 3 for sure. Even with another actor

Good call. The sequels would need a bit of work though - Red Seas just has too many plots going at once, and the present-day plot in Republic was dreary.

Still hoping for a spinoff with young Chains one day.

He'll be alright to get kitted up and walk around. A stunt double will do all his action scenes

>The Vagina Monologues


To be fair guys spend a lot of time thinking about our cocks/boners

This is true.
Men also like big cocks in porn.

>(whites only)
The browns and blacks can have her too at this point.


not at all

Do you seriously spend any time of the day thinking about your dick?

I get maybe thinking of it when you get a random hard on but please don't tell me you walk around all day thinking about your own cock.

any penis books out there?

Mein Kampf

are you fucking new or something? fags


what? no we don't. I can't remember the last time I discussed penises with any of my male friends.

When I'm hanging out with my female friends, they will almost always bring up genitalia as a speaking subject, in which I defend the excellence of penises and lament the fact I'll never have proper tits. But they always broach the subject. I don't start shit, I'm over here losing my shit cause I have a coupon for a god damn 10.95 tikka masala with cheese and garlic naan and then out of nowhere. "Vaginas are so awesome and I'll tell you why they are better than dicks". Fuck off bitch don't start shit when I'm so happy.

I want to lick her face and suck on her nose

More sci-fi like the honorverse or foundation series

she second wave?


My choice
>The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell
>A bit of religion
>A bit of existentialism
>A ton of alien rape

Directed by Villeneuve

This is being made into a TV show

This would be pretty cool. Can't go wrong with a good caper.
Haven't read the last book though, have it on my shelf but can't get to it.

>Zack Snyder
>Doing any kind of subtlety
Ah you're just joking.
The Years of Rice and Salt wold be kind of cool as a 10 episode miniseries or something like that, an era every episode

>foundation series
Pretty sure this is being made, at least Caves of Steel. I don't know if that still going on.

I legitimately love this series, specially because of the space naval battles (i fucking love space naval battles).
It would make a good TV show.

Yeah but at least I never got measles.

Whatever. As long as John Slattery plays Jubal.

Huh thats a really good choice i would have never thought of


imaging she control you with her pusy

these were great books

The Threepenny Novel and Candide
Only closeted faggots do this "ironically."