Jamie Foxx confirmed for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
He will be playing Electro.
Do you think this will be kino Sup Forums?
Jamie Foxx confirmed for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
He will be playing Electro.
Do you think this will be kino Sup Forums?
holy shit the time machine worked!
Good thread.
he's sexy he makes my white pussy wet
This is the best thread I've seen on Sup Forums in months.
I think he'll do a really good job of it. He looks so cool all blue! Any word on who's announced for the goblin yet?
He makes hers wet on a daily basis.
I hope he does a good job.
I can see some good music coming out of this.
Well it's not like it can be worse than the first
good, her foot game is atrocious, nigger can keep that one
vote trump, he almost won
>bigger down their
>more handsome
>more charismatic
How will little whiteboi Tom even compete against THAT? Looks like Katie and Tom's daughter will be calling Jamie daddy
Not half bad, desu
Sweet. Electro, Rhino and Green Goblin.
What could go wrong?
Already got the collectors edition pre-ordered senpai
I wonder if the superpowers will close the gap in his teeth
Put a spoiler on that shit. goblinfeet/10
Please tell me this isn't real.
He uses those as pylons, how else do you think his electric powers charge around his body?
No it'll just merge the three Spider-Man universes and make Willem Dafoe Green Goblin again and make Jamie Foxx Electro again.
I know this is b8 but c'mon don't make me laugh.
haven't we already seen electro?
get a new villain alrealdy, boring as fuck
This is a comfy thread. Simpler times
I'm not a footfag but that is hobit tier levels of gross
You're not white
She's not white
I'm shocked
She a has bunion!
I want her to kick the shit out of me with her disgusting old lady clown feet
It looks hella epic tho!
soles are decent tho
>"People will go crazy to have some blue painted nigga head on their kino-rooms"
Actually someone thought that
Damn Trump is really fucking with the timeline huh??
This is a blue board m8.
he has to go back
Imagine being so insecure
On a cambodian basket weaving forum
I know, how do you deal with it?
Why does he call himself Jamie Foxx when he has a badass real name?
i watch movies and play video games
whoah, me too.
Bernstine Bears movie when?
I'll never forgive him ruining Law Abiding Citizen's ending