Basil Iwanyk: I am. We’ve got a script. It’s a little long, but it’s the best script we’ve had. Now that I’m back from Mexico City, we’re going in there to figure out how to cut some pages and give it to [Tom] Hardy. This draft kind of addressed Tom’s notes. We’re going to give it to Hardy in the next couple of weeks and hopefully try to get it done this year.
>Does the financial box office of Assassin’s Creed play into Splinter Cell or are these separate things?
Iwanyk: They’re separate kind of things. The story of the financial success of Assassin’s Creed is yet to be told because we do live in an international world; it’s still rolling out. Assassin’s Creed had a very specific world to it and a very specific storyline, character, all that stuff. Splinter Cell really is a first-person shooter game. And so the challenge of making Splinter Cell interesting was we didn’t have this IP with a very specific backstory. That allowed us to make up our own world and really augment and fill out the characters. I don’t think one applies to the other because I don’t think our movie will feel like a movie that came out of a video game, I think it’ll feel like a badass, Tom Hardy action movie, which is what we wanted.
>Do you envision this as an R-rated kind of thing?
Iwanyk: No, but we’re definitely going to make it a hard PG-13. No, it’s not going to be like [John] Wick, but it’s going to be badass.
So excited Sup Forums?
When will they learn this video game movie shit doesnt work?
Aaron Williams
>Did you guys look at a real-world event to go with or what are you digging towards for this story?
Iwanyk: It’s more of what we’re digging away from. The good and the bad news is that, obviously, the Bond movies have had a resurgence and the Jason Bourne movies are the Jason Bourne movies, so we’re trying to stay away from those movies in terms of tone, in terms of bad guys, in terms of settings. What’s a world that we haven’t seen yet? What’s an area of the world and a conflict that we haven’t really touched upon in movies in a long time, to make it feel fresh?
Jason Flores
>a first-person shooter game
we are off to a good start
Brayden James
>Splinter Cell really is a first-person shooter game Press F to pay respects
Alexander Cook
>Splinter Cell really is a first-person shooter game I'm so fucking triggered Americans really don't even know what first person perspective means?
Jose Phillips
>it’ll feel like a badass >it’s going to be badass >first-person shooter dare I say, /trash/?
Dominic Phillips
The first splinter cell game still has one of the worst endings I've played in a video game with a story.
They really should remaster the first 3. Double agent wasn't bad either.
Jayden Russell
do you even current year m8? Sam is gonna fight alt-right in the movie, it will not be games plot
Robert Rivera
Tom why?
Bentley Sullivan
>No, but we’re definitely going to make it a hard PG-13. Stopped reading right there. Just dropped this so hard.
Michael Brooks
>PG-13 >Badass Choose one.
Isaac Cooper
>I think it’ll feel like a badass, Tom Hardy action movie, which is what we wanted. Theyre turning Sam Fisher into Jason Bourne
Grayson Wright
Tyler Morris
I think splinter cell could work as a movie but Tom Hardy? fuck off
Thomas Roberts
It has less to do with that and more to do with him never having so much as looked at the game he's making a movie of.
Gabriel Anderson
They already tried that with Conviction
Didnt work
Eli Torres
I cared maybe 11 years ago when this was stupid thing was announced.
Brody Wood
It's good to know this guy actually played the game the way it was meant to be played. Aiming down the sights the entire game
Hudson Ramirez
>producer of the movie doesn't know it's a third person stealth game
Xavier Myers
If they do the typical shit and make it an espionage/stealth thriller for like 10 minutes then going full action I'll be fucking pissed
Parker Sullivan
>Splinter Cell really is a first-person shooter game. And so the challenge of making Splinter Cell interesting was we didn’t have this IP with a very specific backstory. That allowed us to make up our own world and really augment and fill out the characters. What the fuck?
Lincoln Reyes
Didn't even read the post before I posted this, fuck this dumb faggot, it would be far cheaper to do an espionage thriller as well.
Oliver Bell
I'd definitely be more interested in a splinter cell movie than an assassins creed movie, but I feel like Sam Fisher should be played by someone slightly older, but I guess they want a big guy to attract viewers.
PG-13 kinda ruins it for me though
Isaac Thompson
that was Sam being turned into Jack Bauer
Zachary Nelson
>Splinter Cell really is a first-person shooter game
Caleb Wilson
>a hard PG-13
Carter Flores
That's because gamers can see pandering and reject it. Doesn't stop them from buying the same iteration of a game for the 10th time but if another game tries to copy that one they know.
Isaac Fisher
>Splinter Cell really is a first-person shooter game >but we’re definitely going to make it a hard PG-13
Wew lad
Connor Robinson
>Splinter Cell is a first person shooter >we didn't have this IP with a very specific backstory >that allowed us to make up our own world and really augment and fill out the characters
Yeah because there arent like 5 or 6 Splinter Cell games loaded with bits of dialogue and lore about Sam Fisher's past. Or like what, just as many books about the characters and world of Splinter Cell to boot?
Fuck, this shit is beyond DoA, think it will ever get greenlight even? Will it make it to production?
Jaxon Young
hopefully not.
Elijah Foster
didn't one of the games, Double Agent iirc? have Sam infiltrating some ultra-nationalist far right anti government domestic terrorist group called John Brown's Army?
I could see a take on the 2016 election, where a hacker terrorist is releasing falsified documents to manipulate and sabotage the US election and the bad guy is an obvious Assange parody and his militant group is an over exaggerated collection of 400 lbs hackers, /k/ommandos and le ebig always exbect us we r Anonymoose internet trolls
Noah Taylor
>hard PG-13 >faggot cuckold Jewllywood producers still too scared of the R rating >so they make shitty PG-13 castrated movies that no one watches anyway
never learn
Chase Morris
>Splinter Cell is a FPS okay confirmed that this will be worse shit than Hitman also I recently played the 3rd one again in so many years shit is still so good, why aren't there more good stealth games like this? I remember when the first Splinter Cell came out it had so many gimmicks that I loved >destroying the lights >various speed of character >interrogation >using thermovision to see the pattern on code block doors >that scene in the last mission where you get caught but Lambert tells you that they will cut off the lights so you gotta make a run for it shit was cash