why is this image so fucking funny ?
millions and millions of jewish caricatures but none of them has topped this one
memes are born and die a few years later but little Shlomo is still here
how do you explain this ?
why is this image so fucking funny ?
millions and millions of jewish caricatures but none of them has topped this one
memes are born and die a few years later but little Shlomo is still here
how do you explain this ?
the genius of a wyatt mann
Because the jews made this meme to defeat each another. White males just Happen to find it. This meme was meant to kill a Jew who shekel could not be defeated. The jew could only make fun of his money which forced the king Jew to kill himself. Meme magic was made by the kikes. It isn't meant for white males.
I'm black and I live for thousand years. Trust me mah nigga
Little schlomo has been around like that since egypt.
It was literally made by disciples of Kek
because of the jew run media?
We're giving him a name now?
It's funny because you realize how realistic it is despite being a cartoonish caricature. You can feel Shlomo breathing down your neck every time, scheming about the downfall of the goyim.
Even jews like this picture
Because it the closest one to reality.
It's the smile.
Remove the arms, it still works. Remove the nose, it still works. The beard? The skullcap? The widow's peak? The hunchback? Completely peripheral. Helpful, but peripheral.
That crooked smile just works wonders.
I've been posting on Sup Forums since 2006 and it was one of the first images I saved. Its prevalence is incredible.
What's that hole near the bottom of his ear?
The Shekel-hole, its where the shekels go.
Neither statement is true.
Still, merchant pic is a pretty cool pic.
I find this one to be pretty accurate as well
He looks evil as fuck but it's slightly funny.
Because he looks cute and mischievous
Bc it's genius
Can't even argue. Thank you, wise nigga sage.
a wyatt man comics have been on Sup Forums since the beginning.
>bix nood
i agree he's cute af
He was always the happy merchant
Because they actually look like that in real life.
Jew here. I really really really like this image.
Makes you feel at home, right?
The nose knows.
Everyone goes on about the Nose being the biggest giveaway but the eyes aren't far behind.
>little Shlomo is still here
the Eternal Jew
If we want to look at it with rocket science brains, we can see that this here jewey man was created by some genius that knew about making illustrations be universal.
This illustration is easily recognizable to all cultures, so people look at it and say shit like
"its the jewy man"
it has a clear silloughette so you can always tell it is a jewish
the cartoonist was actually an artistic genius. most of the racists drawing cartoons are just making crude line drawings or MS Paint .bmps... most professional cartoonists live in cities and aren't racist. every once in a while the planets align and you get schlomo
nah mate, we get Israelis here literally every day, usually 2-3.
These (((people))) are so high in their horse, that no amount of insult can get to them;
But call them a Jew and they will lose their shekels over it.
Why do we tolerate them
Because a few of them are based, and any divisions in the Jewish ranks only helps us
He's the perfect caricature
>that air of untrustworthiness and greed
>hunched back
>giant nose and ear
>shifty, opportunity-seeking eyes
>fucked up teeth
>balding with pube-like hair and beard
>hands rubbing
If anything associated with Sup Forums makes it to the year 3000, let it be Happy Merchant.
M8 you lost us the war
It was only a matter of time, time to be cucked by our former slaves.
it triggers what's been in the human psyche for at least 5000 years: never trust a jew
it's like how H.R. Giger's Alien design is so successful because it calls upon instinctual fear of sexual violence, but this calls upon instinctual fear of cultural violence
all cultures on earth can agree on one thing: never trust a jew
Most powerful race confirmed.
Merchant, you truly are my greatest ally.
I will at once instruct my 16 year old white daughter to find herself a nice brown skinned hispanic boy.
White genocide is a wonderful gift from our zionist overlords/media heads here in America.
/ &
yes, thank you, wise nigga sage.
The power of this cartoon is in the interpretation of the viewer. It doesn't give anything away but it's still very obvious. The cartoon itself isn't racist if you look objectively, it's the (largely proven) jewish stereotype literally everyone associates with the cartoon that makes it racist. Work of a genius.
Is this a meme thread now?
R8 my OC pls. Just made it.
This is Ben Garrisons Mona Lisa
>unhappy space merchant.jpg
Is this a sneaky rare merchant thread ?
My question it's, why it's it a gif? For symbolism, it should be a 6MB super-compressed jpeg.
Sup Forums is too lazy to create new Jewish memes
Because if /po/ goes down in history as being right about one thing...
It's the Jew. The root of all degeneracy.
so it was written
and so it was done
It has endured because it is the most accurate caricature of a jew ever made.
It can be edited to fit into many situations
I don't have the picture but there's even a smoke cloud that manifests into the Jew merchant.
Even mother nature warns her children about kikes.
5/5 bretty gud :DDD
>memes are born and die a few years later but little Shlomo is still here
Probably the most used, lasting Sup Forums meme, I remember seeing it in 2003 (earlier in other sites), only rivaled by Pepe himself.
posting merchants
That is a subtle merchant right there.
Remove everything and it still works
Blue board version
where did that merchant come from? Where was the first one created?
is there a merchant in this pic?
A wyatt mann
Open it in a new tab
the abstract merchant pictures are always the most hilarious to me. i don't know why. it's so fucking stupid. there's some really crazy ones too
the origami board?
Because the Jew is eternal.
Notice you don't see shills promoting the eternal Anglo meme anymore. This is what jews do...they subvert and attempt to direct/steer/deflect/parasite off of hosts
Pure coincidence.