
Karen around Tim's house. She feels safe there, and is hesitant to come out.

Come on out Karen, it's okay.

Other urls found in this thread:


waddup its ya gurl yuzu

prefer red and black beans to white and brown ones

A white woman's mission in life used to be to marry and have children.
Now her mission in life is to please Rabbi Shlomo and show him that she isn't racist by riding as much nonwhite cock as she can find and by making any white men she can find into worthless, cockless sissies. She wants western civilization destroyed. Ask any white woman what she thinks about whites as a race and she will either respond with "race is a social construct," will voice her hatred of whites as a race, or will say something about how whites becoming a minority in their own countries is a good thing. White women will also try to have mulatto children they will look less white than if she mixed with any other race.
Latin American women are, on average, mostly European genetically. That means if you mix with a Mestiza and your children are Castizos, your children will look white. The same goes for mixing with Middle East women, since their features are already very similar to European features. They will look mostly European.
So you need to choose.
Breed with a white woman, which means your sons will be weak sissified men like Rabbi Moshe told her to make her sons, or they will be daughters who will work to further the goals of the Jews and destroy the western world.
Or breed with a Latin American or Middle Eastern woman who will raise your sons to be real men who take pride in their country and heritage instead of hating it and doing anything they can to destroy any trace of it.

she screamed at me
properly screamed, as loudly and as long as she could

body shunted a pipeful of adrenaline into my system as a response and made my heart go like the rockers and my hands shake. i have NEVER gotten an adrenaline rush from an argument before, NEVER.

imagine being a girl, slagging around a bit for a
10/10 bloke, only for him to have a small willy, and having to start the search over again...
feel for the girls sometimes desu.

Truth doesn't fear investigation.

Girls don't care that much about willy size

shut up dickhead


remember believing this shite when i was 14 mate, grow up


Takes an absolute brainlet to think that Germans went around murdering Slavs in the Soviet Union, especially since the Slavs under their control weren't big fans of Jews, Communists, or Poles.

i have hope for the future
there has to be something good ahead of us

is the lad with the Chinese GF here

i have a chinese gf

love massive loose fannies me


Fuck of Nazi scum

korean gf lad here


mmm all those citations

I'm not alt-right I'm a national bolshevik. Socialists get the bullet too

Q: do i care
A: no

I'm an agonist centrist. I neither deny or accept the Holocaust. I'm skeptical of everything unless I see it with my own eyes.

Not really bothered by girls who are a bit picky with willy size as i myself am a bit picky when it comes to fanny aesthetic desu
/end captain's log

The episode of an holocaust denier in /brit/ begins

Imagine caring about, and ACTUALLY denying the holocaust

like going on a date with a girl and trying to "red pill" her by saying that millions of jews didn't die and it was all fake

You must be underage if you don't recognise most of these photos from history class


small brain: the holocaust never happened
normal brain: the holocaust happened
larger brain: the holocaust happened but some figures might be somewhat exaggerated/overstated
ascended brain: the holocaust did happen, but it was pushed by jewish agents in hitler's cabinet to get rid of the dumber/weaker/inferior jews, thus creating a super powerful and super smart jewish race

Lol CBA with these brainlet Nazi losers. There's a conspiracy by unbiased HISTORIANS to cover up the number of Jews killed? You realise if anyone discovered this there'd be academic acclaim for them right? Morons.

yeah posting on /brit/ is like being on a date

wonder if we'll get 9/11 deniers 50 years from now
not conspiracies runts, people denying that the WTC ever existed

>I'm a national bolshevik

p l e a s e

Not a German. That's a Ukrainian paramilitary executing Jews, buddy boy.


you believed in holocaust denial at the age of 14? really?

as a radical centrist I believe the holocaust was real but zionists are cancer nonetheless

honestly had a really fascinating read
not sure what exactly about this sort of minute debunking appeals to me but i found this very satisfying to learn about


want to cummy inside mummy

cute but czarist

>the USSR faked propoganda images
>this means the nazis were the good guys


Um it's the Ukrainian SS sweetiekins

business idea: pretend to be a retarded lefty on a rorke board to bait (You)s

>England's Brave Wayne Rooney charged with DUI

Holy shit, could they be more obvious?

I remember seeing a memo or something from Churchill, saying basically we need to fame all these horrific crimes by the russians and act like the germans did them. I bet the Sup Forumsack ITT has it.

The further we get from history, the less we understand it. The less we understand history, the easier it is to deny it.

>T-truth doesn't fear investigation!!
*Defends trump's russian ties*

any new wave man in

rules don't apply to footballers m8

Truly ascended brain: Hitler and the NSDAP were put into power by the Jews to make the very concept of nationalism and pride in being white taboo. The crypto-Jews within the NSDAP then caused the Holocaust to further push their message.

>had a short conversation with a slovene poster in another thread
i can die in peace now

Oh wait did Trump go to Russia?

Pack it up lads, let's go home.

NOT a holocaust denier
DO wish Adolf finished the job
simple as

what ties are those?

Um I never said that.Funny how the death camps were only in soviet territory if even you are agreeing we faked a lot.

Was this your life goal?

>make the very concept of nationalism and pride in being white taboo
>linking those two concepts
lmao only in the US of A

wouldn't change anything today if it turned out the holocaust in fact was a complete hoax so its kind of a moot point

Defending United Ingerland?



ah yes google

>heh, hitler was a nice man, he took all these jews from their homes, BUT, he gave them a swimming pool!

dunno why he didn't get a sainthood desu

yeah dunno why neo nazis get so hung up on it

He gets his money from russia. All of his appointees have close ties to Russia. What exactly do you think is going on? Lol

That's not an SS uniform.

It's tipping it down outside lads

It would change plenty.

>hate jews
>deny the holcaust instead of praising it
The city of Sup Forums

people would start hating jews again

decided I'm gonna live in Vietnam lads

Nowhere in my post did I link the two concepts. I listed them as two separate concepts.
Smelly Dumb Hiberian Scum.

Love gamey thrones

>In summary
US intelligence agencies believe Russia tried to sway the election in favour of Trump and now there are several investigations looking into whether anyone from his campaign helped.
>Any evidence?
More and more contacts between his staff and Russia have emerged. About the same time the hacking scandal was beginning to unfold, Mr Trump's then campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was accused of accepting millions of dollars in cash for representing Russian interests in Ukraine and US, including dealings with an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. While Mr Manafort was running the campaign, the Republican Party changed the language in its manifesto regarding the conflict in Ukraine, removing anti-Russian sentiment, allegedly at the behest of two Trump campaign representatives. Mr Manafort, who quit as Mr Trump's campaign chairman last August, is being investigated by the FBI and also reportedly by New York officials. Several of these communications were not initially disclosed. The president himself has rejected the allegation that anyone around him colluded with Russia and says the "real" story is leaks.
>Do meetings mean collusion?
No, but previously it emerged that the president's son, Donald Jr, met a Russian lawyer who had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. An intermediary who set up the meeting claimed the lawyer was working for Moscow, which she - and the Kremlin - deny.
>Who else is involved?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the president's son-in-law and aide Jared Kushner are others in the Trump team whose Russian contacts are under scrutiny.
>And the president?
Since he fired the man leading one of the investigations, ex-FBI Director James Comey, there are questions whether the president has obstructed justice. Legal experts differ on this.

A Kiwi bloke and an Aussie bloke are walking down a country road when they happen upon a sheep with its head stuck in a fence.

The Kiwi yells, "Yeah!", yanks his pants down and starts banging the sheep.

The Aussie looks on with interest and says, "Oh, that looks like fun!"

The Kiwi asks, "Do you wanna have a go?"

The Aussie yells, "Yeah!", yanks his pants down and sticks his head in the fence.

For years the EU bent over backwards to please Britain. Now you ask for 'flexibility'? Stupid British cunts.

Nice straw grasping lad I already said I am a national bolshevik. We hate kikes more than the Nazis, we aren't cucks like socialists

but they hate the jews (here)

another pedo detected

holocaust was a jewish scheme all along hitler was working for the rothschilds
it happened but less than a million died and mostly from disease cause by allies cutting of supply lines for medications to the work camps

Thunderstorm outside, lads
Very comfy

hate stormfront
hate them


yeah he's a totally working with the Russians that's why he bombed their proxy, Assad and put sanctions on them

>copy and paste job from a MSM propaganda article

ah yes very convincing

We had one last night. Falling asleep to thunder is top comfy.

is it possible to be more of a cuck than a british naziboo?

you are a little boy playnig grown ups, please fuck off back to your containment board.

whats wrong with them? aside from selling overpriced used macbooks


>hate stormfront
>hate them

Of course he has to do that, otherwise there would be public outrage.

>bombed their proxy, assad
trump handed syria to russia lad

it's literally illegal to hate jews in europe you get put in prison for calling people kikes

Jesus kill yourself

a simple but nice goal, well done

What's the actual answer?

he didn't decide to sanction them, the senate did you brainlet

Whyd he sanction them and bomb Assad? Also why would even matter if he did work with the Russians?
Russia is bro-tier and we shouldn't be in a mini-cold-war with them