Affleck exits DC Films
Affleck exits DC Films
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Poor clickbait.
clickbait as fuck
they already finished shooting justice league and he has a deal for more movies. ofc he will not exit.
what a stupid headline.
Even Reddit tier journalism investigators know if the article title ends with a question mark then the answer is NO
I wish.....
wait for it
He's not leaving The role, not yet at least
He won't but he should.
DC/Warner is a sinking ship. Suicide Squad only made money because there was literally nothing else out of note at the time. Such a shit movie.
fake news
boooooooooo i wanted to see his take on batman
Batman vs Superman sucked but it made money, that's all that matters.
What on earth have WB done to this poor boy? They've completely destroyed his spirit.
Most of it's money was made in the first weekend or two. It dropped off like a rock after that.
Burn peoples expectations too much and they're not gonna come back to see your capeshit.
Especially if they're trying to launch aside or close to Marvel movies.
*alternative facts
He got divorced and his new movie flopped so he's entering a midlife crisis.
Won't this be his third midlife crisis?
it's gobble gobble all over again
this is what DC cucks said last month when the rumors about Affleck not directing Batman started coming out.
they really need to just stop this shit
its like they're actively trying to undo the hard work of nolan
>cheat on your beautiful wife
>career ruined instantly
Lord Kek is a JUST God.
rumors say Eddie is on the shortlist for the new Batman
I still can't believe he's not directing it. That was the only reason anybody was looking forward to this shit and was the last chance to save DC.
Just put it out of its fucking misery, senpai. How they managed to fail on almost every level since Nolan stopped doing Batman is a wonder.
You are an idiot.
what if they just cancel Batman now and end the DCEU after JL and Aquaman come out?
What if my dick canceled your wife's cunt?
>Zack Snyder is such a hack that he managed to kill an entire cinematic universe
>we're going to make a movie with a c-list enemy who marvel have already made a successful parody about
>this will work
the only hope DC have is promising george miller a mad max 2 if he makes a great capeshit movie
Who is in charge of these rankings?
>le ebin c̶o̶n̶s̶o̶l̶e̶ cinematic universes war xD
You're giving too much credit to him, he didn't do it alone
>the only hope DC have is promising george miller a mad max 2 if he makes a great capeshit movie
Fury Road won EIGHT Oscars, they should be feeding him their firstborns and their firstborns' placentas
>george miller
why do people keep bringing him up, he's 70, he'll not be making a capeshit followed by a blockbuster, that'd give him a stroke
>implying 70 is all that much in 2017
he will be fine
this is because of gigli
Snyder is ultimately responsible. Anyone who hired the hack that made the lackluster Watchmen and the absolute trash that was Sucker Punch are also responsible.
>Taking over the Dark Knight is Zack Snyder's cinematic destiny.
Mad Max: Wasteland has already been greenlit.
George Miller won't be interested in Batman now.
He wanted it to be an all Islamic film shoot, including catering, forced daily prayers, and Islamic education for the crew, but WB wouldn't budge that's why he might quit DC altogether.
he is a fucking jobber
his mainstream exposure is arkham origins, the best arkham game
By your definition the Anti-monitor is a jobber because he always loses.
>Arkham Origins
not surprised you're a dumb vedditor.
He was going to direct Man of Steel, that's why
Redmayne should be Joker and play him like his Jupiters Ascending villain
that would be better than Hot Topic joker
Anything would be.
I like the idea of Leto's pretty boy Joker having his face ripped off by Batman in an "accident" for the climax of the first movie then being horribly disfigured in the next.