Just seen this. Not bad, but not great, a little disappointing. All the cast are good but the script forgoes subtlety in favour of prosaic showboating at times, and some characters - especially Renton - feel too much like writer mouthpieces in certain scenes.
I would totally a Veronica though
Lincoln Williams
This is going to be shit isnt it?
Ayden Campbell
Trainspotting and T2 by extension is forever ruined to me by its fanbase
Dominic Nelson
I taught it was 7/10
Dominic Ortiz
It was ok 7/10, good performances from Bremner and Carlyle, question though. What relevance was Renton having a heart condition on the story? It literally never came up again after he mentioned it.
I really thought he was going to collapse or something when Begbie chased him.
Matthew Hill
>prosaic showboating I don't care, I loved the freeze frame cuts
Adam Russell
Yeah that's probably about what I'd give it overall
Robert Collins
>watching millenial SJW wank: the movie
Lucas Foster
uhh what?
Mason Hernandez
How and I mean HOW the fuck is this an SJW movie?
Aiden Cooper
The heart thing was to just make his life shitty, like lying about the kids and the divorce I'd give the original 7.5
Leo Perry
At least use reverent buzzwords for your (You)
Isaac Martinez
Renton kept ranting about slut shaming Also the Millenial SJW movement have firmly claimed Trainspostting and its sequel as their culture
Bentley Anderson
>Renton kept ranting about slut shaming For those whole 4 seconds, fuck off back to /r/MRA
Blake Stewart
Choose life Choose Sup Forums choose being a weaboo, choose jerking off to anime and living in your mothers basement Choose memes Choose dubs Choose being a virgin at the age of 26 Choose doing it for >free 12 hours a day Choose addiction Chose Pepe, Bane and all the other funny fuckers Choose your future Chose life
Blake Baker
>hurr its in the movie but you're wrong >you're right but you're wrong
Blake Brown
Begbie should have fought Renton with a hard dick for a few seconds Begbie should have bullied Spud and maybe hit him just before the end to make him standing up to Begbie more special
Austin Walker
>kept ranting about slut shaming
He literally mentions the term once, and in one of his usual "nihilistic commentary" spiels. Failure to interpret tone and delivery of human speech is a big red flag for the 'tism, you know
Evan White
He literally lists slut shaming as a negative
Liam Rodriguez
Spud was the only good part.
Xavier Watson
Nicholas Hughes
Spud was definitely the beating heart of the movie, not to mention the only character who really went anywhere. Renton and Sick Boy basically just spent two hours reminiscing.
Andrew Cruz
Basically you're one of those 2000's kids who never understood of lived those times.
Go back to plebbit you piece of shit.
For the ones interested in a real opinion read this.
Trainspotting 2 is not focused on the audience that never saw the original one on 1996, is a film that is focused on the people who watched the first one when they were young.
Is a film that when you watch it you feel that is somehow showing your own life because it's main theme is aging, is how things never change and others does, how you can go back to the times when you were young and how at this point of your life doing that is being, as Sickboy said, a tourist in your youth.
There is more development on everyone and the movie spend like half of it looking back at the lifes of everyone in the original cast, then it moves on with the plot where Sickboy is still inside the scamming shit, Renton tries to help Spud and Sick boy and Begbie even more dangerous and crazy.
This is not a new whole Trainspotting, this is the continuation of the memories from 1996 and if you were young when you watch it for the first time, then this is going to get you back to those days in the best way possible.
Jeremiah Wright
1) actually I'm older than you think, and 2) your argument could, literally and unironically, be easily summarised as >muh nostalgia
Kill yourself, my friend, kill yourself tonight
Eli Adams
Doesn't change the fact that you didn't denied any of my words, nor how you got rekt by being an illiterate young plebian nigger who has the IQ of a monkey who don't understand anything that is watching.
Fuck off and never comeback until you grow some hair in your face kid.
Connor Morris
Why, you're a most curious fellow aren't you
Jackson Russell
It's not shit, it's just not great. Spends the first half of the movie spinning its wheels, then lurches awkwardly into a rehashed "let's do a scheme" plot to retread the last act of the original, then ultimately doesn't really go anywhere. Full of nice moments, but they don't ever add up to anything.
Logan Barnes
What's wrong with the fanbase? Second one only just dropped so don't even know what you can say about that fanbase yet
Cooper Perry
You could find kids like OP, or you can meet some of the oldfags who can relate to what T2 is really trying to show.
Colton Perez
>Release date: March 17, 2017 (USA) damn thats going to be annoying
Tyler Jackson
The more you keep beating that drum the more convinced I am that I'm probably older than you. The insecurity you're showing, plus the borderline adolescent levels of stubbornness, tend to be something most people grow out of by their late twenties. A tenner says your birth year starts with 199.
Brody Flores
Do you realize how stupid are you? literally every single response pulled out of your ass is just confirming my words.
You started a bait thread, where you showed that you have no intelligence to analize a single movie or even looking at the director's interview where he spoonfeed everyone about what was the main public able to understand this movie.
Kids like you who comes here to pretend being cool throwing cheap baits and getting their asses blasted every time are the ones that ruined Sup Forums and especially this board.
Again, grow some hair, get out of school, and finally learn how to use your neurons, then you're going to be able to say something with arguments in this board. Because for now you're embarrasing youself since the beginning by not being able to refute anything here
Colton Long
>'Do you realize how stupid are you?'
Fucking moron.
Isaac Flores
Please speak for yourself. You're just a shitposter and I dont agree with you. You come across as underage in the argument with OP
Jordan Jenkins
>Not a single rebutal
Stay mad kids, go back with your mom the milk is ready!
Owen White
For those who haven't read the book that the first movie was based off there is literally a seen where spud finds two girls getting cat called and watches as they call out the cat caller and the crowd claps and cheers, The girls getting cat called are lesbians by the way, and they take spud back to their house to smoke le weed and talk about how they all hate men. Then the chapter ends, there's nothing to be learned or interpreted from it, that's there is to it.
Andrew Jones
or the part where a guy is tied up and showed pictures of his kid w/ fake blood to make him look like he was dead?
Thomas Flores
I'm sorry, you have to be 18 to post on this website, please close your browser or navigate to a more age-appropriate website. Thank you
William Kelly
Try again kid.
Eli Baker
That part wasn't retarded liberal pandering though and i actually enjoyed how fucked up it was. Too bad it wouldn't have fit in the movie/was too extreme to film
Jose Wright
This would be decent if you'd formatted it
Bentley Parker
wtf why can't i find this GD movie on any torents? T2 Trainspotting
Thomas Ramirez
he fucked a 15 year old he picked up from a nightclub, he likes slags
Angel Bell
Wasn't this supposed to premier in march?
Leo Anderson
MEGA when?
Nathan Rogers
In burgerstan maybe
Christian Davis
When they tear down that ugly fucking parliament building and make the trams go down to leith like they were supposed to
Ryder Ramirez
It took me a minute, but then i kek'd. Nice one hibee
Lincoln Gutierrez
Spoil it for me, who dies?
It's Spud_, right?
What happens to Begbie? Is he "friends" with Renton again in the movie?
Dominic Ortiz
Have you even watched Trainspotting? Did you miss the part where Renton picks up a 15 year old in a club and fucks her? Sounds like prime SJW material to me!!!!!!!
Gavin Martinez
No one dies
Adam Evans
Nobody dies, Begbie most certainly is not anyone's friend
Nicholas Howard
does it tie in with the official sequels at all?
Nathaniel Lee
breddy gud
I liked the very meta plot about Spud creating the original novel and as someone who really loves the novel them reading out various choice extracts during the film was nice
the book extracts especially the scene where Winter in West Granton is read as a memorial to tommy reminded me of The Basketball Diaries because all through that film yung leo narrates some of Jim Carroll's beautiful poetic writing from the The Basketball Diaries and several prose poems from The Book of Nods without the film ever telling the audience where the quotes came from
Adam Baker
Seems like a good enough thread to ask. Are the books any good?
Nolan Cruz
This makes me happy, thanks.
But is Begbie relevant to the main plot? Is there a big interaction between him and Renton in the movie?
Parker Green
"The main plot" is loose to say the least, but Begbie is a main character and he does have some significant interaction with Renton
Aaron Scott
The people shitting on this movie for its appropriate use of nostalgia are either 20 year olds that are still kinda happy to be out of high school or 30 year old robots that never did anything worthwhile to get nostalgic about. And no I'm not saying that the movie is glorifying being a heroin junkie or that it's about being depraved as shit, I'm just saying that it's about missing a time when you didn't care that you'd had a future ahead of you, regardless of whether you wasted that time or not. All that being said though, its worst sin as a movie is that its pretty damn predictable. I'd give it a 7.5.
Aaron Gonzalez
Trainspotting is GOAT Porno is shit Skag Boys is quite interesting
the main novella in The Acid House is great and but its only connection to Trainspotting is that it shows a post-Trainspotting Spud and Rayme hanging out together as a really spaced-out double act reminiscing about old times
Zachary Sanchez
Leo Russell
I got the results of the test back - I definitely have breast cancer.