the brexit vote has NOTHING to do with racism I'm sure...
Other urls found in this thread:
brexit was a good idea
>Stories that never happened.
Are they leaving though?
>I don't want you in my country
not racism
>I don't want you to exist
Good luck in your future tooth-brushing, user!
>52% sikhs voted Leave
How will he ever recover??
What are you TALKING about?
Based on the number of tweets and news stories it's obvious that the significant percentage of leave voters are racists...
>and then everyone at the doctors office started clapping
Sikhs arent a race. Those are the names of the people who follow, guess what,
Goddamn you're so fucking retarded i Should track you down and neuter you.
Yeah, I'm sure that actually happened.
oops, didn't mean to post that pic lol
have you got a link to the demographic breakdown?
Nice claim you have there, it would be a shame is someone were to ask for a source.
Yup. There are literally 17.4 million racists in a country with a population of 64 million. If you take a bunch of people out of a room, in the FUCKING UK, more than a fourth of them will be rabid bigots.
This is what liberals actually least, when they're behind a keyboard.
>Something is wrong with (((Racism)))
Top kek m8 kill yourself
Would that fall under xenophobia?
>Implying that if it was a white guy in a turban, he wouldn't have been told the same thing
YOU'RE the racist, buddy, not the chap who wants to preserve English CULTURE.
That map conveniently forgot all the yellow people, tan people, brown people, and reptilians in the world
>literally a doctor
>won't go help your third world hellhole country
Why the fuck are college-educated people so callously evil and self-centered?
>Japan, China and Russia are full of black people
Nah yeah seems like an accurate graph.
How will they ever recover??
Sounds like banter to me. Told a few poles myself that they had better finish packing.
>the brexit vote has NOTHING to do with racism I'm sure...
The Remainers didn't end their propaganda on the 24th user, on the contray it's still very much alive
lol these stats don't even make any sense
they're just numbers
That was just a joke, no racism to be seen there!
>so illiterate he cant read numbers
i bet you think 48.1% is a higher number than 51.9%
How will you ever recover?
Why are Sikhs such fucking bros.
Things that never happened.
Even if did it will never get Pajeet out
>implying they're not lying
>a meme so stale it's actually more than a decade old
don't you have a dancing baby to post Hillary?
Wow, didn't realize Brexiters were so racist.
Guess that completely justifies the inevitable violence against them to keep Britain in the EU, right?
Interesting narrative that we have developing here....
Brits broke the taboo. They went against the establishment.
The little bubble created by the regressive left popped. There is nothing to stop the anger that has been building for decades upon decades.
If the British economy does go south, there will literally be a race war.
>Millions vote because of how much they hate immigrants
>somehow delude themselves into thinking Brexit is going to make immigrants leave tomorrow
>They still haven't realized it's going to have absolutely no effect on immigrants, because the people who control immigration policy are still in power
What, you thought the EU wouldn't just make you it's bitch the moment you gave up your voting rights?
That radiographer's name? Adolf Einstein.
This just shows how sick the people were of the EU policies, they made people like this. Its better to just let the bomb blow up softly like this instead of letting it charge up much more.
You'll see what happens in countries like France if they only have a leave referendum in a few years, it will be much worse.
I have a question.
When the race war does break out, will it be allowed to rape minorities? Or would I be ostracized from the New World?
I am certain the German effort to fill Europe with military-age Muslim men has no connection to this.
eat shit nigger.
Think you makes
>yfw both guys were probably sikhs throwing bants
This shit is like a plague. The bullshit keeps spreading.
>Brexit is racist
>Alaska is white but Siberia isn't
>Getting triggered by a meme
bro tier
We /niggers/ now
you've shown me the error of my ways.
peoples feeling are definitely more important than a countries ability to govern it's own border.
I am still curious as to why racism is considered a negative thing. What's wrong with white pride, with not wanting to be bred out of existence with race mixing? What's wrong with wanting white communities that are relatively crime-free when compared to mixed and black ones?
Why is racism now the "worst thing ever"?
I'm sick and tired of race mixing being promoted in every single form of media. Blacks, hispanics, brown people of all kinds can have cultural pride, but if you're proud of being white that's somehow racist? No, fuck that. Fuck white apologism.
>these stats are just numbers
these are the people we're fighting
>This shit is like a plague. The bullshit keeps spreading.
Yes and not a single ounce of proof to back it up other than word of mouth
source: twitter
hey rabbi
It's almost like the map shows whites and non-whites instead of all colours of the rainbow
you fucking idiots, the blacks are supposed to represent non whites- not blacks since they are black. Use your brains
>things that really happened #troo
Maybe he should have called the police ?
Racism is illegal in this country
Hatred for democracy is the defining trait of fascism
>tfw my troll account has been used as evidence on multiple left wing sites to prove that Brexit was about racism
Honestly guys don't try to resist this. Instead just start making up even crazier stories. That way they will have to invent even stranger ones in order to get more attention.
Well, why wasnt he?
Freudian slip?
Historically racism has been tied to colonialism and oppression, and liberals are too stupid to realize that it doesn't necessarily have to be that way and that you can acknowledge differences while still protecting human rights.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The data they are looking for needs to be assertations in the form of sentences.
>White christians are all racists
>Immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than natives
That type of tosh.
They aren't, diaspora poo.
Oh, those fanfics...
Let me lick your tears, 2-1
>The brother of my cousins friend that knows the other guy told me that...
yeah, no.
This is why blogs were a mistake
>man insults other man
>more at 11
I find the whole thing quite funny.
This really happened I'm sure...shitskins would never lie...
>there are only racists on the right, not the left
OP hasn't replied yet.
Was he actually utterly and literally BTFO he had to #Threadxit?
> Dr. M. Ali Abbasi
Hmm, I wonder what the M stands for (I don't).
Don't fall for this obvious taqiya.
all these liberals anecdotal experiences with no proof what so ever that are designed to tug upon the feels (ironically which only works on idiot liberals)
Did you get lost nigger?
hey mohammed, watcha doin?
t. Labor leadership past 40 years.
Exchange racism for sugar
There's literally no information there to back up the claim.
The racism is from remain plants to incentivize another referendum.
>getting your news from social media
kill yourself
>>I don't want you in my country
>not racism
oh come on weren't you in the rockwell thread
he definitely would consider your first example racist, and it is racist.
i'm not saying its wrong to think that way, but don't act like its not.
>you can't judge all muslims by the actions of a few!
>all brexiters are racist, look at these anecdotes
One may be motivated by racism, or not. If a stranger enters your home and you demand he leave, must it be due to some kind of impolitic motive on your part?
Really makes u thnk
>pakistan is part of the EU
top kek
>believing in muzzie propaganda
The patient was visibly shaken.
UK posts a bait
US promptly swallows it and asks for more hooks
no bait just hooks
And not a single one of these incidents caught on vid. Go figure.
you're right ameriorbit racism never happens, especially not on Sup Forums
>white people commit hate crimes
>"fuck the right wing!!"
>minorities commit hate crimes
>"hey come on now, it's tough in their situation"
The EU is racist against whites
Nice one..
you can't be racist against whites idiot
lol i bet you watch Fox news?