>"you cant arrest me, i have diplomatic immunity"
"you cant arrest me, i have diplomatic immunity"
>"So Hammer you can't sue"
>lethal weapon 2
name another one op.. we'll wait
>"then I will not attempt diplomacy"
>proceeds to piss on a monument or something
>gets caught for murder, then ends up turning himself in because they tell him it's better than being judged in the court of whatever shithole they're from
>"you cant arrest me, i am the senate"
"I'm gettin' too old for dis shit!"
>"if you're a cop, you have to tell me"
julian assange
actually homages to lethal weapon 2
>you can't arrest me, I'm turning myself in!
Isn't this a real thing? Or are you upset how exaggerated it is?
>Diplomatic immunity
It's just been revoked.
>who said anything about arresting you?
Not. Yet.
Star Wars: A New Hope
>You won't get away with this
>I already have
>Let us go to ze bedroom, yes?
>But I'm worried about STD's...
>It's okay, I have dicklomatic immunity