Did we overreact to 9/11?
Did we overreact to 9/11?
It seems to me we did, trillions of dollars added to debt, thousands of lives lost in a false war (Iraq), unchecked mass surveillance, prominent PC culture, partisan division, cynicism, loss of freedoms and rights. I know 3000 people died and it's horrible, but I feel we did ourselves worse with our reaction.
What say you Sup Forums?
Considering that the US gave visas and hotel rooms to the hijackers no, no we didn't.
Considering that there are still mudslimes in this country, no, no we didn't.
Considering that USA has a Muslim nigger president, no, they didn't
You guys are a joke. Every September Im inundated with US propaganda about 9/11. Have to turn off and unplug the tv its on fucking every fucking channel fifteen years later.
Most imperialist nation on the planet cries foul when 2000 of its people die. Then proceeds to kill tens of thousands where ever it pleases because
>muh democracy
then complains if oil prices go up. Not a word mentioned in mainstream media about scores dying at the hands of americans cuz we all know its only terrorism if they do it.
Self serving elitist pricks. Hope muhammad drops an A-bomb next time.
No you
Listen to Howard sterns 9/11 broadcast now, it's cringe as fuck. People calling in screaming "ITS DOSE TOWELHEAD BASTAAAADS ROOOOORGH".
I kind of get the emotion considering how it must have been at the time being in New York as it was happening, but looking back it's just "yeeeesh ..". Not Americas proudest moment.
Agreed. I'm starting to think the terrorists won.
Yes. Osama won due to a remarkable series of own goals by the home team. US peaked in 2000.
>Most imperialist nation on the planet cries foul when 2000 of its people die.
You're an underage retard. Nobody holds it as such a serious event because lots of people died, disasters happen all the time and we can accept that; this was much more political and an attack not only on pieces of concrete, but attack on western society itself.
Even in Canada, you could feel the anger in the air, Muslims were too scared to even leave their homes because they knew their was a wild bull awake. Kill yourself my Chinese friend.
Yes, but most world events are overreactions.
Look I found the French Canadian! Even your own Countrymen hate you Pierre. You'll never be French nor Canadian. Just an unloved mutt.
All I remember thinking was "how will this affect the new Spider-Man film".
We under-reacted
If you kill your enemies they win
Overreaction was the point of the entire plan.
Pretty much, I think it was supposed to start WW3 but there was disobedience somewhere down the chain of command.
I think you still have a greater chance of being struck dead by lightening than of dying by da terra. It's weird.
If you only count terrorists from another country, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning, surviving, and getting struck again later.
Not only did you over-react by implementing insane privacy invasion laws and providing the government with massively over-reaching powers through the patriot act and subsequent iterations, but you spent the next 14 years (and counting) bombing the fuck out of 3rd world countries.
Yall motherfuckers never asked why you were targeted (as osama intended) , yall just went ham in a blind rage.
We didn't do enough
No we just attacked the wrong country. The hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. But rumsfeld wanted to attack Iraq instead because it had "better targets." Makes sense to me!
Should've just turned the entire region into glass.
>american right pushes warfare
>globalist left pushed privacy invasion
That 2nd parts on you too faggot
and those terrorist are the jew globalist, it was all planned out
Should've just nuked the entire arab peninsula
3000+ innocent people vaporized in less than an hour?
lol..no we under-reacted