What ruined the Internet?
What ruined the Internet?
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Children like you
Now go swallow some clorox
People who tries to control it.
degenerates in general
websites/software/hardware that made it easier for randos to use the internet
Tumblr, facebook, myspace, liverjournal etc. - me! me! me! look at me! I'm the best im entitled to everything! it fed narcisisim and has lead to the SJW and PC cancer of the internet today
Conservatives learned how to use it.
Social media and click bait.
paid shills
All the mentally ill freaks of the world who never had a voice suddenly found a way to collectively roar against normal everyday people.
Gee, I wonder (((who))).
so basically pol
Normies and kids
When they got involved so did the money, when the money got involved to a large degree so did the agendas.
>I was a kid when I got internet but that was old good internet where I was a minority not a majority like it is today
When the Queen knighted Tim Burners-Lee instead of calling for beheadings when people started misusing HTML instead of inventing something suited for their purposes.
Those ten websites at the top of every search I make
Sup Forums
Why don't we make our own internet? That requires some sort of special router.
The big sites like google,youtube, and facebook
was better when there was actual competition and not single sites that handle all the traffic in the world
Zuckerjew etc
Or you can kill yourself.
i hate them so fucking much
The internet isn't ruined. That said it needs a lot of medical help from all the cancer it has, this board containing a lot of it
Your hairy mother's cunt
eternal september
I think it has more to due with the fact that those sites made the internet into an extension of normal life. Until then most online activity was done under chat names and was more like an escape from reality.
TL:DR Facebook turned the internet into real-life instead of imagination land
Nice dubs
What if we make an outernet?
The hacker formerly known as fourchins
Mainstream. But we also got a lot back for it. Pros & cons.
Social media really. MySpace planted the seeds for the narcissistic, 'everyone is a celebrity' culture you see today. Most of it is attention-validation shit that is meant for women.
And since most of you here are men, be honest: you prefer places like Sup Forums because you don't have to worry about your name being attached to shit or walking on eggshells, right?
Fucking civil war, nice.
Allowing inferior countries to use it.
Social media.
Liverjournal? Is that a magazine for alcoholics?
2nd American Civil War confirmed
Liberals and perverts.
The funny irony is that Sup Forums has become what regular society was like not too long ago. Every other popular website pushes the regressive left's agenda while Sup Forums has reigned in the third reich shit and just wants society to go back to normal again. There's a great screencap out there that breaks it down but I never saved it so here's Jessica Alba's ass instead.
Remember when the best thing on the internet was the Anarchist's Cookbook?
Simpler times...
The year 2007.
You're inferior politically. When I watched the 08 elections it was like watching fucking Monday Night Football. Pathetic excuse for democracy
This disband of Ogrish, MuchoSucko, Drugfilms, NewGrounds, Heavy, LiquidGeneration, EbaumsWorld, MiniClip, Etc...
This is also who ruined GOT
for you user
I like Sup Forums because I can posit whatever fucked up political theory I want and if it's shit I can get made fun of anonymously instead of ruining my reputation irl
Ah brings me back
Somehow, MiniClip has survived. They make iOS games now.
Wew lad
A leaf lecturing on political superiority
that's it
This is the real answer. The distribution of the internet into everyone's palm, the rise of the PS3 and 360, the resurgence of leftism, and the popularization of Tumblr all began in that year.
>me! me! me!
There is literally nothing wrong with social media. If you don't want attention, you're probably autistic.
We're still not economically superior, if that makes you feel any better. It probably won't. Nothing can soothe the bitter heart of a Sup Forumsack
Oh, and let's not forget Icanhazcheezburger Network taking off and bringing millions of women (read: corporate interest) to the internet.
Men learn best by making mistakes and exercising their freedom. Sup Forums is one of the few places where this is still possible. Even outside of the internet, society tends to forgive transgressions less and less. Could be a big reason men's growth is so stunted.
kek confirmed
Gradual fading of anonymity.
woman detected
That's not my issue with Cheezburger Network. My problem is that they have horribly cancerous memes.
Google made it to easy too use/find stuff, so suddenly normies started using it.
Back in the day, most people couldn't be bothered.
Do you remember the internet before Social Media? It was viewed as a mythical object, the possibilities of human communication were endless. With it, productivity could increase, diseases could be cured, games were happily played.
The view of the internet was optimistic, hopeful. Games like Phantasy Star Online had a bleak but still positive view with it. The possibilities were endless. Games before Social Media were great. Don't you remember CS:S? SOCOM? TF2 before hats? Battlefront 2? Those were the days.
Now we just have Generic FPS pandering to SJW crowd. Now we just have Facebook and Twatter or what ever you kids call it. Remember when Maddox wasn't a cuck? Remember End of Ze World? Remember all the cheesy but hysterical quality flash videos? What about YouTube?
You know what happened? Women.
This is becoming easier and easier as time goes on.
Low power consumption wifi chips and meshnet might make this a reality.
and I got my to and too backwards because I'm a moronic leaf
Ironically it was stuff like that book. It gave children and idiots access to information that should've been kept hidden.
I learned how to use the internet on my own as a kid, no books or anything.
Kikebook instagerm and Twatter
Adult Check Gold did m8
The nature of internet itself.
When you watch this
You'll understand. It would have been a lot different. Sad!
>What ruined the Internet?
It was ruined when it became mainstream and infested with ads and soulless corporations controlling every fucking thing.
It was well along when Sup Forums first went online, but it has rapidly advanced since then.
Easy access and handholding, trying to make the web a "safe place", and being owned by a small number of large corporations has turned it into what we experience today.
It used to take effort, so there was more relevant information.
Now it takes zero effort to put your worthless thoughts out there, which is why we are swimming in a sea of piss.
Social media and smart phones
Nobody is born a shitposter and a faggot. It just happens to them at some point in life
Forgot to mention, who &TotSE oldfag here?
We need to hunt down Jeff Hunter and get the archives.
Signal to noise ratio as a group grows. Just look at Sup Forums
Mass adoption. Also, getting older.
Fun fact: You can't truly appreciate the internet and how shit it has gotten unless you remember a time before it.
>smart phones
Ruined my Sup Forums aswell with their unbanable airplane-mode shitposting
This place used to be really fucked up. I don't think many of you remember the time. I'm too old for this website.
This is partly true.
Women tend to avoid anything technical in the slightest, and the old wild west of the internet certainly wasn't as easy to navigate as it is now.
Back in the day, you got around by links from other websites. Now everything is aggregated on sites like google or leddit, so a lot of the more tedious work of the internet is done for you..
Myspace and Xanga were doing it before then
>And since most of you here are men, be honest: you prefer places like Sup Forums because you don't have to worry about your name being attached to shit or walking on eggshells, right?
that and the imageboard format are 90% of the appeal of Sup Forums. It's close to how free speech should ideally be in real life
Exactly. There is no way to go back at this point.
Until a large meshnet or TOR-like program pops up, with the right popularity, it will only get worse.
iPads. Enabled normies and retards to use the internet.
>If you don't want attention, you're probably autistic.
I don't want it under my real name. Normies get OUT of my escapism
Globalist kikes
The document object model.