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He finally stopped getting away. Good work team
Literally who
I miss him 8(
MDE isn't remotely funny.
Lets all give a warm welcome to this Redditor everyone!
remember that episode he donated 500 dollars to find that guy who punched richard spencer even though he didnt have health insurance
whos this
I feel bad for him. People on pol made him think he was funny.
This, except I don't feel bad for him. He seems like a horrible human being.
>le reddit show
nah man
I didn't watch his show when it was on but then I saw it recently after the cancellation announcement and I'm sad that there isn't more. It was mostly Holy Mountain-esqu nonsense for the sake of fucking with pretentious people which was kind of funny just for the absurdity of it, but then the handful of actual comedy sketches they did were awesome. The gym and dating show sketches alone made the whole thing worth it.
Guy Heaven was objectively funny.
Tim "My wife divorced me for the BBC" Heidegger
I mean, having only the highest ratings on Adult Swim for an entire season would do that to you.
being an active participant in life is hella lame. just blaze up some wicked dank kush and let the inexorable tides of fate wash over you my fellow lumpenproletariat
>tfw people didnt know he was joking about this
one dollar extreme
That is what happens when you pander to edgy "Alt-Rigters".
they win control of the government?
>being so edgy that the stuffy elite censor you
>implying this isn't every comedians dream
Why was he so afraid of Paper Boy The Prince of the Suburbs, bros?
You wouldn't keep posting if you didn't care, and you shouldn't care about a show you don't like.
That's some odd logic comrade. Keep connecting those dots though, I'm sure it keeps ya happy.
Kill yourself, 9fag.
Every comic dreams of having people advertise them for free every day.
these threads are 90% mde fans trying to hypnotize plebbitors that love to hate things into giving free advertisement.
Wow never thought about it from this perspective
>Goes to HWNDU
>So uh, what do I do now?
>Absolutely 0 leadership or charisma
>Loiters around shuffling his feet for 2 hours
>Runs up to the camera at the end and says Shia "isnt a man" and runs away
Why was he whining to Tim that he doesn't have health insurance when he was just bragging a few days after Trump won that he made a ton of money betting on Trumps win? Is he one of the (((chosen)))?
Has anyone given him health insurance? maybe he can sign up for Obamacare
I think the video you linked to cut off the funny part.
holy shit I just realized that about his name
holy fucc that's odd
honestly what was there to do there if everyone is just yelling and being obnoxious, especially when that's half of Sam's shtick
Taltneless hack. It was so hillarious and pathetic hearing him cry to Tim. MUH HEALTH INSURANCE
OYC rip off
He was truly exposed and his orbiters are the worst type of edgelords out there. On par with antifa.
Guess the wrong candidate won for him.
Anyone have a download link for his book?
>being this butthurt that Sam's appearance at HWNDU was hilarious and shia got totally assdamaged
You /r/ShitRedditSays leftist cucks desperately try to soon everything your way but it never works
Why can you not stop samefagging?
We know it's you.
honestly sam hyde does suck
Is there a middle ground between raging hypocritical sjw leftists and racist holocaust-denying alt-righters?
Especially when you consider that it was the only new show premiering, and as far as premiers go, it was pretty lackluster.
But go ahead and spin the facts anyway you need to, to feel better.
>he unironically believes the holocaust happened
I think we're done here.