Just finished watching it, What are some other movies like it?
Great movie btw, don't know why it took me so long to watch it
Just finished watching it, What are some other movies like it?
Great movie btw, don't know why it took me so long to watch it
Lovecraft is unfilmable
was this better than Jurassic park?
Apples and Oranges.
They're not comparable.
This movie and The thing definitely made horror movies my favourite genre.
Fuck off you retarded little cunt.
Great film, don't know why is so underrated
Best Lovecraftian film ever
Actually there's a black and white silent film version of Call of Cthulhu from 2005 which is really good. Probably the best lovecraft adaptation I've seen.
Whisperer in the Darkness is good too.
Ooh thanks user, new movie for the watch list
because disgusting 90's born fucks don't give a fuck about anything that isn't on facebook or their phone. Filthy fucking pieces of shit.
Other John Carpenter movies and the complete works of George Romero. The two great American kinetic filmmakers.
should I start with Dawn of the Dead?
tfw you dont read sutter cane
No. Work through his Dead movies chronologically stopping after either Day if you want to see nothing but good, Land if you can tolerate some weird mediocrity or just see them all if you love zombies and want to see a couple of experimental failures. Watch his other stuff whenever you feel like it. His non-zombie movies are actually pretty cool.
Conspiracy movies generally.
Try Videodrome. Great practical ffxs and simialar tone.
Thanks user
Alright I'll start making my way through that series now, thanks!
I've watched pretty much all of carpenters notable movies, but I'll definitely check out Romero
Start with NOTLD or The Crazies. Both are unabashed masterpieces. Why did Romero stop editing his own films?
>I've watched pretty much all of carpenters notable movies
Watch the non-notable ones. Carpenter is the GOAT.
Alien counts I guess
Angel Heart is great
You've earned it
I'll give the crazies a shot, seems like an interesting premise
I'm not watching the invisible man one because fuck Chevy Chase
You and I both know that's a god damn lie.
Prince of darkness and Reanimator are from the same "trilogy" and very similarw
>Angel Heart
Sounds like a better version of Twin Peaks, adding it to the list
Are any of the other Reanimators worth watching beyond the first?
It's one of Carpenter's least essential, but it's not bad. He uses Chase's narcissism to great effect, subverting the typical voyeurism usually present in 'invisible man' movie to present it more as a narcissist's nightmare - the inability to look at himself in the mirror. Fantastic Sam Neil performance too.
Bride is fantastic, though I haven't seen the other(s?).
I liked it. If you know a better supernatural noir I'm all ears.
Alright I'll add it to the list but check it out after I've watched the other ones.
There's a third one that was made in 2003 on the Syfy channel, but I'll definitely check out bride as well
if so check out Gummo its a great one
basicly the same genre
Damn, beat me to it.
Was just looking for an image.
What's that movie about a team of scientists having to contain monsters from mirror and in the end a woman sinking into deep water as the mirror portal closing
Prince of Darkness
I think that's prince of darkness, which I need to watch too
Find Dagon and Cast a Deadly Spell too.
That movie where Affleck was the bomb, yo.
>don't know why it took me so long to watch it
Next time don't forget to switch to 1.5x or 2x playback speed
>Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.
Dagon is decent, but then its adapted from one of his more filmable stories
Absolute garbage
Would Lovecraft's work ever be adaptable to a TV Show?
go to bed
If you think this is a great movie, leave this board
It's interesting but it is objectively not great
Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions.
Too bad the rest of the movie was complete shit. Amazing idea though.
Do you want to fall to Chaos? because that's how you fall to Chaos