You ever think that fat Mexican kid from Modern Family furiously faps to Sofia Vergara each time getting home and has even developed a mommy fetish out of it?
You ever think that fat Mexican kid from Modern Family furiously faps to Sofia Vergara each time getting home and has...
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He clearly bats for the other team dude
She probably gave him a drunken titjob after a wrap party
i know i would've
am i the only one who thinks she looks 40?
>that scene where she pushes him down with her heels on his chest
That's probably because she's 44.
i have no idea how old she is. she could be 40 i guess, but also younger. the make-up and voice does not help.
i see him becoming a sex addict and banging prositutes that resemble his co stars
is the kid supposed to be adopted or her biological son?
The son she had back in Cuba or some shit with another man
>that scene where she swaps seats with him in the car and gives him a faceful of ass
do they show the father? because he looks nothing like her
>hit puberty
>be around big tit ariel winter
>be around slim stacy co star
>be around curvy milf vergara
the poor kid.
i think they did at one point, he was a dadbeat. i think he looked a bit more like him than her at least.
yes, and he looks nothing like benjamin bratt either. But then again it's a fucking tv show and only autists would care
>those toes sticking out of the shoes
not a flattering look
>that top
Hollywood really did a fucking number on this girl, jesus christ
this guy
Post youtube pls
the whole "i don't want my parents to raise me anymore" thing didn't help.
This isn't even a question.
Why didn't he bury his face in that ass?
Didn't she claim the reason for her breast reduction was because she didn't want them to be the reason why she got attention?
who you think was her first?
What makes the family in the show a modern family?
>little asian kid
shes honestly turning into some kind of monster
she regrets it obviously. it was her sisters idea...who later got breast implants/
that whole family is nuts.
Except for the mom. she was the only one that knew what she was doing.
You made her this way. Talking about nothing but her giant boobs before she became an adult has turned her into what you see before you.
Hi Ariel
I'm sure that had little to nothing to do with it.
He looks now exactly like how his father must have looked.
They use Skype
do you think based Al.....?
this 6'2 chad from the show suffers from body disamorphya and is addicted to cosmetic surgery.
You now know
Some things are too obvious to question.
he has big hands
There are a family, and it's set in modern times.
Anyone else have a feeling that ginger fag dude is a bit of a douchebag?
for you
In real life?
Who /foodmania/ here?
Contemporary Family didn't sound as good
Well, maybe douchebag is a bit of a strong word. But, not a chill guy you want to hang with rather.
what did she mean by this?
>hey look, i didnt cut my ass off! and im still young enough that there isnt cellulite all over it
She goes from being the sexiest milf to a hag seemingly at random.
Yes, a semen demon
Well, that's another picture in the collection.
Actually, he kept groping her ass, they had to film the scene 46 times and he only stopped after the director threatened to deport his family.
Ariel "Breast Reduction was a Mistake" Winters
Hey, at least the interracial one isn't Black Guy/White Woman like everywhere else. Thinking now, I don't think there's a single black person in the entire series aside from a Kevin Hart cameo.
The series is actually surprisingly old fashioned.
I mean, the gays are straight up "offensive" stereotypes out of an 80s sitcom.
>tfw we will never see her reach her full potential
fake and gay
do you think she would've been hendricks sized? or larger?
like dominican poison (at full growth)
>he doesn't know that fags are like that in real life
hendricks at minimum
literally google his name
I have to admit, it was I.
what's his name? he's a literal who
post more tits I'm tryin' 'a cum 'ere!
pic related
>america lets its children mutilate themselves as long as they can pay for a surgeon to do it
jesus christ
I lined it when the kids barge in on them having sex.
You could clearly see Phil fucking her doggy style.
>as long as they can pay for a surgeon to do it
and a guardian and doctor sign off on it. The law failed her though when they allowed her to emancipate
you went full postal with that widening tool on photoshop.
Can you post the original one?
She regrets it hence all the ass shots on instagram
Why the fuck did she do it. What a fucking moron.
She shouldn't even bother trying to look slutty now that she lobbed off her tits. No man will ever want her sexually.
please post more of her
I think this post is his way of getting it off his chest
>his wifes son
>No man will ever want her sexually.
She's still a 34D for fucks sake.
>No man will ever want her sexually.
that kid is pretty much the archetype of Sup Forums's mommyposters
>she regrets it obviously. it was her sisters idea...who later got breast implants
Sometimes the most absurd comedy comes from real life. fuck
Too bad she doesn't have an ass.
>breast reduction? oh user you're so silly why would i do that?
>fat spic kid (the US is 30% beaner)
>asian kid (dude adopt foreign children lmao)
>fag couple
>beta dad
>le strong womyn mother
>slutty daughter
>autistic low IQ son and smart daughter
no just broken dreams
those feet are fucking incredible
pretty much but beta dad is more manchild dad. they love portraying / promoting white men as manchildren (see the big bang theory).
the kid is probably so fucked up that i wouldn't be surprised if he was a mommyposter on here
life imitating art in reverse
That's a funny way of saying he likes to take cock up the ass
holy shit thats comfy
reid ewing
it's kinda disturbing knowing how all the cast members are so fuckes up aside from based AL
Lucky bastard motorboats those tits all day.
How did he snag that?
made some mass child sacrifice to moloch
The kid is obviously gay. He's probably fapping to one of the numerous gays on the show.
>mommy fetish
>attracted to his cousin
is he /ourguy/?