>she adds that she is grateful for abortion laws that helped her with her "irresponsible" acts
well, Sup Forums, why do you think giving a woman rights is wrong? do you just enjoy being bigoted for no reason?
>she adds that she is grateful for abortion laws that helped her with her "irresponsible" acts
well, Sup Forums, why do you think giving a woman rights is wrong? do you just enjoy being bigoted for no reason?
You can't call me bigoted, I'm merely practicing my religious beliefs. Your move infidel.
OP I'm pro abortion
nice role model.
No wonder she got her own tv show. She already made a double sacrifice to Moloch.
wow what a shocking and surprising revelation
Disgusting. I wouldn't go anywhere near that haunted house minge.
I remember watching Fear of the Walking dead, and seeing her and thinking damn I bet this lady has had a lot of kids pulled out.
Her acting as a mother is very detached.
It is not about women's rights, it is about the murder of the unborn child.
>could have been a mother
>instead become a haggard single childless middle-aged purveyor of snark and lowest-common-denominator celebrity gossip
>"I'm so happy I don't have a damn! Haha! I could be stuck at home instead of being a single forty-five year old at bar. Haha! Look at how happy I am"
Keep telling yourself that, jewess.
Wow OP, I am now a #FetusSucker
wouldn't one be enough to start taking the pill and bringing condoms?
I'm not at all surprised. She seems like exactly the kind of whore that would sacrifice her children to Satan.
>the biggest issue of women in the 2016 election is whether they can kill their babbys or not
suffrage was a mistake
Chelsea HANDLER.
I thought this thread was about Chelsea Clinton's handler revealing that she had two abortions when was 16.
>tfw the girl destined to be my gf was aborted
I used to be a young liberal idiot in my late teens watching Jon Stewart all the time. I was always pro abortion because "hurr durr religion shouldn't have a say!" and I thought that was the main argument against abortion.
I blame the politicians for this one, the ones that are pro abortion seem to all base it off their religion rather than base it off of what exactly is a human being. Why is it okay to abort a child before a certain date? Is it all of a sudden a human being when it has fingers inside the womb? They need to drill home how arbitrary the abortion cutoff date is for pregnancies.
They also need more funding towards programs that help support newborn children if they ban all abortions though, which they seem to also be against.
But she looks so full of life in that picture.
We could have such conversations: Lint vs Dust Bunnies, artificial vanilla sweeteners, the color Gray...
So, is this person a thing in real life?
I fucking love abortion, it's a legal way to put down niggers, poor people and future criminals en mass
Fucking jej'd big time. Jesus Christ.
so killing childs is not murder anymore?
To be honest as non loser male I the posibility of unwarranted pregnancy scares me, I mean I have access to medicine that can induce an abortion but the whole ordeal is needlessly painful for all parties.
Only if it's before an arbitrarily chosen time frame! :^)
And who is Handler? Is she supposed to be a 'celebrity'? What is she celebrated for? Should I care more about her access to abortion than a poor, unknown woman?
>i'm famous. you should listen to me..
>as non loser male
what's that?
Nigga, that ain't her. Kek
Someone who has sex whenever he wants without paying.
show me the american woman who does not have access to abortion…..
so what are they bitching about exactly?
Chelsea Handler has a similar face to Elizabeth Banks. They are both blonde Jewesses.
What is it about their faces? Something about it is off-putting.
Elizabeth Banks is oddly hot, though. I would happily fuck Banks.
Before this thread I would have fucked Chelsea Handler without complaint but now that I know her womb is a haunted house of horrors, it would probably kill my boner.
Is this why she always has her tits out?
>Why else would they be here unless they like to fuck
you're a dumb subhuman who doesn't see the bigger picture
Explain the bigger picture Mr plus size Ubermensch
Anyone below this post is feeding a sliding thread. Sage
she's admitted to being a coal burner to boot
she is gross beyond imagination
never gets old
>(((People))) killing their own children.
Sounds good to me.
Niggas died in there.
If you want to legalize prenatal murder, at least call it what it is
id still let her take a big fat kike shit in my mouth
I think being raped and being impregnated that way is the only excuse for abortion other then that u know what the fuck you're doing dumbas
irrelevant subhumans aren't worth my time
explains the heavy drinking.
Some jewess that had 5 minutes of fame a decade ago for being a whore, and is trying to be relevant again.
Expect her to enter rehab, fake a suicide, or release a sex tape in the next 50 days.
Majority of women vote against abortion
I can't believe she's actually managed to go down in my estimation.
Now on negative 1076 points.
Abortion shouldn't be a lifestyle choice. And this stronk woman obviously never learnt responsibility and self respect.
let's get it over with and get the nudes posted...
And now she's old, wrinkled and childless. She just better shut her bitch mouth about how I raise mine.
I used to be anti-abortion until I started to actually fuck girls.
The thought of having an unwanted pregnancy with a girl I wouldn't comfortably be able to say I would spend the life is very concerning to me and for the welfare of the child. I don't want to have children until I have the means and resources to provide the children with a stable upbringing and that I am confident it is to a woman I will be able to spend my life with so the children are raised in a loving household with both parents.
They'll still fuck you over if they choose to have the child no matter what you want. And they'll never vote their preferential treatment away. They're supposed to be equal but they need alimony and child support, and beta orbiters like you will help them politically while pretending to be alphas, when in reality you can't stop thinking with your dick.
That's why you don't engage in degenerate behaviour you fucking slut enabler
thats why you only have sex after marriage you degen
>implying you have the "right" to infringe on others' rights
When do I get my right to slit peoples' throats in broad daylight? Do I need a vagina first?
That's easy to say for you virgins to say but sex is an important part of relationships nowadays. Why I would be retarded enough to marry her without being certain we would be together for life? Why I would I, by choice put myself in a position to have half my shit stolen if she wanted to fuck me over?
you know i dont get what the big deal is. if she wants increased chances of cervical cancer let her
its like god punishes them and every thing balances out
>Someone who has sex whenever he wants
as an actual normalfag i will inform you that:
1. you are not that
2. that's not common
A fucking leaf
>That's easy to say for you virgins to say
Congratulations you're arguing like a woman one sentence in
Hmm what's down this rabbit hole?
>woman celebrity reveals something from their past
always has something to do with being a victim and the street cred that it entails, always
>Why I would be retarded enough to marry her without being certain we would be together for life?
Except that "the grass is always greener" attitude is why most marriages fail these days, you fuckwit.
When there's little downside to ending marriage outside the post-divorce settling of affairs, why bother putting much effort into the marriage in the first place?
we support free speech, we are not bigots
do you understand the meaning of bigot, OP, or do you just use it as a general insult?
That's great she only had to kill of her own children to get to be a... Literally who is this person?
sounds totally worth it!
Abortion is a good thing; it enables degenerates and undesirables to kill of their hellspawns, and, to top it off, they do it VOLUNTARILY. God bless abortion
>always has something to do with being a victim and the street cred that it entails, always
Yeah I remember the one time some babies got on my nerves so hard I pictured their skulls with scissors
Yeah, I've been through a lot, but I'm a survivor!
literally who
Are abortions free? What's the point of funding it if i can't drop a girl off and get her a free abortion?
She didn't have an abortion. The fetus choose seppuku.
Cannot agree more. If someone is degenerate enough to desire an abortion, they shouldn't be raising children anyways.