What went wrong with late night hosts?
What went wrong with late night hosts?
they all say the same thing
We all agree that Conan is best right?
Carson retired
Letterman retired
Ferguson retired
All their replacements are either unfunny hacks who cater to normies, or political propagandists who cater to lefties.
they are roughly the same person
James Corden was a mistake
Either him or Kimmel.
Best political - Maher
Best comedy - Conan
this, pretty much
For what it's worth, yes. His show is watchable and the specials are actively enjoyable.
Americans have no Graham Norton equivalent and that's why the shows are stale and boring
Not even close
>Steven Colbert
used to be funny once in a while, now he's just faking everything, has no soul at all (look at his stupid fucking face he's a parody of himself)
the only one of these guys that is actually funny, notice he is embracing his awkwardness here and isn't posing like the other faggots
>trevor noah
le trump is evil man. not funny at all. awful.
>James Corden
who is this fat fuck and why is he "famous"? who thought this was a good idea? not because he's fat, because he's not funny at all. every commercial for him has him singing along in the car with some singer, who the fuck cares, its gay and not funny at all. he's even sucking on a juicebox cause he has to try so fucking hard to be funny
>Jimmy Kimmel
he is a passable host i guess but not the best
>John Oliver
fucking JUST tier smile, not only that but his politics are truly loathesome.
>seth myers
i actually liked him on SNL but now he really is a fucking faggot, shilling hard for hillary and just being a smugfag, forgot he was even on the air
>Nigger in a suit
Nigger in a suit
>Jimmy Fallon
Again i thought he had potential but he overreacts to everything and is a total tryhard also. not a genuine personality just does a shit ton of coke and acts like everything the guest says is fucking hillarious
Real time is actually a pretty good show desu and maher is reasonable ~90% of the time i say. He calls liberals on their bullshit a lot, calls republicans out even more. He also hates how muslims get a special pass for their fuckery and he honestly would be the chillest mofucker on here for that reason alone if it wasnt for conan
Kimmel, Fallon
Corden, Noah, Myers, Oliver, Nigger
James Corden's Karaoke is literally the worst thing I can think of on earth.
>le James Corden and [random nobody kardashian/other useless cunt] is everything
Wish i was fucking dead
He drank it already
Maher is probably the biggest turd
>state something that may or may not be true
>fail to offer any reasoning at all
Here's your (You).
you're probably a retarded as fuck conservative who thinks maher is a liberal scum because he said 1 thing you disagree with, when he seems for the most part a pretty non partisan person which is more than i can say for the others
i dont agree with everything he says but you dont have to. he brings diverse people onto his show. he calls out libs and repubs. better than most
>hurr look at my juice box, aren't I soooooo wacky?
Corden is a faggot.
Conan is the best host, but Graham Norton has a better show.
Your a joke
Yeah, though his monologues have been ridiculously political for a while.
david letterman retired