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fuk me
Moderate liberal reporting in
>dude weed lmao
objectively correct answer
Posting from phone because pleb
Seems about right.
I answered a lot of "maybes" though. Some of these issues I'm not educated on enough to reach a conclusion. We're dealing in repercussions, what are the repercussions of cutting government spending and taxes by 50%? I don't fucking know.
wew lad
Good responses
Decent responses
Pretty shit t b h
Meme Answer
This test sucked
I'm a libertarian voting for trump so this seems about right
This quiz is actually retarded. I am apparently "left - liberal' and I think niggers are subhuman, the Holocaust didn't happen, Hitler was right about the Jews and SJW's are a cancer.
Consider I'm quite classic liberal/libertarian so a minority in Italy. I doubt you will get a more liberal sentiment from the average italian. Majority of them will be stuck in the "big govt" area.
get that libertarian bullshit out of here. you're either a conservative or a cuck
Pretty much what I expected. Pretty happy with the results.
>I think niggers are subhuman, the Holocaust didn't happen, Hitler was right about the Jews and SJW's are a cancer.
lol none of that would make you a liberal.
It's just what a lot of liberals agree about.
gary johnson actually increased the government of new mexico by 7%.
>Cucked by own leader
I'm libertarian only in my views on the federal government though.
libertarians are almost as delusional as liberals
Every time I take one of these damn political quizzes on a laugh they end up saying I'm a centre leaning leftist.
Does this mean I'm not allowed to vote for Trump anymore?
plenty of disillusioned leftists are voting trump. Just prove your loyalty by shitposting straya
here are both for comparison
Not an argument.
When did Sup Forums become mentally ill?
read my post above lazy ass. your folk hero gary johnson is a sham
just about right.
>Implying that I think GJ is a "folk hero" of Libertarianism.
Also not an argument.
o shit im a neonazi
>describes self as libertarian
>Libertarian Party
>Selects Gary Johnson for president twice in a row
>Gary Johnson increased the size of government
if you don't see the obvious connection and argument, you're a blind follower of ideology just like the SJWs
Not bad a bad quiz, but it's a little off for me because while I'm right on most things, I'm pro legalized drugs. Thins out those who would just fuck up their lives in some other way anyway.
Doesn't surprise me at all
He's a LINO. Just like how Roboto is a RINO.
that test is bad and you should feel bad.
>Libertarians choose gary johnson over true libertarians in their convention
>not of party of cucks
>Implying I would ever choose Johnson for the Libertarian ticket.
Joking aside, there are loads of people from the Libertarian camp that are not pleased with GJ and even less with Bill Weld. The "followers" of the ideology are still here, but they aren't hopping on the Johnson bandwagon.
This is false. Everything else says I'm slight Right-Wing Authoritarian
at least you know about your party. too many libertarians blindly support their ideology and support gary johnson. my favorite are the nevertrumpers going to johnson xD
I would agree that Gary Johnson is Libertarian in name only. And certainly his VP pick.
In my opinion, most of the true Libertarians still around are from the '08 and '12 Paul campaigns, and did their reading, or found out since then and got at least a grasp of some core ideas of the party. The newcomers are the Bernouts and nevertrumps like you mentioned. The same type that would grasp on to anything without an R or D next to their name.
hey brother, do you have a big penis also?
im betting we all have about 7-9 inch's in the undergarment region.
So basically you're a fascist.
Libertarian on the way
Because it was fucking rigged, plus the other candidates were literally who because Gary was the only one with any sort of press coverage.
This one is my fave. Bit more accurate.
fug, i just like my freedoms
ron paul was rock solid on domestical issues yes. but his foreign policy was cancer. allowing a resurgent iran and letting the eurofags police the middle east would throw the region into even more chaos with syria's everywhere as terrorism increases unchecked
>5 questions can somehow estimate where I am politically
>claiming the system was rigged when everyone agreed to the same rules to participate
that argument is one of the most pathetic presented by both trumpeters and berniebots. why didn't anyone complain about the rules for the previous elections? if you don't like the rules, gather support and change them. if you can't gather enough support, then obviously your rules aren't best for the party
What do I get
Kinda innacurate, there are not nearly enough questions or themes to actually get a good idea of where you really stand.
100 100 Libertarian.
Trump supporter checking in.
That is completely hypothetical. And one of Paul's convictions was that our (and by extension our allies) involvement in the middle-east is what festered this terrorist plague in the first place.
I'm not a lolbertarian but if you just let the Middle East do their own thing, won't it be them vs Israel?
This sounds like a good thing to me.
Well I do prefer china's system so I guess I am a statist.
of course our idiot policies were what got us in this mess in the first place. but if your house is on fire, you don't just sit outside and watch it burn. you call up the firemen and try to put out the fire. we can't change the past, but its retarded to pull out now. not putting pressure in iran is a dumb thing. letting the eurofags do policing is a dumb thing because as we've seen through libya and syria, the eurofags are terrible in the middle east. we have to stop them from blowing it all up.
lol can't argue with you there leaf. but after the kikes are gone, its us next on the list
They only hate the US due to their influence on the region.
can't change the past leaf. the mudslimes will stop at nothing to eradicate all the infidels. that includes you leaf no matter how much your prime cuck trudeau sucks their dicks
I think your analogy is a bit off. If you start a house on fire, you should stop shooting off roman candles and marching around with an open oxygen tank on your back. Then you should call the insurance company and fess up that you were the idiot that started the fire even though you thought it was fun at the time to shoot fireworks at old man Jenkin's house.
Meh. This might be about right.
what does this makes me?
a bit of a dick
i also think your analogy is a bit off. when there's BLM protesting in your lawn, are you just going to let them do it. you KNOW that its only a matter of time until BLM breaks your shit, but when you call the police and try to tell them to fuck off, a brawl starts and your house is on fire.
Regardless, the point is that it doesn't matter whose fault it is. the past is the past. obviously you don't continue the same policies but you don't just let things burn down around you. fight the fire first so that you can change later
These tests are always bullshit because they never ask intention, just action.
A boot licker.
There is a difference when you're the one that instigated the confrontation and when an outside party is.
I wouldn't have a problem booting some protesters off my lawn. I do however have a problem with people that see violence towards the west (not that I endorse it by any measure) and just shrug and say "what's got into them?"
similar but further from center and it swings to conservative
get rekt stormfags
caveat: I'm usually more centrist on these polls, but obviously this one allows for even less nuance than average.
why? , this test was shit, many of the questions were too ambiguous
i chose no internet censor, no obligatory military service, .
yes to drug laws
national id card obligatory
and corporate welfare,sex laws, free trade, social security, government welfare and cut taxes were too ambiguous
I never said that I was one of those ppl that just shrug and say 'whats got into them'. in fact I explicitly said otherwise. But when you have iranian radicals overthrow the shah for just seeking medical treatment in america (we didn't draw the iranian borders btw) and end decades of peaceful secular rule, and then attack our embassy while vowing to fight us till the end. that sure sounds like an analogy to protestors on my lawn.
Let's deal with them when they are on our lawn then. Till that time we shouldn't reinforce our authoritarian reputation overseas. I would argue the U.S. has toppled it's fair share of peaceful secular rulers.
I think we are more or less in agreement though, I'd post up on your rooftop if it came down to it.