Zombie movie

>Zombie movie
>Character start off in the safest place to be during this situation
>"We can't stay here. We've got to get to this other place"
>"How do you know there's anything there?"
>"I don't."
>They embark on a dangerous journey and many other characters die in the process
>Get to other place
>There's nothing there

Name 2 flicks, a movie, and a kino that do this

28 Days Later

>zombie movie
>Shoot them in the heads newbs

How on earth would someone not know how to fucking deal with a zombie in this day and age? Even if you were fucking Amish you'd probably have a decent idea.

>humans are the real monsters

A hospital in London is hardly the safest place, and the countryside is considerably safer

More population = more zombies, and more marauders; and vice versa

I loved the Dawn of the Dead remake, but their reason for leaving the mall was dumb.
>fuck this secure mall with a food court, pharmacy, and a shitload of supplies, let's go to some island with countless super fast zombies in our way

>zombie movie
>people are more dangerous than zombies

- Just bite
- MAYBE they run, if it's nuZom

- Guns, definitely can run, have a location to protect, and will kill you for food, water, vehicle, etc

>Zombie movie
>character starts out in a graveyard

It should be the first thing they try.

>Oh, it won't stop trying to kill me?
>Well I'd shoot a human in the head, why not this thing?

>I'd shoot a human in their head
yeah good luck with that fucktard. C E N T E R M A S S

name 297 Kinographies that do this

A lot of zombie movies try to take place in a universe in which there are no zombies in movies. That's why there's the long standing "tradition" of not even using the word "zombie."

I won't pretend it isn't retarded.

No but the apartment he was in with the taxi driver and his daughter was, especially after they raided a grocery in peace.

Delete this.

Their choice of destination might have been questionable but absolutely it was the right choice to leave. Sure you have supplies now, but clearly as the days dragged on, the volume of zombies outside was increasing rapidly. They had to leave then, otherwise they wouldn't have had a fighting chance when they did run out of food.

>Zombie series
>What are.. those.. things?
>Well we call 'm Headbiters
>*new people*
>How you guys dealing with those pastymcnasties?
>You mean.. Headbiters, right?
>You call 'm headbiters? we call 'm undeadsmellyfuckers
>thats a weird name, we just call them greygreedybiters
>wtf kinda name is that! they're obviously unhealthytoothchompers


They were out of water through and if iirc the grocery store was after they'd already left and been driving for awhile (Why after 28+ days a grocery store wasn't completely looted is beyond me though)

Walking dead sure went downhill after they started interacting with other groups


Weren't they more scared of the bikers and scavengers that would be drawn to it?

The store would have water.
And yes the grocery store was after they left but they were still in London, it was their first stop. Why not drive the car out, fill it up with supplies, then go back to the apartment that is demonstrably safe from infected?

You are right that it makes no sense it was still full of (even fresh) food.

Dawn of the Dead did this

>oi that's a funny name, I call them chazzwozzers

I can't understand how a zombie apocalypse could destroy the entire nation desu unless it's the practically indestructible zombies from Return of the Living Dead.
They are stupid and easy to identity. I don't see the virus spreading fast and wide enough in order for all governmental structure to collapse. The military could easily take care of zombies.

>Why isn't this work of fiction realistic?

Go fuck yourself and watch more film, pleb, and stop trying to be spoonfed like a fucking baby, you cancerous piece of shit.

>The incompetence of the American military

You see I am not actually questioning the existence of a zombie virus in a fictional movie, I am fine with that. I can buy magical elements in a story. I just don't think it makes sense that it plays out the way it does so often in zombie movies, i.e civilization being destroyed.

>zombie movie
>characters start walking backwards to blend in with the zombies
>it works!

post the copypasta

People would flee to the countryside in droves with that same mentality and quickly exhaust it's resources along with bringing the infection in short you're a retard

>Zombie movie
>One buff angry niggah who takes control
>One pasty white sad man who wants to rape the girl the moment society crumbles.


>there will never be an action-comedy series about Aussie hicks BBQing, bickering and killing zombies

Fuck this gay earth

Oh yes so they should just stay in London with millions of zombies, corpses littered everywhere, barely an resources, and hostile humans fighting over the scraps.

>Zombie movie
>All zombies, no matter their age, gender or race, make the exact same RAAAWR noise

Shit, their reason for even going to the mall was dumb. At least in the original it made perfect sense.
>walking along
>come across survivors
>where are you going?
>we're going to the shopping mall!

>Doesn't realize NotLD was playing with audience expectations

Or do the smart thing of holing up with resources and waiting for the whole thing to just blow over.

Especially since tons of retards would be running out to the countryside, the major cities wouldn't be that full in the end.

Except with the millions of zombies which already turned and started the panic to get people to flee, rotting corpses and other trash polluting the streets, and resources which were picked clean.

>The incompetence of the American military
>Blind Japanese samurai and a Japanese otaku 2chan poster
>Stupid concepts like quislings and feral children
>Rich people now shovel poo and poor people now run society (cause all rich people are useless and never earned their way and all poor people aren't lazy and on welfare)
>Israel is best rael
>Is North Korea in a tunnel just hiding out or are they all zombies???????? It's like some kinda Schrodinger's cat of asians, so cool!
>"Muh dogs even though I hated them but now I attack people that do and now I'm in a special K9 unit durrrrrrr"
>For some reason only this random African guy has ONE CRAZY PLAN that will save us and nobody else could ever come up with such a brilliant strategy
>Every character is unrealistically descriptive for "interviews", like it's some lonely Jewish hack writing a shitty fiction book that'll be gobbled up by Americans

remake Dawn didn't have any bikers or scavengers

In the Romero-verse, all you have to do is die. There is no "virus." So right off the bat, every single corpse gets up and walks. The zombies had a head start.

Imagine the chaos that would cause.

I like world war z but this 10/10 pasta

Would've made a great movie, but nope, we get Brad Pitt drinking Pepsis and zombies which can run at 75mph

>We all just hid in the pub drinking beer till them biters walked straight into the outback, nothing gets back from the outback.

You could make the same argument of the countryside too though.

And most cities have a shit ton of supplies along with hiding places. Assuming a ton of people turned zombie and/or left, that means there would be plenty of supplies and plenty of hiding places in the event that you needed or wanted to move elsewhere.

The taxi guy in 28 Days had the right idea (before he left) and a good situation. The infected couldn't get in his apartment and all he had to do was occasionally go out and get supplies, of which there were clearly plenty. Even his lack of water was solved within a few days (granted, that is pretty variable by location).

Day of the Dead avoids this, now that I think about it zombies in Night and Dawn didn't really make any noise other from small grunts

I know in most zombie movies there's a "Snow belt" which would freeze the zombies due to them not having body heat, but has there ever been a "Heat belt" where the weather is so hot they would practically decay in a day or their brains would just shrivel up due to heat exposure?

Name 4 kinos, 7 films, 3 movies, 5 flicks, 2 joints and a feature presentation that do this

That concept has only ever been in Zombie Survival Guide/World War Z

wasn't it implied that they were already running out of their supplies, I think the old lady who gets shot by the black guy mentions something along the lines

they told them before that the way they want to go is already fucked, and it's not like they had any better option though

Z nation has it, but nobody else that I can remember has ever suggested that No body heat + Below Freezing temperature = zombiecicle

>zombie apocalypse
>not wearing based armour
>not having big ass two handed sword
>not forming an anti-zombie order with your friends

Romero zombies at least seem to be resistant to decay, Day of the Dead is like 10 years after shit goes down and there's still bride and clown zombies walking around

Are there a lot of tanks on US soil? Seems like they could just run thousands of zombies over. I know that tanks aren't 100% reliable, but you could also use semis, dump trucks, etc.

dude! slow zombies? lmao what year is it? 1844? haha

Until enough zombie guts (Like less than a dozen) gum up your engines and everything else to the point that your vehicle shits itself and you're in a 4wheeled metal coffin in a middle of a road surrounded by zombies which are very attracted to the loud sound you just made

umm my katana could easily grant me many more kills than your uncultured western weaponry ;)

I'd like to see more films with very small amounts of zombies like Braindead or Evil Dead (demons I know, but essentially zombies) It's always a lot more tense. It gets to a point where there's no difference between 50 zombies or 50,000, the threat is the same

weak bait mate

Telltale's Walking Dead games had that as a pretty big plot point, their 'goal' was to go north enough that the walkers would be either slowed or stopped entirely by the extreme cold.
Don't think it actually worked too well though, they were still there in a giant snowstorm, stumbling about.

Tanks are designed to take artillery hits while plowing through muck, trees and corpses their engines don't get "gummed up"

Kenny did literally nothing wrong

I mean in all honesty it would probably be a better choice than lugging around a big sword. Still a shit idea regardless

>like it's some lonely Jewish hack writing a shitty fiction book that'll be gobbled up by Americans

katanas were shit tier swords
>shit idea
>zombies can't do you nothing
>don't have to worry about ammo

Their threads do. Ever see a tank in the mud?

Can't disagree with that. Only got around to finishing Season 2 a few weeks ago, he was based as fuck till the end. Truly a good guy.
left him alone in the wild to enter Wellington though

Katanas are 2handed too and they're complete shit at cutting through bone.

I just mean a smaller sword would be more practical so in that sense a katana would be better. The point of big ass swords is to do damage to armour, you're only going up against rotting flesh so what's the reason to carry around something heavier that can slow you down more?

Dont forget to teleport behind them, faggot


A machete is the only bladed weapon you should carry.

>Small blade for tight corners and for easy holstering
>One handed
>Designed to chop through thick stalks of plants rapidly and cleanly

cutting off head is the best way to fight zombies but not always you have a chance to do this, somethimes you rather cut off his leg, or arm to buy some time and to actually break a bone you need something big

That book is a classic case of the author making bad assumptions and then building badly off that. Now everyone treats it like the bible of the zombie apocalypse despite that.

Mira Grant's Newflesh trilogy is much better in that regard. Post-apoc society actually building within the containment/safety areas really well.

Thing is, if you got knocked down you'd be like a can of meat with dozens of several hundred pound bags of flesh ontop of you, there's no getting out of it.

>but I won't get knocked down
There's gonna be some skeleton tier zombies that weigh nothing sure, but there's also going to be dozens of fully grown 6 foot tall quarterback Chad zombies going at you.
Plus swinging a sword through flesh and bone is pretty exhausting I imagine, you're gonna get overwhelmed eventually.

>Zombie apocalypse shows which never depict the panic and terror or the early moments of the outbreak. Or never show what was going on leading up to the z-day.

Fear The Walking Dead was a real piece of shit, but I was interested in how they were going to actually portray the outbreak instead of a "lol coma skipped everything" type of thing.
But then they skipped it.

Why not go to a pub.

>patient zero
>ground zero outbreak site
>gradual steady spread of the virus across the globe in a matter of weeks
>POTUS gets word from intel community about a week before Z-Day
>third world goes dark one country at a time
>final days living in a doomed world
>collapse of society as grid breaks down
>initial onset of panic and anarchy and chaos as the first days pass

all i want out of zombie apocalypse shit. My favorite scenes of Night are the ones with the tv or radio on in the background, characters watching news reports, those posses of lawmen and gunowners riding around the country side hunting down roving packs of zombies.

Was looking forward to it as well. Then after the firebombing of LA (admittedly cool to see happen) it was all "We're on a boat!"

>Zombie apocalypse movie/TV show
>Women are portrayed as take no prisoners asskickers

Let's talk about what would ACTUALLY happen to women during a zombie apocalypse

The comic book of Snowpiercer did this. Shit was cash and should have been the ending of the movie.

> "We heard music from a transmission. It's the first time we catch something which means there is still life somewhere."
> Embark on a perilous journey where the train has to go off the rails and cross the Atlantic ocean.
> The Main character is forced to let literally half the train get destroyed during the process
> Resources are scarce, people are dying.
> Main character is determined to go on if it means his crew isn't the last persons on earth.
> Revolt starts up. A good chunk of the peoples are murdered including a few important characters.
> "The music is getting stronger. We need to move forward."
> Finally get to it.
> The music is coming from an abandoned radio that plays music on loop. Nobody is there and the place is completely useless.
> Last page is the mc going back to the ship and preparing himself to tell the truth to everyone.

>hey everyone we're gonna show you how the zombie apocalypse broke out and spread and how the world came to an end
>remember, all that cool shit we skipped over because Rick was in a coma?
>lol syke we're gonna skip it too

The pilot was pretty good, and some parts of the next few too. The "living in a doomed world" factor was top tier. The main couple stuck on that freeway, the teens watching the zombie get wasted. That riot turned zombie mob should have been way fucking better.

Fucking AMC jews cheaped the fuck out hardcore

Fear is still better than the original though.

Or maybe it was the last half season (Lesbian adventure in the woods!) that just pissed me off too much

lo pan magic

>zombie movie
>they never go out to sea, or up a mountain

Literally the first thing that any sane person would do.

Trying to think of another show/film which is all about the build up to a zombie apocalypse now. Thinking iZombie might be it. Strive as they might it doesn't look like Ravi, Liv, Major, Clive and Peyton are going to succeed in stopping it.

>Go to sea

>Zombies walk
>You're pinned to a summet

What are everyones favourite zombie films?

28 weeks/days later for me are the dogs bollocks

I hope theres a 28 years later Which features a small network of military men who were safe inside government compounds like deep in the mountain base of norad and shit
Also why have Castles never been used as a haven in these films? 10 feet thick stone walls in some cases are hardly gonna be overwhelmed by some zombies.

>Also why have Castles never been used as a haven in these films?
Probably the same reason castles could be pretty shitty centuries ago, when surrounded by enemies you're going to run out of food and starve eventually.
Zombies could make a pretty effective siege.

Plenty of food at sea if you can fish. In fact with most of the population gone the seas will start teeming with fish again.

Mountains are more of a struggle given that not only do you have to be a good enough hunter/gatherer to provide for the day-to-day calories but you still have to store enough aside for the winters too.

As much as everybody loves 28 days/weeks there probably won't ever be another one because the people who own the rights to the film all hate each other and refuse to speak to each other, much less work together.

As to why castles can't get used the only reason I can think of is that marauders or military would probably have taken control of them and they probably aren't too keen on sharing them

The problem with castles in a modern setting is that they're tourist attractions instead of ackshually fully-maintained/garrisoned fortresses with plenty of weaponry and years of supplies for hundreds of people.

>tfw no kino about a zombie outbreak in the High Middle Ages

>expecting logic in a zombie movie

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead
It's ridiculous and one of the Big Fucking Heroes is an abbo.

>what is pouring flammable liquid over the walls and burning the shit out of anything that comes close

i had in mind the tower of london which is still fully operational it has 2 tonne steel perfect working order drop gates

Abbos are pretty much half zombies already desu

No but that seems like something they would have fixed in the last 100 years of warfare so I'm going to choose to believe you're wrong

>tfw no kino about a zombie outbreak in the High Middle Ages
Dear God please make this happen

Army of Darkness?